| Brain Care CentreThe Brain Care Centre is as a non-profit organization stemming from the merger of NABIS (Northern Alberta Brain Injury Society) and EBIRS (Edmonton Brain Injury ReLearning Society) that was created on April 1, 2011. As we continue to fulfill our goals of providing support, service coordination to Brain Injury Survivors and their Caregivers as well as providing education, and increasing public awareness, Brain Care Centre offers programs and services at no cost to clients in its offices in Edmonton and Edson. Outreach services span from Edmonton and area, and include Drayton Valley and the communities along Highway 16 from Stony Plain all the way to Jasper. Visit www.braincarecentre.com for more information.
Health and Medicine
, Disorders
Volunteer Information for Brain Care Centre |
What services does your organization provide? Self-referral and family/caregiver referral is accepted. Call the Brain Care Centre Intake Coordinator, Carolyn Biron, at (780) 477-7575 extension 19. Intake involves getting basic demographic information, questions about the brain injury, and sending out consent to release medical information forms so diagnosis of brain injury can be verified.
Health Facility Discharges/Referrals from Professionals Health facilities planning patient discharge should also contact the Brain Care Centre Intake Coordinator, Carolyn Biron, at (780) 477-7575 extension 19. Referring professionals should fill out the form found on this link: click here to open the bcc-referral form. The referral form should be accompanied by the appropriate medical documentation verifying the diagnosis of brain injury (e.g.: discharge summary, neuropsychological assessment, MRI/CT report) Return the completed referral form via fax at (780) 474-4415, by mail, or by email to carolyn@braincarecentre.com. Please address faxes and lettermail Attn: Carolyn Biron.
WHAT WE DO:The Brain Care Centre (previously NABIS) has been doing whatever it takes for over 27 years to ensure brain injury survivors and caregivers receive adequate support. The following are some of the programs and services at Brain Care Centre:
Service Coordination Program Purpose:To coordinate services for individuals (age 18 or older) and families, who are affected by acquired a brain injury. Your Service Coordinator will provide: - Case Coordination
- Assist those affected by brain injury to connect with required resources and services (housing, financial, leisure/recreation, education, health, vocation, rehabilitation, entitlements, social opportunities etc.).
- Information and referral
- On-going support
- An action plan based on client needs
- Personal Advocacy
- Information and connection to existing Alberta Brain Injury Initiative programs (including `Supports for Community Living')
Survey and Promote Increased Community Capacity - Promote participation of clients in community and services that already exist
- Identify 'gaps in service' and explore how organizations might meet those needs
- Consult with community professionals, survivors, caregivers to strategize how people affected by brain injury could be further served
- Become a resource team member with other professionals in providing service to person's with a brain injury and their family in their community
- Create awareness about brain injury within the community
Support and Information - Assist survivors and their family/caregivers in determining and addressing their personal support, service requirements
- Provide information about brain injury, resources and educational opportunities to survivors, families and professionals and formal caregivers
Caregiver and Family Support - Family/caregiver input and participation is honored and included inperson centered planning
- Caregiver support and education is provided as needed with the option of entering the Brain Care Centre Support
Facilitation Program
Support Facilitation
The Support Facilitation Program is accessible at any point during the recovery process and is on going as needed.
One to One Supportive Counseling:This service includes one to one sessions designed to assist individuals, couples, and families with discovering and utilizing resources and strategies for maximizing wellness after brain injury. This process may include a review of intake information; identifying personal strengths and needs for support; goal setting; information about brain injury; introduction to coping strategies and educational resources; and/or referral to other resources.
Support Groups & Education:Support groups are the cornerstone of brain injury societies across North America. They are about people who have been affected by brain injury (both survivors and caregivers) coming together to receive and to share strength and encouragement from knowing that there are others struggling with similar concerns and looking for practical solutions. The Brain Care Centre also periodically offers workshops and short-term courses designed to respond to specific client needs. In the past these have included the topics of anger management, parenting, self-esteem, and brain injury, substance abuse and other psychosocial issues. Special focus groups have been designed to provide support for young adults, women, caregivers, and to facilitate peer interaction
Support-Focused Advocacy:Brain Care Centre strives to empower and equip individuals and families to be their own best advocates in attaining quality services. Support-focused advocacy helps clients attain an improved quality of life by gaining access to appropriate services and community supports.
Family and Caregiver Support:Short term counseling, support groups, education, and advocacy are available to family members and caregivers of brain injury survivors.
Current Groups:For more detailed information about Support Services (Edmonton), for intake appointments, and to inquire about groups, please phone Teresa or Jaimie at (780) 479-1757.
Brian Care Centre Support Groups:There is no fee for support groups or workshops but participants are invited to become members of Brian Care Centre. Pre-registration is required; contact Teresa or Jaimie. New members are welcome, as space permits. See Calendar for group meeting times and dates.
Young Adult Groups Thursday Evenings, 7 - 9 pm Facilitator: Jaimie Schmidt These groups are for young adult survivors of brain injury between the ages of 18 and 30. The young adult groups are dedicated to encouraging peer support, self-awareness, adjustment and social inclusion. Our focus continues to be on promoting adjustment and personal growth through positive peer relationships, facilitated discussion and creative expression. Opportunities for sharing, identifying and developing coping strategies and creating natural peer supports are explored during the course of each meeting. The group meets bi-monthly for two hours each session, with programmed activities and community events taking place on alternative dates. For registration contact Jamie at 780-477-757 ext. 13.
Women's Support Group Edmonton Office Fridays 10:00-11:45am. Facilitator: Ashley Brosda
For adult women with acquired brain injury, this group focuses on issues related to women, health and wellness and provides opportunities for peer support. Members of the group will have the opportunity to explore the many successes and challenges associated with living with brain injury. For registration contact Ashley at 780-477-7575 ext. 34.
Men's Support Group Edmonton Office Fridays 1:30 - 3:30 pm Facilitator: Mitchell Tokarek For adult men with acquired brain injury, this group focuses on issues in which and provides peer support. Members of the group will participate in activities centered on the many successes and challenges associated in living with a brain injury. For registration contact Mitchell at 780-477-7575 ext. 33.
SUBI (Substance Abuse) Thursdays 3:15pm-4:30pm Facilitator: Julie Hanson This harm reduction group is designed for individuals with acquired brain injury who are working to overcome substance abuse and addiction. This group seeks to inform and support individuals in a safe, healing environment. For registration contact Julie at 780-477-7575 ext. 29.
Club Brain Care Centre Communication Group Edmonton Office Every Second and Last Wednesday of the month (with some exceptions - see the Brain Care Centre calender) 1:30-3:00 pm
Club Brain Care Centre promotes peer connection, healthy living and provides opportunities for discussion. This group meets on the second and last Wednesday of every month. Drop in's most welcome! Call the Brain Care Centre for registration 780.477.7575.
Information: Brain Care Centre continues to offer comprehensive, up to date information related to brain injury and community resources both on our website and by phone. Service staff now play a role in responding to calls coming in to Brain Care Centre every day. This change has proven to better serve our community as we can ensure that the team member assigned to answer the information call line will be available. Furthermore, sharing the responsibility of providing information has afforded everyone on the team with a better shared understanding of current brain injury and community resources. Brain Care Centre's Information Program actively participates in the community through attending an information display at the University of Alberta Neurosurgery Unit, as well as conducting numerous other community presentations.
Intakes: The Intake Coordinator, Carolyn Biron, processes intakes made by self-referral or referral from professionals supporting those living in the community. She also works directly with hospital staff to arrange for Brain Care Centre support to commence upon discharge. Call 780 477-7575 Ext. 19 |
Do you have any age requirements? Brain Care Centre has a minimum age requirement of 16 years old. |
Do you require language proficiency other than in English? Other languages are an asset, but not needed. |
What time commitment(s) are you expecting from a volunteer? We request at least a three month commitment. |
Are there any other requirements for being a volunteer? A police and vulnerable persons check is to be completed. Signed oath of confidentiality. |
Are there any specific skills and experience required? Experience with people affected by brain injury is an asset. |
What type of volunteer positions are typically available? Leisure companions - working with clients in the community Office support - greeting people in the office, answering phones, etc. Special Events Online volunteering |
Do you provide training for volunteers? Training is provided and 1-1. |
How will a person benefit from volunteering with Brain Care Centre?
- Our everlasting gratitude and heartfelt thanks at the end of every shift.
- A sense of accomplishment from being able to help out BCC clients as well as staff.
- Have a meaningful, positive impact on the local community
- Make a difference in an individual's life by enabling their participation in activities in the community
- Formal recognition at the BCC Annual General Meeting as well as during National Volunteer Week.
- Develop interpersonal and communication skills
- Personal growth and development
- Written and/or oral reference after at least three months of satisfactory service.
Do you accept high school students? Absolutely! |
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