Volunteer for Search and Rescue Organizations in Canada
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Volunteer information and opportunities from Search and Rescue Organizations in Canada. You can also view fewer results of Search and Rescue Organizations by selecting a specific city or province from the menu to the right. Search and rescue organizations include the Coast Guard, and various local search and rescue groups. They usually work in collaboration with emergency and rescue services, and also the police, when people go missing or disaster strikes.
Alberta Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society
1441 Aviation Park NE, Calgary, Alberta
STARS is a charitable, non-profit organization, and the STARS Foundation is the fundraising arm of the organization.
Keywords: Search and Rescue
· Health
· Emergency and Safety
Volunteer Profile of Alberta Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society
Arrowsmith Search and Rescue Society
3237 Alberni Highway, Qualicum Beach, British Columbia
Arrowsmith Search & Rescue was started in the early sixties. In 1986 the Arrowsmith Search & Rescue Society was formed. Since it's start Arrowsmith Search & Rescue has become a fully integrated member of District 69 Emergency Services.
Keywords: Search and Rescue
· Emergency and Safety
Volunteer Profile of Arrowsmith Search and Rescue Society
Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary Garde cotiere auxiliaire canadienne
47 Riverview, Gatineau, Quebec
The Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary saves life on the water.
Keywords: Search and Rescue
· Emergency and Safety
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary
Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary Maritimes
22 Oceanview Dr, Halifax, Nova Scotia
The Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary Maritimes (CCGA-M) is a nonprofit organization and a registered charity made up of 800 volunteer members and nearly 500 privately owned vessels throughout New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Iles de la Madeleine.
Keywords: Search and Rescue
· Emergency and Safety
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary Maritimes
Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary Newfoundland
St. John's, Newfoundland
The Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary (CCGA) is a nonprofit organization and a registered charity made up of volunteer resources throughout Canada. The CCGA has been in existence since 1978 and provides assistance to the Coast Guard and the National Defense with Search and Rescue and Safe Boating programs.
Keywords: Search and Rescue
· Emergency and Safety
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary Newfoundland
Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary Pacific
6040 East Sooke Road, Sooke, British Columbia
Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue (RCM-SAR)'s mission is to save lives on the water.
RCM-SAR is comprised of over 1,000 unpaid professionals spread throughout 46 community-based stations in B.C. Our crews are provide 24/7 marine search and rescue service 365 days a year. If necessary, our volunteers are willing and ready to risk their lives to help anyone in distress on the water.
Keywords: Search and Rescue
· Emergency and Safety
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary Pacific
Coquitlam Search and Rescue Society
1300 Pine Tree Way, Coquitlam, British Columbia
Coquitlam SAR is an entirely volunteer driven organization. We rely on the support of our community to buy equipment and pay for training that prepare us to carry out the dozens of life saving rescues we do every year.
Keywords: Search and Rescue
· Emergency and Safety
Volunteer Profile of Coquitlam Search and Rescue Society
Delta Marine Rescue Society
Delta, British Columbia
Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue, Station 8 - Delta, supported by the Delta Marine Rescue Society has been providing marine Search and Rescue services and Boating Safety education in South Delta since 1976.
Keywords: Search and Rescue
· Emergency and Safety
Volunteer Profile of Delta Marine Rescue Society
Eastern Shore Ground Search and Rescue Team
5688 Hwy7, Chezzetcook, Nova Scotia
Eastern Shore Ground Search and Rescue is a community based organization made up completely by volunteers who believe and share a common goal - their dedication to saving lives.
Keywords: Search and Rescue
· Emergency and Safety
Volunteer Profile of Eastern Shore Ground Search and Rescue Team
First Nations Emergency Services Society
102 - 70 Orwell Street, North Vancouver, British Columbia
First Nations' Emergency Services Society of British Columbia (FNESS) is incorporated under the Society Act of British Columbia. Our mission is to assist First Nations in developing and sustaining safer and healthier communities
Keywords: Search and Rescue
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Emergency and Safety
Volunteer Profile of First Nations Emergency Services Society
Municipality of the District of Chester Fire & Emergency Response
151 King Street, Suite 212, Chester, Nova Scotia
To serve the citizens and visitors to the Municipality of the District of Chester by making it a safer place to live and work by providing protection of life, property, and the environment from the effects of fires, medical emergencies, and all hazards within our communities.
Keywords: Search and Rescue
· Emergency and Safety
Volunteer Profile of Municipality of the District of Chester Fire & Emergency Response
North Shore Lifeboat Society
West Vancouver, British Columbia
On the North Shore some 50 volunteers of the CCGA units 1 and 2 (Howe Sound & Deep Cove) provide an on-call response for marine emergencies in surrounding waters in all seas and weather conditions.
Keywords: Search and Rescue
· Emergency and Safety
Volunteer Profile of North Shore Lifeboat Society
Pickering Auxiliary Rescue Association
1235 Radom St., #89, Pickering, Ontario
The Pickering Auxiliary Rescue Association (PARA) is a not-for-profit charitable organization dedicated to the preservation of life on the water. We are made up entirely of volunteers whose main purpose is to operate a marine rescue service to protect mariners, assist police, fire, and ambulance services in emergency situations. PARA is also active in encouraging boater and public awareness of water safety.
Keywords: Search and Rescue
Volunteer Profile of Pickering Auxiliary Rescue Association
Sauvetage Canada Rescue
1791 Rue Principale, Saint-Joseph-du-Lac, Quebec
A multi-disciplinary, non-governmental organization (NGO), composed of versatile personnel working on a volunteer basis to assist the authorities in emergency situations. The group is composed of active, reserve and affiliate members involved in operations, technical services (including a canine section), or support services.
Keywords: Search and Rescue
· Emergency and Safety
Volunteer Profile of Sauvetage Canada Rescue
Stephenville Search and Rescue
Box 564, Station Main, Stephenville, Newfoundland
Founded in 1983 the Thirty six volunteer members are experienced in forest searches and water rescues. Provide support for the RCMP when requested. Resources include a command van, a Zodiac, all-terrain vehicles, snowmachines, electric generator and spot lights, tents, and small 4-wheel-drive vehicles.
Keywords: Search and Rescue
Volunteer Profile of Stephenville Search and Rescue
Sunshine Coast Marine Rescue Society
Halfmoon Bay, Sechelt, British Columbia
The Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue (RCMSAR) includes over 1400 volunteers throughout the coastal waters of British Columbia who offer their time and commitment to actively providing search and rescue services. Called "the unsung heroes in our communities" by past Fisheries and Oceans minister Fred Mifflin, the RCMSAR volunteers have been a part of the Search and Rescue network for 20 years.
Keywords: Search and Rescue
· Emergency and Safety
Volunteer Profile of Sunshine Coast Marine Rescue Society
Vernon Search & Rescue Group Society
9850 Aberdeen Rd, Vernon, British Columbia
Since 1960, Vernon Search and Rescue have been dedicated in providing a search and rescue service to British Columbia.
"We are involved in but not limited to: ground searches, water searches, rescues, recoveries for the Coroner's Services, RCMP evidence searches and evacuations for fire or flooding."
Through Emergency Management BC (EMBC), formerly the Provincial Emergency Program, VSAR may also be called upon to assist the BC Ambulance Service, local Fire Departments, BC Forestry Service and also support other SAR teams throughout the Province - Mutual Aid.
Keywords: Search and Rescue
· Emergency and Safety
Volunteer Profile of Vernon Search & Rescue Group Society
Westcoast Inland Search and Rescue Society
1712 Cedar Street, Ucluelet, British Columbia
A non-profit society whose purpose is to provide search and rescue assistance to the Provincial Emergency Program of the Province of British Columbia on land and inland waters in the communities of Tofino and Ucluelet.
Keywords: Search and Rescue
· Emergency and Safety
Volunteer Profile of Westcoast Inland Search and Rescue Society