Volunteer information and opportunities from Science and Technology Organizations in Canada. You can also view fewer results of Science and Technology Organizations by selecting a specific city or province from the menu to the right.
Those groups that focus on educating people on science and technology fall under this category. This includes organizations such as public learning centers, academic societies, and research institutes.
A.S.T.C. Science World Society
1455 Quebec Street, Vancouver, British Columbia
Science World is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to engaging British Columbians in science and inspiring future science and technology leadership in our province.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of A.S.T.C. Science World Society
Agricultural Institute of Canada Foundation
9 Corvus Court, Suite 900, Ottawa, Ontario
The Agricultural Institute of Canada Foundation (AICF) is a national charity, established in 1987, whose mission is to inspire knowledge and understanding of the importance of sustainable agriculture to society.
Keywords: Science and Technology
Volunteer Profile of Agricultural Institute of Canada Foundation
Alberta Science Network
70 High Street SE, Calgary, Alberta
To encourage scientific literacy throughout Alberta, ASN brings students and teachers together with trusted experts who share their real-life knowledge and experiences in a live, interactive format. We specialize in unique face-to-face interactions between volunteer scientists, engineers and technologists, and Alberta teachers and students.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Alberta Science Network
Apegm Foundation Inc
870 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg, Manitoba
APEGM is the leader and a facilitator of the process that ensures excellence in engineering, geoscience and applied technology for the public of Manitoba.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Apegm Foundation Inc
Atlantic Science Links Association
Dalhousie University, Earth Sciences Department, Halifax, Nova Scotia
The Atlantic Science Links Association (ASLA) is a charitable science promotion organization which coordinates outreach programs for students in grades primary to twelve.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Atlantic Science Links Association
Bay Area Science and Engineering Fair
135 Fennell Ave West, Room F175, Hamilton, Ontario
For over 50 years, the Bay Area Science & Engineering Fair has provided a forum for students in the Hamilton/Halton area to develop their scientific skills and prepare for national and international competition.
BASEF - one of the oldest and largest science fairs in Canada - is a registered charity and relies entirely on volunteers and sponsors.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Bay Area Science and Engineering Fair
Big Little Science Centre Society
711 Windsor Avenue, Bert Edwards Science and Technology School, Kamloops, British Columbia
The BIG Little Science Centre Society (BLSCS) was established in October 2002 and registered as a charitable organization in September 2003. The Society has a leadership of volunteer directors who meet monthly. The current Volunteer Board represents a diverse range of experience and skills including education, accounting, engineering, business, science and the trades.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Big Little Science Centre Society
Bridgepoint Health Research Institute
16 St. Matthews Road, Toronto, Ontario
For patients and their families living with complex health conditions, Bridgepoint is the expert partner that makes an active commitment to get them back to their lives.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Bridgepoint Health Research Institute
Bulkley Valley Centre for Natural Resources Research and Management
1188 Main Street, Room 2, ground floor, Smithers, British Columbia
The Bulkley Valley Research Centre (BVRC) is an independent, not-for-profit society conducting high-quality, interdisciplinary research on natural and cultural resources. We create learning and extension opportunities for both our members and the community through workshops, conferences and other networking events, and support our community by promoting the region and investing locally. Our purpose is to provide the science required for sustainable resource management.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Bulkley Valley Centre for Natural Resources Research and Management
Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists Foundation La Fondation De L'association Canadienne Des Technici
1000 - 85 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario
As medical radiation technologists, we are essential, caring contributors to the healthcare team for Canadians. In an environment of rapid technological change and innovation, we remain at the leading edge of practice as we establish and expand the evidence base of our profession. We are recognized within the health system and the wider community as an authoritative voice in medical imaging and radiation therapies, and engage internationally as leaders in the profession.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists Foundation
Canadian Foundation for Dental Hygiene Research and Education
96 Centrepointe Drive, Ottawa, Ontario
The Canadian Foundation for Dental Hygiene Research and Education (CFDHRE) exists to develop a fund to enable / enhance dental hygiene research and education in Canada, in order to enhance the oral health and well-being of Canadians.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Foundation for Dental Hygiene Research and Education
Canadian Organic Growers Inc
323 Chapel Street, Ottawa, Ontario
Canadian Organic Growers (COG) is a national charitable organization (13014 0494 RR0001) with members in all regions of Canada. COG is connected to the regions through eight regional Chapters, four affiliated organizations, and to the international organic community through membership in the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM).
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Organic Growers Inc
Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists
30 Concourse Gate, Unit #3, Ottawa, Ontario
The Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP) is the national voluntary organization of pharmacists committed to patient care through the advancement of safe, effective medication use in hospitals and other collaborative healthcare settings.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists
Canadian Society of Soil Science La soci‚t‚ canadienne de science du sol
Pinawa, Manitoba
The Canadian Society of Soil Science (CSSS) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization for scientists, engineers, technologists, administrators and students involved in professional soil science.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Society of Soil Science
Canadian Urban Institute Toronto
555 Richmond St West, Suite 402, Toronto, Ontario
The Canadian Urban Institute (CUI) was established in 1990 in Toronto as Canada's applied urban policy institute. CUI is a public good enterprise 95% funded through project work. We provide applied research, education/training and communication to improve the processes and policies needed to make informed decisions about urban assets.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Urban Institute Toronto
CSEG Foundation
640 8 Ave SW, Suite 600, Calgary, Alberta
The CSEG Foundation is the registered charitable arm of the Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (CSEG). Our mission is to encourage and support scientific, educational and charitable activities that benefit geophysicists through the solicitation of contributions aimed at promoting the development of geophysical knowledge, education and public awareness. Based in Calgary, we are a Canadian foundation with initiatives all across Canada.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of CSEG Foundation
Development of Ontarian Engineers and Resources Inc
62 Warwick Ave, Ajax, Ontario
Development of Ontarian Engineers and Resources Inc. (DOERs) is a registered not-for-profit charitable organization established in 2004 which aims to educate and train Ontarian Internationally Trained Engineers (ITEs) to meet Canadian engineering standards through direct work opportunities.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Development of Ontarian Engineers and Resources Inc
Dream Now Canada
377 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario
Helping young people start community projects. Helping people get jobs that make money and do good.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Dream Now Canada
Branch: Red Deer
100 College Blvd, Office 1615, Red Deer College, Red Deer, Alberta
A division of the non profit organisation Science Alberta Foundation and funded by the Rural Alberta Development Fund, Edacity exists to bring real-world science to rural high school students across Alberta.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Edacity
Branch: Fort McMurray
8115 Franklin Avenue, Rm S209A, Keyano College, Fort McMurray, Alberta
A division of the non profit organisation Science Alberta Foundation and funded by the Rural Alberta Development Fund, Edacity exists to bring real-world science to rural high school students across Alberta.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Edacity
Branch: Lethbridge
A735E University Hall University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta
A division of the non profit organisation Science Alberta Foundation and funded by the Rural Alberta Development Fund, Edacity exists to bring real-world science to rural high school students across Alberta.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Edacity
Branch: Calgary
3512 33 Street NW, Suite 260, Calgary, Alberta
A division of the non profit organisation Science Alberta Foundation and funded by the Rural Alberta Development Fund, Edacity exists to bring real-world science to rural high school students across Alberta.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Edacity
Edmonton Science Outreach Network Society
10537 44 St., Edmonton, Alberta
To encourage scientific literacy throughout Alberta, ASN brings students and teachers together with trusted experts who share their real-life knowledge and experiences in a live, interactive format. We specialize in unique face-to-face interactions between volunteer scientists, engineers and technologists, and Alberta teachers and students.\r\nDue to support from the Government of Alberta and generous donors, most of our programs are offered to schools at no cost.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Edmonton Science Outreach Network Society
Engineers Without Borders Canada Ingenieurs Sans Frontieres Canada
366 Adelaide St W, Suite 601, Toronto, Ontario
Engineers Without Borders is a vibrant community of thousands of innovative students, professionals and fellows working to create systemic change in Canada and Sub-Saharan Africa. Our Community is made up of students and professionals who apply our leadership model, Systems Change Leadership, to tackle these issues. Leaders engage with EWB through our 39 Canadian chapters, six distributed teams, four Fellowship programs, and 13 ventures.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Engineers Without Borders Canada
Everdale Organic Farm and Environmental Learning Centre
5812 Sixth Line, Hillsburgh, Ontario
Everdale's mission is to be a farm-based organization that provides hands-on, solution-based food and farming education to build and engage healthy local communities. To accomplish this we deliver a wide range of hands-on learning programs on food and farming to people of all ages and backgrounds.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Environment
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Everdale Organic Farm and Environmental Learning Centre
First Nations Technology Council
100 Park Royal South, Suite 118, West Vancouver, British Columbia
The Technology Council was mandated back in 2002 to ensure that all of British Columbia's 203 First Nations communities have access to the Internet and the capacity to utilize digital technologies to the fullest potential.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
Volunteer Profile of First Nations Technology Council
Fundy Geological Museum
162 Two Islands Road, Parrsboro, Nova Scotia
The Fundy Geological Museum is the world centre for experiencing geological history interpreted from the unique features of Nova Scotia's fundy region.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Museums and Archives
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Fundy Geological Museum
Genuine Progress Index Atlantic Society
535 Indian Point Road, Glen Haven, Nova Scotia
GPIAtlantic is a non-profit research and education organization that is creating a Genuine Progress Index for the small Canadian province of Nova Scotia.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Genuine Progress Index Atlantic Society
HR MacMillan Space Centre
1100 Chestnut St, Vancouver, British Columbia
The HR MacMillan Space Centre is a non-profit society dedicated to educate, inspire and evoke a sense of wonder about the Universe, our planet and space exploration.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of HR MacMillan Space Centre
KPU Science World
12666 72 Avenue, Surrey, British Columbia
Kwantlen Polytechnic University & Science World have partnered together to host a speaker series.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of KPU Science World
Ladies Learning Code
483 Queen Street West, 3rd Floor, Toronto, Ontario
We are a not-for-profit organization with the mission to become the leading resource for women and youth to become passionate builders - not just consumers - of technology by learning technical skills in a hands-on, social, and collaborative way.
Keywords: Women
· Science and Technology
Volunteer Profile of Ladies Learning Code
Let's Talk Science
1584 North Routledge Park, London, Ontario
Let's Talk Science is an award-winning, national, charitable organization focused on education and outreach to support youth development. We create and deliver unique learning programs and services that engage children, youth and educators in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Let's Talk Science
Ontario Agri-Food Education Inc
8560 Tremaine Road, Milton, Ontario
Ontario Agri-Food Education Inc. (OAFE) is a registered charity incorporated under the Agricultural and Horticultural Organizations Act of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. OAFE was created in 1991 with the mission of building awareness and understanding of the importance of an agriculture and food system. The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food provides baseline funding in support of OAFE's programs and services.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Ontario Agri-Food Education Inc
Ottawa Regional Science Fair
50 Leonard Ave., Ottawa, Ontario
The Ottawa Regional Science Fair is organized and run by a volunteer organization to encourage students in the Ottawa-Carleton Region, from grades 7 to 12, to research, develop, and present projects in the fields of science and engineering. Students from both public and private schools in the region are invited to enter projects in the fair.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Ottawa Regional Science Fair
Philip Beesley Architect Inc
7 Melville Street South, Cambridge, Ontario
Philip Beesley Architect Inc. (PBAI) is a small, energetic Toronto based interdisciplinary design firm associated with the University of Waterloo.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Philip Beesley Architect Inc
Saskatchewan Conservation Learning Centre Inc.
800 Central Ave, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
The Saskatchewan Conservation Learning Centre Inc. (CLC) is a producer-driven, non-profit corporation with formal status as a registered charity.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Saskatchewan Conservation Learning Centre Inc.
Science North-Science Nord
100 Ramsey Lake Rd, Sudbury, Ontario
We will be the leader among science centres in providing inspirational, educational and entertaining science experiences.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Science North-Science Nord
Seymour Salmonid Society
Box 52221, Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve below the Seymour Falls Dam, North Vancouver, British Columbia
The Seymour Salmonid Society is a non-profit organization that is responsible for running the Seymour River Fish Hatchery and Education Centre.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Science and Technology
· Environment
· Education and Literacy
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Seymour Salmonid Society
Society for Canadian Women in Science and Technology
311 - 525 Seymour St., Vancouver, British Columbia
A non-profit association that promotes, encourages and empowers women and girls in science, engineering and technology.
Keywords: Women
· Science and Technology
Volunteer Profile of Society for Canadian Women in Science and Technology
The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia
4010 Regent St, Suite 200, Burnaby, British Columbia
The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia is the licensing and regulatory body responsible for BC's professional engineers and geoscientists. The association is charged with protecting public safety in BC by setting and maintaining high standards of professional practice and ethical conduct for its members and licensees.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia
The Burgess Shale Geoscience Foundation
201 Kicking Horse Ave, Field, British Columbia
The Burgess Shale Geoscience Foundation was established in 1993 to interpret and educate the Burgess Shale to the world. The Foundation has built strong partnerships with schools, universities, institutions and organizations locally, nationally and from around the world to promote the development of earth science education programs.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of The Burgess Shale Geoscience Foundation
The Canadian Society of Intestinal Research
855 W 12th Ave, Vancouver, British Columbia
We're committed to improving the lives of people with GI and liver conditions, supporting research, advocating for appropriate patient access to healthcare, and promoting gastrointestinal and liver health.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of The Canadian Society of Intestinal Research
The Dalhousie Medical Research Foundation
5850 College Street, 1-A1 Sir Charles Tupper Medical Building, Halifax, Nova Scotia
The Dalhousie Medical Research Foundation funds the many areas of research excellence undertaken in the Faculty of Medicine at Dalhousie University and its affiliated teaching hospitals.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of The Dalhousie Medical Research Foundation
The Discovery Centre
1593 Barrington St, Halifax, Nova Scotia
At the Discovery Centre we believe in a hands-on, minds-on philosophy, and it's the backbone for everything we do - from our exhibits, live science shows, workshops and community outreach to our science busking and summer camp programs.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of The Discovery Centre
The New Marine Centre Society
9811 Seaport Place, Sidney, British Columbia
The Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre is owned and operated by the New Marine Centre Society, a registered BC charity. This not-for-profit community facility is self supporting through admission fees, grants and donations. The Centre is managed by an Executive Director and operated by a small team of staff and dedicated volunteers.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of The New Marine Centre Society
The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Okanagan Centre
285 Terai Crt, Kelowna, British Columbia
The Okanagan Centre of the R.A.S.C. was formerly known as the Okanagan Astronomical Society, with Kelowna and Vernon members deciding to join with the R.A.S.C. in 1995, and Penticton members in 2010.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Okanagan Centre
The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Toronto Centre
770 Don Mills Road, Don Mills, Ontario
The RASC is Canada's leading astronomy organization, bringing together over 4,200 amateurs, educators and professionals in 29 Centres across the country.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Toronto Centre
The Vancouver Community Network
411 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver Community Network (VCN) is a non-profit Internet service provider that provides free services to assist individuals, community groups and non-profit organizations in accessing and utilizing the Internet to its fullest ability. We believe the information, resources and opportunities on the Internet should be accessible to all! We work to expand public access to computers and the Internet, provide educational services for their effective use and promote local content on the web.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of The Vancouver Community Network
UBC Life Sciences Circle
2329 West Mall, Vancouver Campus, Vancouver, British Columbia
UBC Life Sciences Circle is an outreach program for high school students. We offer free events to all high schools students who are interested in pursuing life sciences. Our sessions usually consist of a lecture given by a guest lecturer about a topic of their interest. Then we will proceed to further explore this topic either by visiting a lab, doing problem solving activities and discussions. There will be an opportunity for students to mingle with UBC students and ask questions about life science programs/courses, along with general inquiries about university life.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Leadership
· Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of UBC Life Sciences Circle
Western Manitoba Science Fair
637 10th Street, Brandon, Manitoba
The Western Manitoba Science Fair is the Regional Science Fair for Southwestern Manitoba and has been in operation since 1969. It provides an opportunity for students to showcase their scientific talent for their parents, teachers, and the community. Applicants come from grades 1 through 12, and this year there were 675 students with 456 projects from 27 schools!
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Western Manitoba Science Fair