Advancing Indigenous Missions
235 Princess Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba
AIM works primarily with the leaders of independent indigenous mission groups. Through visiting the indigenous missions and building relationships with them, AIM has come to know our indigenous mission leaders.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of Advancing Indigenous Missions
African Enterprise Association of Canada
4509 West 11th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia
Our mission is to evangelize the cities of Africa through Word and deed, in partnership with the Church.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of African Enterprise Association of Canada
Chalice Canada
445 Sackville Drive, Suite 1, Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia
We are a ministry of the Catholic Community, creating and nurturing relationships of life and love wherever we serve. Our Value Statement: Sharing Christ with all in need. Our Core Values: Faith, Integrity, Commitment, Compassion, Respect.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of Chalice Canada
Coastal Missions Society
Chemainus, British Columbia
We are ten missionaries with a wide variety of ages, backgrounds, skills, and personalities. When combined this variety and our team harmony is a hallmark of Coastal Missions.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of Coastal Missions Society
Fondation Pere-Menard
1195 Rue Sauve Est, Montreal, Quebec
In 1970, Father Eusebe Menard suggests to Fathers Marcel Paquette and Roger Ouimet, both members of the Society of the Holy Apostles, to create a foundation to meet the needs of his apostolate in Latin America.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of Fondation Pere-Menard
Intercede International
201 Stanton Street, Fort Erie, Ontario
We are a Christian body with the pourpose of estabish, encourage and strengthen and indigenous, New Testament witness for our Lord Jesus Christ among all nations
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
· International
Volunteer Profile of Intercede International
Into All the World Inc
51 Bond Crt, Guelph, Ontario
IATW is a non-profit organization, member of Canadian Council of Christian Charities, is a registered charity, and it is based out of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of Into All the World Inc
Les Petites Soeurs De L'assomption
5655, rue de Salaberry,4eD, Montreal, Quebec
We, Little Sisters of the Assumption, are apostolic religious women, who live in communities that are often international, in harmony with the intuition of our Founders Etienne Pernet and Antoinette Fage.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of Les Petites Soeurs De L'assomption
Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pilots Inc L'association Lutherienne Des Missionaires Et Aviateurs Inc
4966-92 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta
LAMP has been providing spiritual witness and nurturing faith in communities in northern remote areas of Canada since 1970 through the ministry of pastor/ missionary/pilots, and short and long-term volunteers-in-mission. Each year over 5,000 children, youth and adults are impacted by the ministry of LAMP.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pilots Inc
Lutheran Bible Translators of Canada
137 Queen Street South, Kitchener, Ontario
Lutheran Bible Translators of Canada is a charitable organization committed to global literacy and the translation of the Christian Scriptures into the heart languages of the world's people groups.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of Lutheran Bible Translators of Canada
Mission Partners International
1069 Clarke Rd, London, Ontario
Mission Partners is an outreach ministry to Children, Seniors, and Pastors in Ukraine and Belarus. Partnering together, we extend helping hands. With open hearts we can change the lives of those in need. Together, we can make a difference!
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of Mission Partners International
Mission Services of London Foundation
415 Hamilton Road, London, Ontario
We are a Christian faith-based social service agency with a focus on serving those who struggle with poverty and homelessness; men, women and children. We provide food, shelter, clothing, crisis intervention and rehabilitation.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of Mission Services of London Foundation
Missionfest Manitoba Inc.
877 Wilkes Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Missionfest Manitoba: Serving the Church of Manitoba for 25 years. Major Missions Conference on the first weekend of February each year.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of Missionfest Manitoba Inc.
Missionfest Toronto
1730 Mcpherson Court, Unit 2, Pickering, Ontario
MissionFest Toronto's purpose is to facilitate the gathering of churches, educators, mission organizations, and individuals from the Christian community; to work in unity in order to motivate, mobilize, and equip God's people to evangelize, disciple and care for the people of the world.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of Missionfest Toronto
My People International
Evansburg, Alberta
My People International (MPI) is a faith-based organization focused on developing the full capacity of Native North Americans. Though predominantly comprised of Native people, the staff and board of MPI reflect a strong commitment to Native leadership development in an intercultural setting.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of My People International
New Life Mission
Kamloops, British Columbia
Every year the New Life Mission sees hundreds of people walk through its doors to serve through their time, abilities and heart to serve the less fortunate of our community. We are so grateful for these volunteers whom without we would find it difficult to function.
Keywords: Religion
· Poverty
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of New Life Mission
Overseas Missionary Fellowship
5155 Spectrum Way, Building 21, Mississauga, Ontario
OMF is a global network of Christians proclaiming the glory of Jesus Christ among East Asia's peoples through fervent prayer, loving service and personal witness. Through God's grace and power we work to see a biblical church movement in each people group of East Asia. Our relationships with national churches provide meaningful opportunities for partnership in long-term and short-term outreach activities.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of Overseas Missionary Fellowship
Project L.A.M.B.S. International Inc.
Steinbach, Manitoba
Our Purpose and Goal is to help and equip people to become better disciples and servants for our Lord Jesus Christ.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of Project L.A.M.B.S. International Inc.
Reasons to Believe
386 Davis Road, Ladysmith, British Columbia
Reasons To Believe (RTB) Chapters exist to connect the ministry of RTB with communities around the world, uplifting and equipping fellow believers for productive dialogue that invites doubters and skeptics to follow Jesus Christ.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of Reasons to Believe
Scripture Union
1885 Clements Rd, Suite 226, Pickering, Ontario
Scripture Union traces its origins back to 1867 when a young man called Josiah Spiers shared the Gospel with children on a beach in Wales.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of Scripture Union
The Langham Partnership - Canada
6 Buttonwood Drive, Kitchener, Ontario
Langham Partnership is a global fellowship working in pursuit of the vision God entrusted to its founder, John Stott, to strengthen the growth of the church in maturity and Christlikeness through raising the standards of biblical preaching and teaching. The name "Langham" comes from All Souls Church, Langham Place, in London UK, where John Stott ministered for nearly 60 years.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of The Langham Partnership - Canada
The Navigators of Canada
11 St. Johns Drive, Arva, Ontario
The Navigators of Canada are a movement of people across the world who follow the teachings of Jesus and help individuals find their true purpose and meaning in life.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of The Navigators of Canada
The Welcome Home - A Mission of St Alphonsus Inc
188 Euclid Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba
The Welcome Home is a concrete response to the invitation of the gospel to make the choice Jesus made - the choice in favor of the poor.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of The Welcome Home - A Mission of St Alphonsus Inc
The Yonge Street Mission
270 Gerrard St. East, Toronto, Ontario
The Yonge Street Mission has been on the front lines of service since 1896, providing emergency help, and fostering long-term change in the lives of individuals, families and the community itself.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of The Yonge Street Mission
World Servants Canada Society
14425 - 80 Avenue, Surrey, British Columbia
To mobilize a global network of people to impact the world through Jesus Christ through responding to physical and spiritual needs.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of World Servants Canada Society
Youth With A Mission Jeunesse en mission
165, rue du college, Dunham, Quebec
We are a community of Christians who have the desire to know God better and make Him known. Our vision is to disciple and serve the nations of the world through relationships, through training, through sharing the message of the gospel, and serving those in need. It begins locally in the province of Quebec and other parts of Canada, and moves out internationally into the French-speaking world and beyond through our various ministries and training programs.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of Youth With A Mission
Youthworks Canadian Mission Services
2906 West Broadway, Suite 158, Vancouver, British Columbia
Each summer YouthWorks provides life-changing Christ-centered mission trips for over 30,000 students and adult leaders in over 70 communities across North America. Because we want everyone to experience a mission trip, we provide lots of affordable options while maintaining high quality experiences.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of Youthworks Canadian Mission Services