Volunteer in Hamilton, Ontario
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Information about volunteering and helping the 56 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Hamilton, Ontario. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Hamilton, other locations in Ontario, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
Absolute Leadership Development
44 Hughson St. North, Suite 400, Hamilton, Ontario
Live Different is a youth movement challenging ourselves and others to consistent actions of love, hope and change - both large and small. We believe that a changed heart can truly change the world.
Keywords: Leadership
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Absolute Leadership Development
Alternatives for Youth
100 Main St E, Suite 110, Hamilton, Ontario
Alternatives for Youth empowers youth to make positive choices that minimize the harm of substance use or addiction and to be engaged in positive ways in their community.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Alternatives for Youth
Alzheimer Society Haldimand Norfolk
1685 Main Street West, Suite 206, Hamilton, Ontario
The mission of the Alzheimer Society is to assist individuals and families as they deal with the personal and social consequences of Alzheimer's Disease and related disorders. The Alzheimer Society also strives to promote education, advocacy, and public awareness, and to support research into the cause, treatment and alleviation of dementia.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
· Alzheimer
Volunteer Profile of Alzheimer Society Haldimand Norfolk
Alzheimer Society of Hamilton and Halton
1685 Main St W, Suite 206, Hamilton, Ontario
The mission of the Alzheimer Society is to assist individuals and families as they deal with the personal and social consequences of Alzheimer's Disease and related disorders. The Alzheimer Society also strives to promote education, advocacy, and public awareness, and to support research into the cause, treatment and alleviation of dementia.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
· Alzheimer
Volunteer Profile of Alzheimer Society of Hamilton and Halton
Amity Goodwill Industries
225 King William Street, Hamilton, Ontario
Goodwill, The Amity Group is a social enterprise that helps people overcome employment barriers and obtain work, thereby increasing their dignity and independence within the community.
Keywords: Employment and Careers
Volunteer Profile of Amity Goodwill Industries
Animal Welfare Association of Hamilton
Box 57423, Jackson Station, Hamilton, Ontario
AWA is a registered charity, chartered in 1949, dedicated to rescuing abandoned, stray animals (mostly cats) and finding good homes for them.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Animal Welfare Association of Hamilton
Bay Area Science and Engineering Fair
135 Fennell Ave West, Room F175, Hamilton, Ontario
For over 50 years, the Bay Area Science & Engineering Fair has provided a forum for students in the Hamilton/Halton area to develop their scientific skills and prepare for national and international competition.
BASEF - one of the oldest and largest science fairs in Canada - is a registered charity and relies entirely on volunteers and sponsors.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Bay Area Science and Engineering Fair
BCM International (Canada) Inc
685 Main St E, Hamilton, Ontario
A global Bible Centered Ministry dedicated to making disciples of all age groups for the Lord Jesus Christ through evangelism, teaching, and training, so that churches are established and The Church strengthened.
Keywords: Religion
Volunteer Profile of BCM International (Canada) Inc
Bereaved Families of Ontario Hamilton Burlington
293 Wellington St N, Suite 118, Hamilton, Ontario
We are one of 13 Bereaved Families of Ontario affiliates throughout the province of Ontario.
Keywords: Family Support
· Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Bereaved Families of Ontario Hamilton Burlington
Brain Injury Services
225 King William Street, Suite 508, Hamilton, Ontario
Brain Injury Services works to broaden opportunities and advance independence for those adults living with an acquired brain injury.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
Volunteer Profile of Brain Injury Services
Cancer Assistance Program Mount Hamilton and District
569 Concession St, Hamilton, Ontario
The Cancer Assistance Program ( CAP ) is a community volunteer based organization servicing Hamilton and surrounding area. CAP was built on an identified need, the need of cancer patients and their families.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Cancer
Volunteer Profile of Cancer Assistance Program Mount Hamilton and District
Catholic Youth Organization
45 Frid Street, Suite 1, Hamilton, Ontario
The Catholic Youth Organization (C.Y.O.) is one of the oldest, strongest and most effective non-profit agencies in the Hamilton community. Over the past 50 years, the C.Y.O. has come to realize that raising a child is difficult, but raising a child with a profound physical or developmental disability can be beyond our imagination.
Keywords: Religion
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Catholic Youth Organization
Centre3 for Print and Media Arts
173 James Street North, Hamilton, Ontario
Keywords: Arts and Culture
· Art Councils
· Art
Volunteer Profile of Centre3 for Print and Media Arts
City of Hamilton Animal Services
247 Dartnall Road, Hamilton, Ontario
Animal Services' first priority is the health and safety of the general public. We respond to public requests to pick-up and impound stray dogs and stray animals that have been confined; removal of injured wildlife.....
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of City of Hamilton Animal Services
Earth Day Hamilton-Burlington
17 Head Street, Hamilton, Ontario
Earth Day Hamilton-Burlington is a volunteer driven non-profit organization committed to improving the environment through initiatives at schools, with business, and with the community. We are an accredited coordinator of Earth Day Canada.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Earth Day Hamilton-Burlington
Educational Archives and Heritage Centre
155 Macassa Ave., Hamilton, Ontario
The Archives were first established by the Hamilton Board of Education in 1988, as a place to house and properly preserve the official minute books, documents, student records and significant historic artifacts that told the story and held the history of the Hamilton Board and its schools.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Educational Archives and Heritage Centre
Friends of H.M.C.S. Haida
658 Catharine St N, Hamilton, Ontario
In 1984, the Historic sites and Monuments Board of Canada designated HMCS Haida as a National Historic Site. In 1989, Friends of HMCS Haida was formed to raise funds for projects that would assist in the preservation and maintenance of the ship.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Friends of H.M.C.S. Haida
Hamilton & District Extend-A-Family
293 Wellington St. N., Suite 127, Hamilton, Ontario
Hamilton & District Extend-A-Family is a not-for-profit community service that responds to the challenges faced by children and teens with special needs and their families.
We offer programs that provide respite and opportunities for fun and friendship with peers and volunteers in the community.
Keywords: Disabled
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Hamilton & District Extend-A-Family
Hamilton AIDS Network
140 King St E, Suite 101, Hamilton, Ontario
The AIDS Network is a registered charitable organization that offers services and education to people living in the communities of Hamilton, Halton, Haldimand, Norfolk and Brant.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Hamilton AIDS Network
Hamilton Burlington SPCA
245 Dartnall Road, Hamilton, Ontario
The Hamilton/Burlington SPCA (HBSPCA) is a private non-profit animal welfare charity. The HBSPCA protects animals from people, cares for animals in its companion animal hospital, kennels and foster homes and teaches responsible pet ownership.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Hamilton Burlington SPCA