Volunteer in Vancouver, British Columbia
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Information about volunteering and helping the 276 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Vancouver, British Columbia. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Vancouver, other locations in British Columbia, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
1atatime Rescue Society
2919 Georgia St E, Vancouver, British Columbia
In seven years of being in operation, 1atatime Rescue has found homes for over 300 death row animals (dogs and cats).
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of 1atatime Rescue Society
211 British Columbia Services Society
330-111 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia
bc211 is a nonprofit information and referral agency, and registered charity. bc211 also advocates in the community, operates educational workshops, and produces customized data products.
Keywords: Homeless and Housing
· Health
· Crisis Support
· Community Services
· Addictions
Volunteer Profile of 211 British Columbia Services Society
411 Seniors Centre Society
704-333 Terminal Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia
Under the direction of the 411 Seniors Centre Society, the 411 Seniors Centre is a multicultural, proactive resource centre in Vancouver where the community of members, volunteers and staff address seniors' issues and concerns; and social, recreational, nutritional, informational and counseling needs of members and clients.
Keywords: Seniors
· Housing
Volunteer Profile of 411 Seniors Centre Society
A Little Night Music Society
6675 Wiltshire St, Vancouver, British Columbia
A Little Night Music was founded by Derek MacDermot in 1972 and is currently led by Peter Stigings. The Orchestra continues to fulfil Derek's original vision of providing an opportunity for musicians of all ages and abilities to play in an orchestra for fun and improvement and to perform for others.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of A Little Night Music Society
A.S.T.C. Science World Society
1455 Quebec Street, Vancouver, British Columbia
Science World is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to engaging British Columbians in science and inspiring future science and technology leadership in our province.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of A.S.T.C. Science World Society
Aboriginal Physical Activity & Cultural Circle
6520 Salish Drive, Vancouver, British Columbia
The Aboriginal Physical Activity and Cultural Circle (APACC) is a network for Aboriginal people who are involved in Sports, Recreation, Fitness and Traditional Activities. APACC is a registered non-profit organization.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Seniors
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Disabled
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Aboriginal Physical Activity & Cultural Circle
Adam Va-Adamah Jewish Environmental Society
4088 Cambie St, Suite 201, Vancouver, British Columbia
Adam va-Adamah ("Humans and the Earth") is a regional affiliate of the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL), dedicated to educating British Columbians about Judaism's deeply-rooted environmental values. Adam va-Adamah was founded in 1998/5758 and is incorporated as a society in British Columbia.
Keywords: Religion
Volunteer Profile of Adam Va-Adamah Jewish Environmental Society
Adlerian Psychology Association of British Columbia
1818 West Broadway, Suite 230, Vancouver, British Columbia
We strive to enrich the community by offering parenting education and counselling services that benefits families, individuals, couples and businesses.
Keywords: Mental Health
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Adlerian Psychology Association of British Columbia
African Canadian Continuing Education Society
137-970 Burrard Street, Vancouver, British Columbia
ACCES exists to provide young Africans with the education and tools necessary to benefit themselves and their society.
Keywords: International
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of African Canadian Continuing Education Society
African Enterprise Association of Canada
4509 West 11th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia
Our mission is to evangelize the cities of Africa through Word and deed, in partnership with the Church.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of African Enterprise Association of Canada
Alternate Shelter Society
2661 East Hastings St, Suite 2, Vancouver, British Columbia
Alternate Shelter Society provides residential and support services to a population of youth described as abused, homeless, at risk and behaviorally disordered.
Keywords: Homeless and Housing
· Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Alternate Shelter Society
Alzheimer Society of BC
828 West 8th Avenue, Suite 300, Vancouver, British Columbia
The Alzheimer Society of B.C. exists to alleviate the personal and social consequences of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, to promote public awareness and to search for the causes and the cure.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
· Alzheimer
Volunteer Profile of Alzheimer Society of BC
Applause! Musicals Society
1050 Harwood St, Suite 903, Vancouver, British Columbia
APPLAUSE! Musicals Society, a registered non-profit charity, has been sharing the excitement and passion of great show tunes through a series of entertaining, historical and educational concerts & revues since 1997.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Applause! Musicals Society
Arbutus Shaughnessy Kerrisdale Friendship Society for Senior
700 57th Ave W, Vancouver, British Columbia
A. S. K. (The Arbutus, Shaughnessy, Kerrisdale Friendship Society) is an Adult Day Centre focusing on the well being of seniors and their caregivers.
Keywords: Seniors
· Independence
Volunteer Profile of Arbutus Shaughnessy Kerrisdale Friendship Society for Senior
Arts Club Theatre Company
1585 Johnston St, Vancouver, British Columbia
The Arts Club Theatre Company is the largest theatre company in Western Canada. Each year, over a quarter of a million people experience the best in professional theatre at its three venues: the Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage, Granville Island Stage, and Revue Stage, as well as on tour throughout the province.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Arts Club Theatre Company
Association of Neighbourhood Houses of Greater Vancouver
203-3102 Main St, Vancouver, British Columbia
Association of Neighbourhood Houses of British Columbia (ANHBC) is the umbrella organization under which each of eight Neighbourhood Houses and the Sasamat Outdoor Centre operate. The programs and services provided by ANHBC are locally-based but also supportive of Metro Vancouver and provincial initiatives.
Keywords: Housing
· Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Association of Neighbourhood Houses of Greater Vancouver
Atira Women's Resource Society
101 East Cordova Street, Vancouver, British Columbia
Atira Women's Resource Society (Atira) is a not-for-profit organization committed to the work of ending violence against women through providing direct service, as well as working to increase awareness of and education around the scope and impact on our communities of men's violence against women and children.
Keywords: Women
· Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Atira Women's Resource Society
B W S S Battered Womens Support Services Association
1424 Commercial Drive, Vancouver, British Columbia
We contribute to the freedom and liberation of girls and women from violence and to empower our community through training and education programs.
Keywords: Women
· Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of B W S S Battered Womens Support Services Association
Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival
203-456 West Broadway, Vancouver, British Columbia
Bard on the Beach was established in 1990 with a mandate to provide Vancouver residents and tourists with affordable, accessible Shakespearean productions of the finest quality. Begun as an Equity Co-op, Bard is now a fully professional company engaging dozens of talented artists, artisans, technicians and administrators.
Keywords: Theatre
· Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival
BC Adaptive Snowsports
780 SW Marine Drive, Vancouver, British Columbia
BC Adaptive Snowsports (formerly known as Disabled Skiers Association of BC), established in 1973 as a registered, charitable non-profit organization, supports and promotes the sport of adapted skiing and snowboarding as a form of recreation and rehabilitation for all participants, contributing to an overall active and healthy lifestyle for British Columbians.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of BC Adaptive Snowsports
Volunteering in Vancouver
Volunteering in British Columbia
Locations near Vancouver
(9 km): West Vancouver
(9 km): Burnaby
(13 km): Richmond
(13 km): North Vancouver
(16 km): New Westminster
(18 km): Port Moody
(20 km): Delta
(20 km): Bowen Island
(26 km): Tsawwassen
(26 km): Surrey
Latest Volunteer Profiles in Vancouver - (add profile)
The Arthritis SocietyThe Arthritis Society is dedicated to a vision of living well while creating a future without arthritis. The Society is Canada's principal health charity providing education, programs and support to the over 4.6 million Canadians living with arthritis.
West Coast LEAFWest Coast LEAF is the first and only organization in BC dedicated to promoting women’s equality through the law.
Alzheimer Society of BCThe Alzheimer Society of B.C. exists to alleviate the personal and social consequences of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, to promote public awareness and to search for the causes and the cure.
Youth Initiative VancouverHigh school students in Vancouver are all equipped with veritable arsenals of skills and experiences that they have accumulated from their experiences such as their education, their hobbies, or their culture. If we were to match volunteers with specific jobs that matched their skills and experiences, we believe that the volunteers will work more efficiently and contentedly. More importantly, they will have the opportunity for rapid personal development in a field in which they are interested. These opportunities will come from many different sources, and it is the job of Youth Initiative Vancouver to connect with these sources and search through all our registered volunteers for individuals with matching portfolios. We will continually monitor and evaluate our registered volunteers to ensure their commitment and quality of work.
Atira Women's Resource SocietyAtira Women's Resource Society (Atira) is a not-for-profit organization committed to the work of ending violence against women through providing direct service, as well as working to increase awareness of and education around the scope and impact on our communities of men's violence against women and children.
UBC Occupational Therapy and Heath SciencesOriginally a division within the School of Rehabilitation Sciences, the Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy emerged in July 2007. The department offers a wide array of educational and research opportunities, including an entry to practice graduate program: Master of Occupational Therapy, MOT; graduate research programs: MSc and PhD; and post-professional online: Master of rehabilitation science, MRSc and certificate programs.
UBC Life Sciences CircleUBC Life Sciences Circle is an outreach program for high school students. We offer free events to all high schools students who are interested in pursuing life sciences. Our sessions usually consist of a lecture given by a guest lecturer about a topic of their interest. Then we will proceed to further explore this topic either by visiting a lab, doing problem solving activities and discussions. There will be an opportunity for students to mingle with UBC students and ask questions about life science programs/courses, along with general inquiries about university life.
Car Free Day VancouverCar Free Day is a completely volunteer-led festival that occurs every year in June to celebrate healthier and happier communities - by promoting active transportation, community engagement and sustainability!
Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at UBC FarmThe Centre for Sustainable Food Systems (CSFS), located at UBC Farm, is a unique research centre that aims to understand and fundamentally transform local and global food systems towards a more sustainable, food-secure future. The centre is a living laboratory, committed to finding solutions to both the local and global challenges facing food systems sustainability and translating solutions to improve personal, community, and environmental health.
The Ride to Conquer Cancer Benefiting BC Cancer FoundationThe Ride is a unique 2 day cycling journey from Vancouver to Seattle, August 29th - 30th, 2015 that inspires awareness, ignites hope, and raises funds benefiting the BC Cancer Foundation. The Ride to Conquer Cancer is growing in strength and numbers and this year we are recruiting an even larger volunteer team to help us make the weekend as organized and as enjoyable as possible for all involved. Since it's inception in 2009 the Ride has raised nearly $60 Million in support of Cancer Research in BC.
Volunteer in Vancouver by Category
Adult Learning
Advocacy and Human Rights
Art Centres
Art Councils
Arts and Culture
Children and Youth
Community Services
Crime Prevention
Crisis Support
Cultural Centres
Education and Literacy
Employment and Careers
Family Services
Family Support
First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
Health and Medicine
Health Centres
Homeless and Housing
Hospice and Palliative Care
Immigrants and Refugees
Justice and Legal
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
Mental Health
Museums and Archives
Rescue and Adoption
Restorative Justice
Science and Technology
Sports and Recreation
Victim Services
Volunteer Centres