Volunteer in Toronto, Ontario
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Information about volunteering and helping the 552 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Toronto, Ontario. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Toronto, other locations in Ontario, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
Roots of Empathy
215 Spadina Ave, Suite 160, Toronto, Ontario
Roots of Empathy is an evidence-based classroom program that has shown significant effect in reducing levels of aggression among school children while raising social/emotional competence and increasing empathy.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Roots of Empathy
Rosedale-Moore Park Association
146 Crescent Rd., Toronto, Ontario
As early as 1933, the records show that the Moore Park neighbourhoods, thinking toward the future, had adopted a constitution to support a community association, including a community centre to serve the residents. This was a far-seeing concept because community centres did not become an integral part of the North American society until the post-war years. Moore Park, North Rosedale and South Rosedale were distinctly separate residents' groups prior to 1939, but all were thinking along the same lines. It made sense, when the residents agreed to work together, to form the Rosedale - Moore Park Community Council in 1946.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Rosedale-Moore Park Association
Royal Ontario Museum
100 Queens Park, Toronto, Ontario
The Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) is among the world's leading museums of natural history and world cultures. In combining a universal museum of cultures with that of natural history, the ROM offers an unusual breadth of experience to our audiences from around the world. We realize more acutely now that nature and humanity are intertwined, and the ROM offers many examples in its collections and programs of these fundamental relationships.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Royal Ontario Museum
Royal Ontario Museum - ROMkids
100 Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario
The Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) is among the world's leading museums of natural history and world cultures. In combining a universal museum of cultures with that of natural history, the ROM offers an unusual breadth of experience to our audiences from around the world. We realize more acutely now that nature and humanity are intertwined, and the ROM offers many examples in its collections and programs of these fundamental relationships.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Children and Youth
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Royal Ontario Museum - ROMkids
Runnymede Healthcare Centre
625 Runnymede Road, Toronto, Ontario
Runnymede Healthcare Centre has a long history of providing excellent care for adults with neurological disorders, musculoskeletal conditions and other chronic illnesses.
Keywords: Health Centres
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Runnymede Healthcare Centre
S.E.A.S. Centre
603 Whiteside Place, Toronto, Ontario
S.E.A.S.Centre ( Support enhance Access Service Centre) is a not -for-profit social service agency promoting individual well-being, enhancing family harmony, and encouraging community involvement in all walks of life through diverse program, volunteer opportunities and community activities.
Keywords: Cultural Centres
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of S.E.A.S. Centre
Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation
114 Richmond Street East, Toronto, Ontario
To proclaim Jesus Christ and the joy of the Gospel in Canada and globally by telling stories of hope that bring people closer to Christ and the Catholic faith.
Keywords: Religion
Volunteer Profile of Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation
Saturday Circle
103 Clinton Street, Toronto, Ontario
We organize supervised children's events for 6 to 10 years olds. Some examples of event programs include magic shows, scavenger hunts, Science Center day and fun with caricatures.
Keywords: Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Saturday Circle
Save the Children Canada Aide A L'enfance Canada
4141 Yonge Street, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario
Save the Children Canada is a member of Save the Children International, a network of 29 member organizations raising funds and operating programs domestically and internationally that focus on the issues of health and nutrition, education, HIV and AIDS, child protection, livelihoods and food security, emergency relief and child rights governance.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Save the Children Canada
Second Harvest
1450 Lodestar Rd., Unit 18, Toronto, Ontario
Second Harvest is the largest food rescue program in Canada. Since 1985, Second Harvest has been picking up donated, surplus food, which would otherwise go to waste, and delivering that food to community agencies in Toronto. Currently, Second Harvest delivers rescued food to over 220 social service agencies.
Keywords: Hunger
Volunteer Profile of Second Harvest
Self-Help Resource Centre of Greater Toronto
40 Orchard View Blvd, Suite 219, Toronto, Ontario
The Self Help Resource Centre is a non-profit organization that is funded by the United Way and the City of Toronto. We have been connecting people with peer support groups since 1987. These groups continue to support people in overcoming major life challenges and transitions on the path to improved health and happiness. We do this through training and supporting peer support group leaders, providing resources to groups, operating an online database and information line to refer people to groups, and through managing peer support programs at large organizations.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Self-Help Resource Centre of Greater Toronto
Senior Peoples' Resources in North Toronto Incorporated
140 Merton St, 2nd Floor, Toronto, Ontario
We began caring for seniors and enabling seniors to care for themselves in 1983. We continue to do so today as an accredited, not-for-profit community support service agency in Toronto by offering a wide range of practical and low-cost services to seniors and their caregivers. Our services help seniors stay safe, connected, and live as independently as possible, as well as prevent premature or inappropriate institutionalization.
Keywords: Seniors
· Independence
Volunteer Profile of Senior Peoples' Resources in North Toronto Incorporated
Seniors In Need
40 St. Clair Ave West, Suite 102, Toronto, Ontario
Seniors In NeedT is a grassroots organization and the inspiration of philanthropist Peter Cook and his wife, Barbara Burnett, who have been in the business of elder caring since 1985.
Keywords: Seniors
Volunteer Profile of Seniors In Need
Setter Sanctuary
Toronto, Ontario
Beautiful eyes and a heart-melting expression are hallmarks of the Setter family, as is a soft, silky coat with flowing feathers and unique colouring. English Setters show a variety of ticking and patches, typically in black & white (blue belton), orange & white (orange belton), or a canvas of black, tan & white (tricolour). The exuberant Irish Setter is the tallest of the setters with its rich chestnut or mahogany coat. The stable, loyal Gordon Setter sports a beautiful black and tan coat. The rare and ancient Irish Red & White Setter is described as white with deep red patches.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Setter Sanctuary
ShelterBox Canada
159 Jane Street, Office 2, Toronto, Ontario
ShelterBox responds to disasters around the world, providing the emergency shelter and lifesaving supplies families need to survive in the immediate aftermath of a disaster.
Keywords: Victim Services
· International
· Emergency and Safety
Volunteer Profile of ShelterBox Canada
Shepherd Village Inc.
3758/3760 Sheppard Ave E, Toronto, Ontario
Shepherd Village Inc. is a not-for-profit, charitable organization that was incorporated in 1958 as The Pentecostal Benevolent Association of Ontario by concerned business people and clergy of The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. On December 31, 1998 the name of the corporation was changed to Shepherd Village Inc.
Keywords: Seniors
· Housing
Volunteer Profile of Shepherd Village Inc.
Silayan Filipino Community Centre
240 Wellesley St. East, Suite 301, Toronto, Ontario
SCC is committed to providing culturally and linguistically appropriate information and referral services to new immigrants, youth, seniors and other members from the St. Jamestown, Cabbage Town, Regent Park and related communities from the Greater Toronto Area.
Keywords: Cultural Centres
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Silayan Filipino Community Centre
Silent Voice Canada Inc.
50 St. Clair Ave East, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario
Silent Voice is a not-for-profit charitable organization founded in 1975. We are the only organization in the GTA offering community and family-based support to Deaf children and adults in American Sign Language(ASL). We provide social-recreational programs in ASL for Deaf children and their hearing brothers and sisters and we teach hearing family members the language of ASL.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
Volunteer Profile of Silent Voice Canada Inc.
Sinfonia Toronto
3901 Don Mills Rd, Toronto, Ontario
Sinfonia Toronto consists of thirteen virtuoso strings. They perform standing, in the tradition of great European chamber orchestras, blending each musician's soloistic energy and passion into a brilliant ensemble style under Nurhan Arman's inspired direction.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Sinfonia Toronto
962 Bloor St. West, Toronto, Ontario
Sistering's Drop Ins provide basic services to women who are homeless, underhoused, low income or marginalized and are looking for a safe and welcoming place to go during the day. In a welcoming, non-judgmental environment women can access much-needed supports. Sistering serves a racially, culturally and linguistically diverse population in a positive environment through shared commitment to principles of equity and access.
Keywords: Women
Volunteer Profile of Sistering
Volunteering in Toronto
Volunteering in Ontario
Locations near Toronto
(9 km): Don Mills
(9 km): East York
(13 km): Downsview
(13 km): Willowdale
(13 km): Etobicoke
(13 km): Thornhill
(13 km): North York
(16 km): Scarborough
(18 km): Woodbridge
(18 km): Vaughan
Latest Volunteer Profiles in Toronto - (add profile)
The Arthritis SocietyThe Arthritis Society is dedicated to a vision of living well while creating a future without arthritis. The Society is Canada's principal health charity providing education, programs and support to the over 4.6 million Canadians living with arthritis.
Canadian Breast Cancer FoundationSince 1986, the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation has been at the forefront of a nation-wide movement to raise awareness and mobilize action on breast cancer. Today, the Foundation is the leading organization in Canada dedicated to creating a future without breast cancer. Our investments in vital research, education and health promotion programs have led progress in breast cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care.
Free The ChildrenFree The Children is an international charity and educational partner, operating collaborative programs both domestically and internationally.
Geneva Centre for Autism - Worktopia ProgramGeneva Centre for Autism is an international leader in the development and delivery of clinical intervention services and training.
Girl Guides of CanadaGirl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada, the organization of choice for girls and women, makes a positive difference in the life of every girl and woman who experiences Guiding so she can contribute responsibly to her communities.
The Peer Project-Youth Assisting YouthThe Peer Project helps at-risk and newcomer children and youth find their way, by pairing them with a youth mentor who can offer support and guidance.
ShelterBox CanadaShelterBox responds to disasters around the world, providing the emergency shelter and lifesaving supplies families need to survive in the immediate aftermath of a disaster.
Ronald McDonald House Charities TorontoEstablished in 1981, Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Toronto provides a 'home away from home' for seriously ill children and their families to heal better together.
Bleecker Wellesley Activity NetworkWe at the Bleecker/Wellesley Activity Network help create a happier, healthier environment for the seniors and disabled. We service a low income community in downtown Toronto, Ontario to help them reach out and break the isolation factor that is so prevelant in our present day society.
To provide our seniors with a feeling of safety, caring and independence. Our focus is to build stronger community awareness to help our most vulnerable residents to develop new friendships and get involved in outside activities making them less lonely and at less risk health and safety wise. Empowering our seniors and the physically or mentally disabled to establish relationships through community events and buddy systems so there is less isolation. Giving them the venues to become more self assured individuals and have others to reach out to break their isolation factor.
Special Olympics OntarioSpecial Olympics promotes opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy, and develop skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympic athletes and the community.
Volunteer in Toronto by Category
Adult Learning
Advocacy and Human Rights
Art Centres
Art Councils
Arts and Culture
Children and Youth
Community Services
Crisis Support
Cultural Centres
Education and Literacy
Emergency and Safety
Employment and Careers
Family Services
Family Support
First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
Health and Medicine
Health Centres
Homeless and Housing
Hospice and Palliative Care
Immigrants and Refugees
Justice and Legal
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
Mental Health
Museums and Archives
Rescue and Adoption
Science and Technology
Sports and Recreation
Victim Services
Volunteer Centres