Volunteer in Downsview, Ontario
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Information about volunteering and helping the 3 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Downsview, Ontario. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Downsview, other locations in Ontario, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
B'nai Brith Canada
15 Hove St, Downsview, Ontario
B'nai Brith Canada is a not for profit charitable organization and the independent voice of the Jewish community, representing its interests nationwide to government, NGO's and the wider Canadian public. Since 1875, B'nai Brith has been respected for its groundbreaking work on matters relating to antisemitism, racism and human rights, its strong advocacy on the pressing issues of the day, and the important social services it provides
Keywords: Seniors
· Hunger
· Housing
· Alzheimer
· Advocacy and Human Rights
Volunteer Profile of B'nai Brith Canada
The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Office De Protection De La Nature De Toronto
5 Shoreham Dr, Downsview, Ontario
Formed in the aftermath of Hurricane Hazel, TRCA has a strong history in watershed management and leadership in applying sustainability practices. Today, we own more than 40,000 acres of land in the Toronto region, employ more than 475 full time employees and coordinate more than 3,000 volunteers each year.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
Urban Cat Relief
Box 77553 RPO Sheppard Plaza, Downsview, Ontario
Urban Cat Relief (formerly Fostering Felines Cat Rescue and CATalyst Cat Rescue) is committed to helping people make a difference in the lives of homeless cats. All animals deserve to live with dignity and love, free from cruelty and abuse. Our goal is to ensure that every cat and kitten is treated with respect, care and compassion. Our mandate includes the rescue of domesticated stray and feral cats, as well as the safety and welfare of all cats in our communities.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Urban Cat Relief
Volunteering in Downsview
Volunteering in Ontario
Locations near Downsview
(9 km): Willowdale
(9 km): Woodbridge
(9 km): Thornhill
(9 km): North York
(9 km): Etobicoke
(13 km): Toronto
(13 km): Richmond Hill
(13 km): Don Mills
(16 km): East York
(20 km): Brampton
Latest Volunteer Profiles in Downsview - (add profile)
B'nai Brith CanadaB’nai Brith Canada is a not for profit charitable organization and the independent voice of the Jewish community, representing its interests nationwide to government, NGO’s and the wider Canadian public. Since 1875, B’nai Brith has been respected for its groundbreaking work on matters relating to antisemitism, racism and human rights, its strong advocacy on the pressing issues of the day, and the important social services it provides
The Toronto and Region Conservation AuthorityFormed in the aftermath of Hurricane Hazel, TRCA has a strong history in watershed management and leadership in applying sustainability practices. Today, we own more than 40,000 acres of land in the Toronto region, employ more than 475 full time employees and coordinate more than 3,000 volunteers each year.
Urban Cat ReliefUrban Cat Relief (formerly Fostering Felines Cat Rescue and CATalyst Cat Rescue) is committed to helping people make a difference in the lives of homeless cats. All animals deserve to live with dignity and love, free from cruelty and abuse. Our goal is to ensure that every cat and kitten is treated with respect, care and compassion. Our mandate includes the rescue of domesticated stray and feral cats, as well as the safety and welfare of all cats in our communities.
Volunteer in Downsview by Category
Advocacy and Human Rights
Rescue and Adoption