Volunteer in Thornhill, Ontario
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Information about volunteering and helping the 5 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Thornhill, Ontario. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Thornhill, other locations in Ontario, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
1st Four Arrows Youth Group
48 Dove Lane, Thornhill, Ontario
We are an all volunteer Catholic faith based youth movement, offering a traditional and exciting program for boys and girls with the 1st Four Arrows Group Federation of North-American Explorers (FNE).
Keywords: Children and Youth
· Camps
Volunteer Profile of 1st Four Arrows Youth Group
Batay Reena
927 Clark Ave W., Thornhill, Ontario
Reena is a non-profit social service agency dedicated to helping children, adults and senior citizens with developmental disabilities to realize their full potential and to become integrated into the mainstream of society.
Keywords: Disabled
Volunteer Profile of Batay Reena
Gallanough Resource Centre
1 Brooke St, Thornhill, Ontario
Welcome to our highlights and happenings page. This is where you will find short articles about Gallanough and other related topics of interest. We might highlight an upcoming event, tell you about something that just happened or provide a link to another interesting site. You never know what you'll find here so come back often.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Gallanough Resource Centre
Hesperus Village and Hesperus Fellowship Community
9100 Bathurst St, Unit 5, Thornhill, Ontario
The name "Hesperus" comes from the Greek word for Venus - the "evening star." Setting after the sun, it signifies the end of the day, but through its own movement it changes from the evening to the morning star - "Aurora." Thus, it embodies the metamorphoses taking place in the life cycle itself.
Hesperus Village in Vaughan, Ontario is a seniors' affordable housing residence offering an independent lifestyle and a rich quality of life. Half of the apartments are rent-geared-to-income units. Hesperus is surrounded by a protected green space on a wooded ravine along the East Don River. A limited number of apartments in Hesperus East offer walk out patios on the ground level.
Keywords: Seniors
· Housing
Volunteer Profile of Hesperus Village and Hesperus Fellowship Community
Seeds For Change Gardens
2 Stately Way, Thornhill, Ontario
Seeds For Change (SFC) is a grass-roots community organization, partnered with the York Region Food Network (YRFN), to create healthier neighbourhoods through school and community gardens. We formed this organization to address many problems facing Canadians in the 21st century: obesity, diabetes, reduced physical outdoor activity natural deficit disorder, hunger, food security and disappearing agricultural land.
Keywords: Environment
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Seeds For Change Gardens
Volunteering in Thornhill
Volunteering in Ontario
Locations near Thornhill
(9 km): Markham
(9 km): Don Mills
(9 km): Unionville
(9 km): Richmond Hill
(9 km): Downsview
(9 km): Willowdale
(13 km): Toronto
(13 km): Scarborough
(13 km): Woodbridge
(13 km): Oak Ridges
Latest Volunteer Profiles in Thornhill - (add profile)
Seeds For Change GardensSeeds For Change (SFC) is a grass-roots community organization, partnered with the York Region Food Network (YRFN), to create healthier neighbourhoods through school and community gardens. We formed this organization to address many problems facing Canadians in the 21st century: obesity, diabetes, reduced physical outdoor activity natural deficit disorder, hunger, food security and disappearing agricultural land.
Hesperus Village and Hesperus Fellowship CommunityThe name “Hesperus” comes from the Greek word for Venus – the “evening star.” Setting after the sun, it signifies the end of the day, but through its own movement it changes from the evening to the morning star – “Aurora.” Thus, it embodies the metamorphoses taking place in the life cycle itself.
Hesperus Village in Vaughan, Ontario is a seniors’ affordable housing residence offering an independent lifestyle and a rich quality of life. Half of the apartments are rent-geared-to-income units. Hesperus is surrounded by a protected green space on a wooded ravine along the East Don River. A limited number of apartments in Hesperus East offer walk out patios on the ground level.
Gallanough Resource CentreWelcome to our highlights and happenings page. This is where you will find short articles about Gallanough and other related topics of interest. We might highlight an upcoming event, tell you about something that just happened or provide a link to another interesting site. You never know what you'll find here so come back often.
Batay ReenaReena is a non-profit social service agency dedicated to helping children, adults and senior citizens with developmental disabilities to realize their full potential and to become integrated into the mainstream of society.
1st Four Arrows Youth GroupWe are an all volunteer Catholic faith based youth movement, offering a traditional and exciting program for boys and girls with the 1st Four Arrows Group Federation of North-American Explorers (FNE).
Volunteer in Thornhill by Category
Children and Youth
Education and Literacy