Volunteer for Museums and Archives in Canada
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Volunteer information and opportunities from Museums and Archives in Canada. You can also view fewer results of Museums and Archives by selecting a specific city or province from the menu to the right. Organization and institutions focusing on the collection, preservation, interpretation, research and providing public education relating to the importance of cultural, artistic and historical artifacts and objects.
26th Field Regiment Museum Inc
1116 Victoria Avenue, Brandon, Manitoba
The museum is dedicated to preserving the memory of those who served their country in the various wars and engagements in which Canadian troops participated -- especially units that are associated with the southwestern corner of the province.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of 26th Field Regiment Museum Inc
Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead National Historic Site
359 Blue Lake Road, Brant, Ontario
The Organization's mandate is to preserve, protect and interpret the story of Adelaide, the Hunter family and the rural domestic experience. Our mission is to provide access to and encourage participation in cultural and educational services and resources which enrich the lives of the community and all visitors by promoting, educating and interpreting Adelaide Hoodless, her family, the Homestead and the reasons for designation as a National Historic Site.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
Volunteer Profile of Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead National Historic Site
Alberta Pioneer Railway Association
24215 - 34 Street, Edmonton, Alberta
The Alberta Railway Museum is operated by the Alberta Pioneer Railway Association (APRA).
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Alberta Pioneer Railway Association
Alder Grove Heritage Society
3190 271 Street, Aldergrove, British Columbia
Alder Grove Heritage Society holdings consist of records (including photographs) and historical reference material relating to the Aldergrove area of the Fraser Valley. Museum holdings include vintage telephone equipment.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
Volunteer Profile of Alder Grove Heritage Society
Annapolis Heritage Society
136 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia
The Annapolis Heritage Society is a non-profit organization committed to the preservation, promotion and presentation of local heritage.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Annapolis Heritage Society
Annapolis Valley Historical Society
21 School Street, Middleton, Nova Scotia
The Annapolis Valley Macdonald Museum is home to the Nova Scotia Museum's collection of over 150 antique clocks and watches.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Annapolis Valley Historical Society
Armstrong Spallumcheen Museum & Arts Society
3415 Pleasant Valley Road, Armstrong, British Columbia
STEP into the past and experience yesterday's adventures today in the Armstrong Spallumcheem Museum. Relive history by exploring replicas of a railway station, schoolroom, general store and blacksmith shop. Dig in our wheat bin and find curious items from earlier times. Enjoy our community's stories as they come alive in engaging and informative displays.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· Galleries
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Armstrong Spallumcheen Museum & Arts Society
Arthur Child Heritage Museum of the 1000 Islands
125 Water St, Gananoque, Ontario
The Historic Thousand Islands Village Foundation operating as the Arthur Child Heritage Museum of the Thousand Islands is a non-profit charitable organization, dedicated to creating exhibits and archives, collecting and preserving artifacts that interpret the unique history, life and times of the Thousand Islands Region and its communities.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Arthur Child Heritage Museum of the 1000 Islands
Beachville District Historical Society
584367 Beachville Rd, Beachville, Ontario
The Museum houses many interesting artifacts from Mastadon bones found on the O.J. Bond farm, a history of limestone quarries and a baseball display describing the first baseball game.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Beachville District Historical Society
Blue Beach Fossil Museum and Research Center
127 Blue Beach Road, Hantsport, Nova Scotia
The BBFM Society's vision is to protect, promote and present the geological treasures of Blue Beach
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Blue Beach Fossil Museum and Research Center
Brant Historical Society
57 Charlotte St, Brantford, Ontario
Celebrating the history of Brantford & Brant County! We operate two museums in Brant: Brant Museum & Archives and Myrtleville House Museum.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Brant Historical Society
British Columbia Aviation Museum
1910 Norseman Road, Sidney, British Columbia
The BC Aviation Museum Society is dedicated to preserving aircraft and aviation artefacts. We collect, restore and display aircraft and artefacts related to the history of aviation in Canada, with emphasis on British Columbia.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Aviation Museum
British Columbia Forest Museum
2892 Drinkwater Rd, Duncan, British Columbia
The BC Forest Discovery Centre is a 100-acre, open air museum with an operational railway in Duncan, British Columbia. The Centre features forest and marsh trails with excellent bird watching opportunities. The story of BC's forest industry is shared through exhibits, heritage buildings, and logging artifacts. Special events are offered throughout the year that include family activities and workshops for adults and seniors.
The Centre is operated by the BC Forest Museum Society, a non-profit and charitable organization (Federal Charitable Tax number 0521195-50-28).
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Forest Museum
Bruce County Genealogical Society
22 Victoria Street North, Southampton, Ontario
The Bruce County Genealogical Society was founded on March 20, 1989 as a non-profit, unaffiliated organization for ancestry and family history in Bruce County, Ontario. We are proud of the many varied resources now available through our efforts.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Bruce County Genealogical Society
Canadian Drilling Rig Museum
259 Kohler Road, Selkirk, Ontario
The Canadian Drilling Rig Museum is located in Rainham Centre, at the corner of Rainham Road and Kohler Road (formerly Regional Roads 3 & 8) It is situated on the south west corner of the town. The museum has a fully functional historic drilling rig and information on the history of drilling and natural gas industry. Please come and check us out.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Drilling Rig Museum
Canadian Fire Fighters Museum
95 Mill St. South, Port Hope, Ontario
The Canadian Fire Fighters Museum has a growing collection of fire apparatus representing hand drawn, horse drawn, and motorized periods of fire fighting in Canada. Additional exhibits include a working municipal fire alarm system, photo displays, helmets, turnout gear and tools of the trade. Our latest exhibit is the collection of Canadian fire hydrants that is steadily growing.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Fire Fighters Museum
Canadian Museum of Flight
5333 216 St, Hangar 3, Langley, British Columbia
The Canadian Museum of Flight is a non-profit, volunteer-driven museum dedicated to restoring, preserving and showcasing Canada's rich aviation heritage.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Museum of Flight
Canadian Museums Association Association Des Musees Canadiens
280 Metcalfe St, Suite 400, Ottawa, Ontario
The Canadian Museums Association (CMA) is the national organization for the advancement of the Canadian museum sector, representing Canadian museum professionals both within Canada and internationally. The CMA works for the recognition, growth, and stability of the sector. It was established by a small group of people in Quebec City in 1947. There were 161 museums in Canada in 1951; by 1972 there were 838 museums, galleries and related institutions. As the quantity of Canadian museums increased, so did the need for the CMA.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Museums Association
Chilliwack Museum and Historical Society
45820 Spadina Ave, Chilliwack, British Columbia
Located in historic Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada, the Chilliwack Museum and Archives are operated by the Chilliwack Museum and Historical Society. Since its inception in 1958, the Museum and Archives have developed one of the largest and most important archival and object collections in the Fraser Valley.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Chilliwack Museum and Historical Society
Comox Valley Air Force Museum Association
CFB Comox, Building 11, 19 Wing Comox, Lazo, British Columbia
The Comox Air Force Museum is generously supported by the Comox Valley Air Force Museum Association (CVAFMA), a registered non-profit organization. All volunteers at the CAFM are members of the Association, and the Association's Board of Directors are also volunteers.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Comox Valley Air Force Museum Association
Corner Brook Museum & Archives Society
2 West St., Corner Brook, Newfoundland
The Corner Brook Museum & Archives Society, the governing body of the museum, is a non-profit organization whose statement of purpose is to research, collect, document, preserve, interpret and exhibit the natural, cultural, and social history of Corner Brook and the Bay of Islands.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Corner Brook Museum & Archives Society
Cornwallis Military Museum
726 Broadway, Cornwallis, Nova Scotia
Commissioned in 1942, Cornwallis was built to augment the RCN efforts during WWII. During the war years, HMCS Cornwallis was the largest naval training base in the British Commonwealth. After the war, the base became a discharge centre and then was declared surplus closing February 28, 1946.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· Military
Volunteer Profile of Cornwallis Military Museum
Creston and District Historical and Museum Society
219 Devon Road, Creston, British Columbia
The Creston & District Historical & Museum Society is the primary caretaker of the human history of the area surrounding Creston, BC. In that capacity, it collects and preserves physical evidence of that history, and uses its collections to present that history to the public.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Creston and District Historical and Museum Society
Dartmouth Heritage Museum Society
26 Nescastle Street, Evergreen House, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
The Dartmouth Heritage Museum started from humble beginnings; a group of like-minded citizens began presenting collections of artifacts in two local schools to promote awareness of heritage in our region.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Dartmouth Heritage Museum Society
Delta Museum and Archives Society
4858 Delta Street, Delta, British Columbia
The Delta Museum and Archives Society is a registered non-profit society that depends on government grants, private donations and fund-raising efforts to provide its services to the community of Delta. The society operates three facilities: the Delta Museum, Delta Archives and Edgar Dunning Reading Room, and a Program and Administrative Annex.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Delta Museum and Archives Society
Diefenbunker Canada's Cold War Museum Musee Canadien De La Guerre Froide
3911 Carp Road, Carp, Ontario
The Diefenbunker is a four-story, 300 room, 100,000 square foot underground bunker, and was meant to house 535 Canadian government officials and military officers in the event of a nuclear war. Shrouded in mystery, the Diefenbunker, nicknamed after then Prime Minister John Diefenbaker, was designed and built in secrecy during the crest of Cold War fear, between 1959 and 1961. The name of the facility was given by a Toronto Star journalist who exposed a story of its development.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Diefenbunker Canada's Cold War Museum
Dundas Historical Society Museum
139 Park St. W., Dundas, Ontario
The mandate of the Historical Society was to search out, collect, preserve and record historical records and artifacts which told the story of the town of Dundas and its nearby townships. The items were stored and preserved in the best manner possible. However as the quantity increased it became evident that a building was needed; one specific to the unique needs of an historical collection.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Dundas Historical Society Museum
Ecomuseum Zoo
21125, chemin Ste-Marie, Ste Anne de Bellevue, Quebec
One and only outdoor zoo on the island of Montr‚al, the Ecomuseum Zoo is open to the public 364 days per year. With over 115 animal species from Qu‚bec in a cozy and natural setting, the Ecomuseum Zoo provides a unique opportunity to commune with nature just 20 minutes from downtown Montreal.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Museums and Archives
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Ecomuseum Zoo
Enderby and District Museum Society
901 George St., Highway 97A, Enderby, British Columbia
The idea of a community museum was initiated by four grade 10 students at the Enderby Junior Secondary School, who began working on plans for a museum in the autumn of 1972. In the summer of 1973 the students were awarded an Opportunities for Youth grant and given a room in the school basement for storage; they began collecting and cataloguing donations, interviewing oldtimers, and building display cases.
The Enderby and District Community Museum Society was registered with the province on September 5, 1973. The society began making plans to build a museum complex-a pioneer log village-and city council promised land on the north side of the Barnes Park playground to the society.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Enderby and District Museum Society
Fieldwood Heritage Society
Box 8, Canning, Nova Scotia
The Fieldwood Heritage Society was organized in the winter of 1988 and held its first meeting on February 25 during Heritage Week. It was incorporated as a society on November 20, 1989.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
Volunteer Profile of Fieldwood Heritage Society
Fondation Du Musee De La Civilisation
16, Rue De La Barricade, Quebec, Quebec
Les Musees de la civilisation include: Musee de la civilisation, Musee de l'Amerique francophone, Musee de la place Royale, Maison historique Chevalier and Centre national de conservation et d'etudes des collections.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Fondation Du Musee De La Civilisation
Fondation Du Musee National Des Beaux-Arts Du Quebec
1 Av Wolfe-Montcalm, Quebec, Quebec
The functions of the Musee national des beaux-arts du Quebec are to make known, promote and preserve Quebec art of all periods, from ancient art to contemporary art, and to ensure a place for international art through acquisitions, exhibitions and other cultural activities.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Fondation Du Musee National Des Beaux-Arts Du Quebec
Founders' Museum & Pioneer Village
307 Euclid Ave, Suite 264, Thunder Bay, Ontario
With the Museum making use of the 'self-guided' tour format, we are seeking more volunteer assistance to interact with the guests who visit the museum site. We strive to offer a fun volunteering environment where our volunteers enjoy interacting with the public to help ensure our guests have the best possible experience when visiting Founders' Museum & Pioneer Village.
Interested parties are encouraged to contact us and let us know where and when you would like to lend a hand.
We are also seeking Students who need to obtain their volunteer hours for school.
Please Contact Lois Garrity via Email: opmuse2@tbaytel.net
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Founders' Museum & Pioneer Village
Friends of the Canadian War Museum Amis Du Musee Canadien De La Guerre
1 Vimy Place, Ottawa, Ontario
Within 5 years, the FCWM will be a national organization of 2,000 members, will be prominent in social media, will have an effective web-site, an efficient administration, a succession plan and will be recognized as the pre-eminent military Museum support organization in Canada.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Friends of the Canadian War Museum
Friends of the Kelowna Fire Museum Society
2255 Enterprise Way, Kelowna, British Columbia
The Kelowna Fire Museum and Education Centre is operated by The Friends of the Kelowna Fire Museum Society. It is comprised of current and retired volunteer and career firefighters, as well as interested members of the public. The education centre will focus on the prevention of unintentional childhood injuries.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Friends of the Kelowna Fire Museum Society
Friends of the Royal Saskatchewan Museum
2445 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan
The Friends of the Royal Saskatchewan Museum is a not for profit cahartity recognized by the CRA. A Board of Directors of up to 12 members supervise paid and volunteer staff who conduct the business of the FRSM
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Friends of the Royal Saskatchewan Museum
Friends of the Simcoe County Museum
1151 Highway 26 W, Minesing, Ontario
The Simcoe County Museum was created in 1928 by Women's Institute members Mrs. C.P. Stocking and Mrs. R.A. Sutherland. The collection was first displayed at the Barrie Public Library, then the Barrie Registry Office. In the 1950s, the County of Simcoe took responsibility for the collection, and the first wing of the Museum was opened on Highway 26 (at the current location) in 1962. Over the years, the museum has grown significantly, and now is composed of a five gallery facility with sixteen outdoor heritage and display buildings.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Friends of the Simcoe County Museum
Fundy Geological Museum
162 Two Islands Road, Parrsboro, Nova Scotia
The Fundy Geological Museum is the world centre for experiencing geological history interpreted from the unique features of Nova Scotia's fundy region.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Museums and Archives
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Fundy Geological Museum
Garden of the Gulf Museum
564 Main Street, Montague, Prince Edward Island
The Garden of the Gulf Museum in Montague is home to many treasures. The building is one of the most impressive buildings on PEI, a brick and sandstone Post Office and Customs House completed in 1888.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
Volunteer Profile of Garden of the Gulf Museum
Goulbourn Township Historical Society
2064 Huntley Road, Stittsville, Ontario
The Goulbourn Museum is home to interactive and hands-on exhibitions such as The 100th Regiment of Foot about the soldiers who settled Goulbourn Township in 1818 after the War of 1812-1814; The Village Store where kids can dress up as pioneers and shop or barter for supplies; as well as exhibits about early Goulbourn settlers, the communities in the Township, and local services. The Museum is located just south of Stittsville at Stanley's Corners.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Goulbourn Township Historical Society
Greenwood Military Aviation Museum
Greenwood, Nova Scotia
Experience Greenwood's exciting military history and learn of its heroes through the Museum's permanent and temporary exhibits that chronicle its beginnings as an RAF Station in 1942; to its present day status as the largest airbase in Atlantic Canada.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· Military
· History
Volunteer Profile of Greenwood Military Aviation Museum
Guelph Museum Board of Management
6 Dublin St South, Guelph, Ontario
Members of the Guelph Historical Society began to collect artifacts and displays were mounted in store fronts and community centres.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Guelph Museum Board of Management
Halton Museum Foundation
1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, Ontario
Halton Region Museum offers heritage and environmental programs, facility rentals, live music and other special events.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Halton Museum Foundation
Hockey Hall of Fame and Museum
30 Yonge St, Brookfield Place, Toronto, Ontario
The Hockey Hall of Fame was founded in 1943 to establish a memorial to those who have developed Canada's great winter sport -- ice hockey.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Museums and Archives
Volunteer Profile of Hockey Hall of Fame and Museum
James House Museum
12 Queen Street, Bridgetown, Nova Scotia
The Bridgetown and area Historical Society is dedicated to protecting, preserving and promoting interest in the history of Bridgetown and the surrounding area. We collect artifacts and information related to Bridgetown history, conduct local history research, and interpret Bridgetown history though exhibitions.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
Volunteer Profile of James House Museum
Kaatza Historical Society
Lake Cowichan, British Columbia
The Kaatza Station Museum and Archives, governed by the Kaatza Historical Society, is housed in a 1913 Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway Station. We collect, conserve, catalogue, research, display and interpret the history of the Cowichan Lake area. The museum and archives place special emphasis on logging, lumbering, railroading, mining and pioneer life.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Kaatza Historical Society
Kalyna Country Ecomuseum Trust Society
Vegreville, Alberta
Kalyna Country Ecomuseum is dedicated to the preservation of the unique history, natural beauty and culture east of Edmonton, Alberta for all those who experience it.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Kalyna Country Ecomuseum Trust Society
Kelowna Museums Society
470 Queensway Ave, Kelowna, British Columbia
The Kelowna Museums Society exists to promote a greater interest and awareness of the natural, cultural, and military heritages of the Okanagan region and of the tree fruit and wine producing development of British Columbia.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Kelowna Museums Society
Keswick Ridge Historical Society
112 Route 616, Keswick Ridge, New Brunswick
The Keswick Ridge Historical Society is a registered non-profit group dedicated to preserving the history, stories and artifacts of the Keswick region. The Society is a community-oriented group, hosting events and coordinating with other community organizations.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
Volunteer Profile of Keswick Ridge Historical Society
Le Musee Amerindien Et Inuit De Godbout Inc
134, chemin Pascal-Comeau, Godbout, Quebec
This museum's private collection will introduce you to Aboriginal and Inuit art. This historic building was the firts post office in the village of Godbout.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Le Musee Amerindien Et Inuit De Godbout Inc