Volunteer in Ottawa, Ontario
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Information about volunteering and helping the 216 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Ottawa, Ontario. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Ottawa, other locations in Ontario, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
Tim Hortons Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival
180 Kent Street, Unit 4 - Ground Floor, Ottawa, Ontario
Recognized as North America's largest dragon boating festival the four day celebration offers free admission to multiple stages with world class programming, marquee concerts, amusement attractions, sports demonstrations, a variety of artisans, exhibitors, delicious culinary treats, beach-side bar, children's area and non-stop racing.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Festival
Volunteer Profile of Tim Hortons Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival
Tone Cluster
332 Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario
Tone Cluster is a 35-voice auditioned choir for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender people, and their allies in the Ottawa area. We pride ourselves on creating a queer-positive environment where singers can be themselves while striving for choral excellence.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Tone Cluster
Under My Wing Pug Rescue
1469 Merivale Road, Ottawa, Ontario
UNDER MY WING - Pug Rescue is a registered charitable organization (822 842 290 RR0001) based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada & run entirely by volunteers who are dedicated to providing a bridge between a pug's past life and its better future.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Under My Wing Pug Rescue
Unitarian House of Ottawa Maison Unitarienne D'ottawa
20 Cleary Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario
The mission of Unitarian House of Ottawa is to continue to provide a not-for-profit residence for seniors where, in a secure and caring environment, residents will have maximum independence, opportunities for personal fulfillment, companionship and participation in a dynamic, collaborative community of residents, staff and management.
Keywords: Seniors
· Housing
Volunteer Profile of Unitarian House of Ottawa
United Nations Association in Canada
309 Cooper St, Suite 300, Ottawa, Ontario
A better future starts HERE. Partner with UNA-Canada to build Canadian support for the United Nations and a world based on peace, prosperity and justice for all.
Keywords: Politics
Volunteer Profile of United Nations Association in Canada
United Way of Canada Centraide Canada
56 Sparks St, Suite 404, Ottawa, Ontario
Today, there are over 100 United Ways Centraides across the country. Each one is an autonomous non-profit organization governed by a volunteer-led local Board of Directors. Each United Ways Centraide raises money and allocates funds locally to support its community.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of United Way of Canada Centraide Canada
Vanier Community Service Centre Centre Des Services Communautaires De Vanier
290 Rue Dupuis, Ottawa, Ontario
A community development organization operating in French, the Vanier Community Service Centre (VCSC) offers a continuum of social and community services accessible to all, in response to the evolving needs of its clientele. It provides programs and services efficiently and rigorously, in French and in English. Through its ability to innovate and collaborate with its partners, the VCSC is committed to being a leader and an open and caring centre of expertise within its community - primarily Vanier - as well as the City of Ottawa and the surrounding areas.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Vanier Community Service Centre
Victorian Order of Nurses
110 Argyle Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario
If you, or someone in your family, were recovering from an illness and needed home care, who would you trust? Most Canadians from coast to coast would say VON. The reason: at VON Canada (Victorian Order of Nurses), we believe in treating the whole person, not just their ailment. VON offers more than 75 different home care, personal support, and community services to enhance each client's quality of life by providing them with the personal assistance and support needed to make them comfortable in their own home. We've been doing so for more than 114 years.
Keywords: Seniors
· Health and Medicine
· Health
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Victorian Order of Nurses
Villa Marconi Long Term Care Centre
1026 Baseline Road, Ottawa, Ontario
Villa Marconi Long-Term Care Center is an "A" Long-Term Care Facility as designated by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and has its CARF Accreditation. It is located in the heart of the City of Ottawa at 1026 Baseline Road at the corner of Baseline and Farlane, across from the scenic Experimental Farm.
Keywords: Seniors
· Housing
Volunteer Profile of Villa Marconi Long Term Care Centre
Volunteer Canada
353 Dalhousie Street, 3rd Floor, Ottawa, Ontario
Volunteer Canada is the national voice for volunteerism in Canada. Since 1977, we have been committed to increasing and supporting volunteerism and civic participation. We collaborate closely with volunteer centres, local organizations and national corporations to promote and broaden volunteering. Our programs, research, training, tools, resources and national initiatives provide leadership on issues and trends in Canada's volunteer landscape.
Keywords: Volunteer Centres
· Poverty
· Disabled
· Community Services
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Volunteer Canada
Volunteer Ottawa
1155 Lola Street, C3 Centre, Suite 201, Ottawa, Ontario
Volunteer Ottawa links people with community organizations.
Keywords: Volunteer Centres
· Poverty
· Homeless and Housing
· Disabled
· Community Services
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Volunteer Ottawa
Westminster Pet Sanctuary
Ottawa, Ontario
Westminster is a dedicated, hard working, registered charity. All of our members and volunteers are unpaid so 100% of every dollar donated goes towards the critter's care.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Westminster Pet Sanctuary
Women's Initiatives for Safer Environments Initiatives Des Femmes Pour La Securite Environmentale
211 Bronson Ave, Room 205, Ottawa, Ontario
Women's Initiatives for Safer Environments is a community based bilingual organization established in 1992. We work directly with individuals, diverse communities, local government and agencies , to create safer physical and social environments in our neighbourhoods, parks, workplaces, recreational pathways, and schools. We believe that if we make the community safer for women and other vulnerable groups, it will be safer for everyone!
Keywords: Women
Volunteer Profile of Women's Initiatives for Safer Environments
World Hope Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
Our mission is to work with national partners to develop and implement life changing strategies that will empower people with opportunities, create dignity and inspire hope by addressing poverty and its many effects.
Keywords: Religion
· Poverty
Volunteer Profile of World Hope Canada
World Inter-Action Ottawa Inter-Action Mondiale Ottawa
323 Chapel Street, 3rd Floor, Ottawa, Ontario
Founded in 1972, WIAM is an Ottawa-based global education organization that currently has over 150 members.
Keywords: Arts and Culture
· Art Councils
Volunteer Profile of World Inter-Action Ottawa
World University Service of Canada L'entr'aide Universitaire Mondiale Du Canada
1404 Scott Street, Ottawa, Ontario
WUSC - World University Service of Canada - is a leading Canadian non-profit organization in international development, committed to building a more equitable and sustainable world. We work with a unique and powerful network of post-secondary institutions, private-sector partners and volunteers to provide education, employment and empowerment opportunities that improve the lives of millions of disadvantaged youth around the world.
Keywords: International
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of World University Service of Canada
Volunteering in Ottawa
Volunteering in Ontario
Locations near Ottawa
(9 km): Nepean
(16 km): Orleans
(18 km): Greely
(18 km): Kanata
(20 km): Manotick
(22 km): Stittsville
(24 km): Metcalfe
(24 km): Carp
(26 km): Cumberland
(26 km): Kars
Latest Volunteer Profiles in Ottawa - (add profile)
Insight Theatre - Planned Parenthood OttawaA by-youth-for-youth-about-youth volunteer program that provides public health education to Ottawa area schools and community organizations through theatre!
Tim Hortons Ottawa Dragon Boat FestivalRecognized as North America's largest dragon boating festival the four day celebration offers free admission to multiple stages with world class programming, marquee concerts, amusement attractions, sports demonstrations, a variety of artisans, exhibitors, delicious culinary treats, beach-side bar, children's area and non-stop racing.
Canadian Blood ServicesCanadian Blood Services manages the national supply of blood, blood products and stem cells, and related services for all the provinces and territories (excluding Quebec). We also lead an integrated, interprovincial system for organ donation and transplantation for all of Canada.
Canadian Cancer Survivor NetworkOne of CCSN’s main objectives is to promote and encourage advocacy among survivors and patients. Our goal is to work with government and all political parties to educate and promote positive and considered policy ideas that will result in an optimum experience for cancer patients and survivors in the health care system. With empowered survivors as our advocates and partners, we bring a practical perspective to the discussion.
We host yearly breakfasts at Queen’s Park in September to raise awareness about metastatic prostate cancer.
Friends of the Earth CanadaFriends of the Earth Canada (FoE) has grown from a small group of volunteers in 1978 to one of the country's most important voices speaking out on environmental issues.
The Salvation Army Ottawa Booth CentreThe Salvation Army - Ottawa Booth Centre is a men's emergency shelter located in the Byward Market.
Victorian Order of NursesIf you, or someone in your family, were recovering from an illness and needed home care, who would you trust? Most Canadians from coast to coast would say VON. The reason: at VON Canada (Victorian Order of Nurses), we believe in treating the whole person, not just their ailment. VON offers more than 75 different home care, personal support, and community services to enhance each client’s quality of life by providing them with the personal assistance and support needed to make them comfortable in their own home. We’ve been doing so for more than 114 years.
Friends of the Ottawa Public Library AssociationWe are Advocates, Promoters and Fundraisers of the Ottawa Public Library. Through the sale of used books we donate over $250k to the library every year
St John AmbulanceAt St. John Ambulance our mission is to enable Canadians to improve their health, safety and quality of life by providing training (first aid) and community services (health and safety).
The National Capital Suzuki School of MusicSuzukiMusic, also known as the National Capital Suzuki School of Music, was founded in 1987 to promote the musical education of children and to nurture their development through the Suzuki method.
Volunteer in Ottawa by Category
Adult Learning
Advocacy and Human Rights
Art Councils
Arts and Culture
Children and Youth
Community Services
Crisis Support
Cultural Centres
Education and Literacy
Emergency and Safety
Employment and Careers
Family Services
Family Support
First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
Health and Medicine
Health Centres
Homeless and Housing
Hospice and Palliative Care
Immigrants and Refugees
Justice and Legal
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
Mental Health
Museums and Archives
Rescue and Adoption
Science and Technology
Sports and Recreation
Victim Services
Volunteer Centres