Volunteer for Health Organizations in Ottawa
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Information about Health Organizations in Ottawa offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view additional results of Health Organizations from other locations in Ontario or expand your results by changing the location from the menu to the right. Some community services organizations focus on health issues for certain user-groups. This includes health information for ethnic groups and also sexual health services.
Aboriginal Healing Foundation
75 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario
Our mission is to provide resources which will promote reconciliation and encourage and support Aboriginal people and their communities in building and reinforcing sustainable healing processes that address the legacy of physical, sexual, mental, cultural, and spiritual abuses in the residential school system, including intergenerational impacts.
Keywords: Health
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
Volunteer Profile of Aboriginal Healing Foundation
Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada
16 Concourse Gate, Unit 600, Ottawa, Ontario
The mission of the Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada is to improve the health of Aboriginal people, by supporting Aboriginal Nurses and by promoting the development and practice of Aboriginal Health Nursing.
Keywords: Health
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
Volunteer Profile of Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada
Assembly of First Nations
473 Albert Street, Suite 900, Ottawa, Ontario
THAT our peoples are the original peoples of this land having been put here by the Creator; THAT the Creator gave us laws that govern all our relationships for us to live in harmony with nature AND MANKIND, THAT the laws of the Creator defined our rights and responsibilities; THAT the Creator gave us our spiritual beliefs, our languages, our cultures, and a place on Mother Earth which provided us with all our needs; ......
Keywords: Women
· Homeless and Housing
· Health
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Assembly of First Nations
Canadian Blood Services - Societe Canadienne Du Sang
1800 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa, Ontario
Canadian Blood Services manages the national supply of blood, blood products and stem cells, and related services for all the provinces and territories (excluding Quebec). We also lead an integrated, interprovincial system for organ donation and transplantation for all of Canada.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Health
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Blood Services
Canadian Health Coalition
2 - 251 Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario
The Canadian Health Coalition is a public advocacy organization dedicated to the preservation and improvement of Medicare.
Our membership is comprised of national organizations representing nurses, health care workers, seniors, churches, anti-poverty groups, women and trade unions, as well as affiliated coalitions in 9 provinces and 2 territories.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Health
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Health Coalition
Canadian Red Cross
Branch: Head Office
170 Metcalfe St, Suite 300, Ottawa, Ontario
The Canadian Red Cross mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity in Canada and around the world.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Health
· Emergency and Safety
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Red Cross
National Aboriginal Health Organization
220 Laurier Ave. W., Suite 1200, Ottawa, Ontario
The National Aboriginal Health Organization is a knowledge based organization that excels in the advancement and promotion of health and well-being of all First Nations, Inuit and M‚tis individuals, families and communities.
Keywords: Health
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
Volunteer Profile of National Aboriginal Health Organization
St John Ambulance - Societe Ambulance Saint-Jean Du Canada
1900 City Park Drive, Suite 400, Ottawa, Ontario
At St. John Ambulance our mission is to enable Canadians to improve their health, safety and quality of life by providing training (first aid) and community services (health and safety).
Keywords: Health
· Emergency and Safety
Volunteer Profile of St John Ambulance
Victorian Order of Nurses
110 Argyle Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario
If you, or someone in your family, were recovering from an illness and needed home care, who would you trust? Most Canadians from coast to coast would say VON. The reason: at VON Canada (Victorian Order of Nurses), we believe in treating the whole person, not just their ailment. VON offers more than 75 different home care, personal support, and community services to enhance each client's quality of life by providing them with the personal assistance and support needed to make them comfortable in their own home. We've been doing so for more than 114 years.
Keywords: Seniors
· Health and Medicine
· Health
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Victorian Order of Nurses