Volunteer in Manotick, Ontario
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Information about volunteering and helping the 5 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Manotick, Ontario. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Manotick, other locations in Ontario, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
Good Dog Rescue
Manotick, Ontario
GoodDog Rescue is a volunteer-run Ottawa-area organization. We rescue, foster and facilitate the adoption of abused, abandoned and condemned animals. We take in all breeds of dogs and work with them until they are adoptable. We have a true no-kill policy. All of our dogs are adopted out as indoor house pets. We are looking for the BEST home for each Good Dog.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Good Dog Rescue
Indo Canada Education Council
5749 Knights Drive, Manotick, Ontario
ICEC is an independent, voluntary, non-Governmental, non-profit, non-political and non-partisan venture, established as a Council to promote the Indo-Canada education corridor, and is registered under NGO partnership* with Government of India. The Indo Canada Education Council (ICEC) is perhaps the exclusive NGO in India to foster support for stronger bi-lateral relations between India and Canada in the field of education. We are funded primarily through membership fees, and with career advertisements, sales of publications, revenues from events sponsorship, and contract management services.
Keywords: International
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Indo Canada Education Council
Presbytery of Ottawa
5533 Dickinson St, Manotick, Ontario
The Presbytery of Ottawa is made up of 20 congregations and 1 extension work in and around the National Capital Area.
Keywords: Religion
Volunteer Profile of Presbytery of Ottawa
Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
3889 Rideau Valley Drive, Manotick, Ontario
Working with local municipalities, government agencies, special interest groups and the general public - the RVCA strives to protect our watershed resources.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
Watson's Mill, Manotick Incorported
5525 Dickinson Street, Manotick, Ontario
Watson's Mill is a unique 1860's grist and flour mill located in Manotick, on the shores of the Rideau River. A working industrial heritage site in greater Ottawa, it has a remarkable history linked to local politics, the building of a country, and a tragic love story. The WMMI mandate is to preserve Watson's Mill as a working historic grist and flour mill, and a social, cultural and educational focal point for the community and visitors.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Watson's Mill, Manotick Incorported
Volunteering in Manotick
Volunteering in Ontario
Locations near Manotick
(9 km): Greely
(9 km): Osgoode
(9 km): North Gower
(16 km): Metcalfe
(16 km): Nepean
(18 km): Stittsville
(20 km): Kanata
(20 km): Gloucester
(20 km): Ottawa
(22 km): Kemptville
Latest Volunteer Profiles in Manotick - (add profile)
Indo Canada Education CouncilICEC is an independent, voluntary, non-Governmental, non-profit, non-political and non-partisan venture, established as a Council to promote the Indo-Canada education corridor, and is registered under NGO partnership* with Government of India. The Indo Canada Education Council (ICEC) is perhaps the exclusive NGO in India to foster support for stronger bi-lateral relations between India and Canada in the field of education. We are funded primarily through membership fees, and with career advertisements, sales of publications, revenues from events sponsorship, and contract management services.
Watson's Mill, Manotick IncorportedWatson’s Mill is a unique 1860’s grist and flour mill located in Manotick, on the shores of the Rideau River. A working industrial heritage site in greater Ottawa, it has a remarkable history linked to local politics, the building of a country, and a tragic love story. The WMMI mandate is to preserve Watson’s Mill as a working historic grist and flour mill, and a social, cultural and educational focal point for the community and visitors.
Good Dog RescueGoodDog Rescue is a volunteer-run Ottawa-area organization. We rescue, foster and facilitate the adoption of abused, abandoned and condemned animals. We take in all breeds of dogs and work with them until they are adoptable. We have a true no-kill policy. All of our dogs are adopted out as indoor house pets. We are looking for the BEST home for each Good Dog.
Presbytery of OttawaThe Presbytery of Ottawa is made up of 20 congregations and 1 extension work in and around the National Capital Area.
Rideau Valley Conservation AuthorityWorking with local municipalities, government agencies, special interest groups and the general public — the RVCA strives to protect our watershed resources.
Volunteer in Manotick by Category
Arts and Culture
Education and Literacy
Rescue and Adoption