Volunteer in North Gower, Ontario
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Information about volunteering and helping the 2 non-profit and charitable organizations located in North Gower, Ontario. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near North Gower, other locations in Ontario, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
Rideau Valley Wildlife Sanctuary
3370 Mulholland Road, North Gower, Ontario
The Rideau Valley Wildlife Sanctuary is a not-for-profit corporation and registered charity (registration # 82731 7744 RR0001). Our mission is to treat and care for injured or orphaned wild mammals and turtles until they are healthy enough to be returned to the wild. We also offer advice on co-existing peacefully with wildlife, and preventing or solving wildlife conflicts using humane, cost-effective ways.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Rideau Valley Wildlife Sanctuary
Village Kitten Rescue
2345 Perkins Drive, North Gower, Ontario
We are a newly formed rescue who rescues abandoned, abused and feral kittens in the Greater Ottawa Region. We are a small rescue consisting of dedicated volunteers who give the best of care to all rescued kittens.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Village Kitten Rescue
Volunteering in North Gower
Volunteering in Ontario
Locations near North Gower
(9 km): Manotick
(13 km): Kemptville
(18 km): Greely
(20 km): Stittsville
(22 km): Metcalfe
(22 km): Kanata
(24 km): Oxford Station
(24 km): Ashton
(24 km): Nepean
(29 km): Winchester
Latest Volunteer Profiles in North Gower - (add profile)
Village Kitten RescueWe are a newly formed rescue who rescues abandoned, abused and feral kittens in the Greater Ottawa Region. We are a small rescue consisting of dedicated volunteers who give the best of care to all rescued kittens.
Rideau Valley Wildlife SanctuaryThe Rideau Valley Wildlife Sanctuary is a not-for-profit corporation and registered charity (registration # 82731 7744 RR0001). Our mission is to treat and care for injured or orphaned wild mammals and turtles until they are healthy enough to be returned to the wild. We also offer advice on co-existing peacefully with wildlife, and preventing or solving wildlife conflicts using humane, cost-effective ways.
Volunteer in North Gower by Category
Rescue and Adoption