Volunteer for Arts and Cultural Organizations in Canada
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Volunteer information and opportunities from Arts and Cultural Organizations in Canada. You can also view fewer results of Arts and Cultural Organizations by selecting a specific city or province from the menu to the right. Arts and culture refers to organizations that specialize in arts such as theatre, dance, or film. It also refers to cultural entities such as museums, heritage buildings, or festivals.
Matsqui Sumas Abbotsford Museum Society
2313 Ware St, Abbotsford, British Columbia
The mission of the MSA Museum Society is to be the memory of the community by preserving and interpreting its history. Functions of this mandate are to preserve, study and exhibit artifacts and archival material, and to educate and entertain the public.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Matsqui Sumas Abbotsford Museum Society
Mennonite Heritage Village
231 Pth 12 N, Steinbach, Manitoba
To preserve and exhibit, for present and future generations, the experience and story of the Russian Mennonites and their contributions to Manitoba.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Mennonite Heritage Village
Mercer Union, A Centre for Contemporary Visual Art
1286 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario
Mercer Union, A Centre for Contemporary Art is an artist-run centre dedicated to the advancement of contemporary art. We provide a forum for the production and exhibition of Canadian and international contemporary art and related cultural practices. We pursue our primary concerns through critical activities that include exhibitions, lectures, screenings, performances, publications, events and special projects.
Keywords: Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Mercer Union, A Centre for Contemporary Visual Art
Meta.For Theatre Society
1515 Homer Mews, Suite 1001, Vancouver, British Columbia
The purpose of the society is a) to produce visually dynamic live theatre productions for general audiences, b) to create relationships with and afford opportunities for emerging and established artists to work together, and c) to act as a resource centre for theatre artists.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Meta.For Theatre Society
Metro Cinema Society
7 Sir Winston Churchill Square, 6-32 Stanley Milner Library, Edmonton, Alberta
Metro Cinema is a community-based non-profit society devoted to the exhibition and promotion of Canadian, international and independent film and video in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Metro Cinema Society
Mile Zero Dance Society
10923-101 Street, Suite 201, Edmonton, Alberta
Mile Zero Dance Society (MZD) is a contemporary dance company that creates and produces original dynamic interdisciplinary works focusing on performance, collaboration, community outreach, and training.
Keywords: Dance
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Mile Zero Dance Society
Mississauga Arts Council
300 City Centre Drive, Suite 1055, Mississauga, Ontario
The Mississauga Arts Council is a 33 year-old not-for-profit organization that encases the collaborations of 217 arts organizations and 38,000 individual artists under one common umbrella. MAC acts as a catalyst to inspire, engage and connect opportunities within the community to encourage multi-disciplinary artists and facilitate networking in the arts scene across diverse cultures.
Keywords: Arts and Culture
· Art Councils
Volunteer Profile of Mississauga Arts Council
Mississauga Celebration Square
300 City Centre Drive, Mississauga, Ontario
Mississauga Celebration Square is the premier location for free outdoor events, connecting residents and community groups through arts, culture, and heritage. MCS is located in the heart of downtown Mississauga, across from Square One Shopping Centre.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Music
· Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Mississauga Celebration Square
Mississauga Festival Choir
1389 Cawthra Road, Mississauga, Ontario
Mississauga Festival Choir is a community choir that enriches lives through music by way of performance, education and outreach.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Mississauga Festival Choir
Mississauga Symphony Orchestra
4141 Living Arts Drive, Living Arts Centre Building, 2nd Floor, Mississauga, Ontario
With a combination of community musicians and professional section leaders, the MSO has earned a reputation as the best hybrid orchestra in Canada.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Mississauga Symphony Orchestra
Mississippi Valley Textile Museum
3 Rosamond Street East, Almonte, Ontario
The Mississippi Valley Textile Museum (MVTM) is located in the annex of the former Rosamond Woolen Company in Almonte, Ontario. Constructed in 1867 this National Historic Site of Canada now features a blend of the old and new, all related to the history of the Mississippi Valley and the textile industry.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Mississippi Valley Textile Museum
Mocean Dance
Box 783, CRO, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Mocean Dance creates and performs athletic, vibrant contemporary dance that is rooted in collaborative process, stretches physical and emotional boundaries and finds authenticity.
Keywords: Dance
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Mocean Dance
Momo Multi-Ability Movement Arts Society of Calgary
36 Sunnyhill Lane NW, Calgary, Alberta
MoMo Mixed Ability Dance Theatre is a vibrant group of proud professionals who pursue social justice through artistic expression. We value artistic excellence and understand the power of entertainment to shape the world around us. We thrive as an organization when we honour the abilities of each individual; our community thrives when it recognizes the beauty of disability. We commit to working as a creative family and a collaborative community partner. We explore the mystery within each person in a safe environment and discover the common experiences that unite us. When we practice these ideals we cultivate inspiration for one another and our community.
Keywords: Dance
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Momo Multi-Ability Movement Arts Society of Calgary
21 Dallas Road, Suite 21, Victoria, British Columbia
Mosqoy is a registered Canadian charitable organization that works in remote communities of the Peruvian Andes, offering opportunities for economic development while nurturing the threatened Indigenous Quechua culture.
Keywords: International
· Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Mosqoy
Mural Routes Incorporated
1859 Kingston Road, Scarborough, Ontario
Mural Routes is the only member-based not-for-profit arts service organization in Canada dedicated to the creation, development and promotion of public wall art.
Keywords: Arts and Culture
· Art
Volunteer Profile of Mural Routes Incorporated
Musart Cultural Society
1046 Deep Cove Road, North Vancouver, British Columbia
Musart Cultural Society is a non-profit on the North Shore of Vancouver that carries the dual mandate of providing much needed stages to local artists and musicians, and ensuring that the community is out and supporting these artists.
Keywords: Music
· Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Musart Cultural Society
Musee Des Ondes Emile Berliner
1050 Rue Lacasse, Montreal, Quebec
When the Mus‚e first opened on January 24 1996, the collection included about 100 objects. Since that time, thanks to the generosity of more than 500 donors, the collection of the Mus‚e now boasts more than 30 000 objects.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Musee Des Ondes Emile Berliner
Musee International D'art Naif De Magog
61, rue Merry Nord, Magog, Quebec
The collection of the Musee international d'art na‹f de Magog comprises more than 700 pieces by more than 250 artists from 32 countries. It is the only museum in Canada entirely devoted to naive art.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Musee International D'art Naif De Magog
Musee National Des Beaux-Arts Du Quebec
Parc Des Champs-De-Bataille, Quebec, Quebec
The functions of the Musee national des beaux-arts du Quebec are to make known, promote and preserve Quebec art of all periods, from ancient art to contemporary art, and to ensure a place for international art through acquisitions, exhibitions and other cultural activities.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Musee National Des Beaux-Arts Du Quebec
Museum of Ontario Archaeology
1600 Attawandaron Road, London, Ontario
The Museum of Ontario Archaeology is dedicated to enriching the lives of Canadians through the creation and dissemination of knowledge about the archaeology of Ontario.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Museum of Ontario Archaeology
Museum of Ontario Archaeology
1600 Attawandaron Road, London, Ontario
The Museum of Ontario Archaeology is dedicated to enriching the lives of Canadians through the creation and dissemination of knowledge about the archaeology of Ontario.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Museum of Ontario Archaeology
Museums of Burlington
Branch: Ireland House
2168 Guelph Line, Burlington, Ontario
Our Vision: Burlington is a community that knows and celebrates its diverse cultural heritage, and plays an active role in building a better future for Burlington.
Our Mission: To inspire an appreciation of Burlington's past and its relevance to our present and future through innovative and interactive sharing of Burlington's heritage
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Museums of Burlington
Museums of Burlington
Branch: Joseph Brant Museum
1240 North Shore Blvd. E., Burlington, Ontario
Our Vision: Burlington is a community that knows and celebrates its diverse cultural heritage, and plays an active role in building a better future for Burlington.
Our Mission: To inspire an appreciation of Burlington's past and its relevance to our present and future through innovative and interactive sharing of Burlington's heritage
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Museums of Burlington
Music & Beyond
51 William Street, Box 20585, RPO Rideau East, Ottawa, Ontario
Music and Beyond is a new classical music and multi-disciplinary arts festival that has been active on the cultural scene since it presented its first festival in July 2010. Widely considered one of Canada's major classical music festivals and one of North America's most innovative arts festivals, Music and Beyond presents classical music in all formations including orchestras, choirs, bands, wind ensembles, instrumental and vocal recitals, and small ensembles.
Keywords: Music
· Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Music & Beyond
Music for Kids Canada
Branch: London Chapter
London, Ontario
Music for Kids Canada (MFK) is a program that is designed to offer premium private music lessons to children who cannot afford the high price of the study or are left behind by conventional music education due to autism.
Keywords: Music
· Children and Youth
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Music for Kids Canada
Music on Main Society
2414 Main St, Unit 12, Vancouver, British Columbia
Music on Main has produced more than 250 events featuring in excess of 500 musicians and more than 50 world premieres at Heritage Hall on Main Street, the now-closed Cellar Restaurant and Jazz Club in Kitsilano, and venues throughout Metro Vancouver. The music has touched the souls of thousands of listeners, and we've helped artists from around the world connect with each other, and with Vancouver audiences.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Music on Main Society
Musica Intima Society
3102 Main St, Suite 302, Vancouver, British Columbia
Founded in 1992, musica intima has become an integral part of Canada's cultural fabric. A distinctly Canadian ensemble, musica intima regularly commissions, champions and premieres works by Canada's leading composers including Michael Osterle, Ana Sokolovic, Jos‚ Evangelista, Peter Hannan, Jocelyn Morlock, Keith Hamel Jordan Nobles, and Jeffrey Ryan.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Musica Intima Society
National Association of Friendship Centres
275 MacLaren Street, Ottawa, Ontario
Friendship Centres are Canada's most significant off-reserve Indigenous service delivery infrastructure and are the primary providers of culturally enhanced programs and services to urban Indigenous residents. For over half-a-century, Friendship Centres have been facilitating the transition of Indigenous people from rural, remote and reserve life to an urban environment. For many Indigenous people, Friendship Centres are the first point of contact to obtain referrals to cultural based socio-economic programs and services.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Seniors
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Cultural Centres
· Children and Youth
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of National Association of Friendship Centres
Ndinawemaaganag Endaawaad Inc
370 Flora Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Ndinawe is an Youth focussed Aboriginal Agency, with four sites located in the North End of Winnipeg.
Keywords: Housing
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Employment and Careers
· Children and Youth
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Ndinawemaaganag Endaawaad Inc
Nelson and District Museum, Archives, Art Gallery and Historical Society
502 Vernon St, Nelson, British Columbia
The purpose of the Nelson and District Museum, Archives, Art Gallery and Historical Society is to run a sustainable, integrated organization that actively promotes, through exhibitions and programming, the knowledge, appreciation and understanding of history and art.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Nelson and District Museum, Archives, Art Gallery and Historical Society
Nelson Fine Arts Centre Society
320 Vernon St, Unit 3, Nelson, British Columbia
Oxygen Art Centre is an artist-run multidisciplinary centre that provides space and programming for artists and the public to engage in the creation, study, exhibition and performance of contemporary art in all disciplines. It is one of only a handful of rural Artist Run Centres in British Columbia, and is located in the City of Nelson in the Kootenays, in South Eastern B.C.
Keywords: Arts and Culture
· Art Centres
Volunteer Profile of Nelson Fine Arts Centre Society
New Brunswick Filmmakers Co-Operative Limited
732 Charlotte Street, Fredericton, New Brunswick
The NB Film Co-op is a non-profit, charitable organization involved in the production of 16mm and digital films.
Keywords: Film
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of New Brunswick Filmmakers Co-Operative Limited
New Westminster Hyack Festival Association
204-6th Street, New Westminster, British Columbia
Since 1971, the Hyack Festival Association has organized a wide range of major celebratory events to help preserve the city's history and traditions and foster positive community spirit.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of New Westminster Hyack Festival Association
Nightwood Theatre
55 Mill Street, Suite 301, Toronto, Ontario
Nightwood Theatre forges creative alliances among women artists from diverse backgrounds in order to develop and produce innovative Canadian Theatre. We produce original Canadian plays and works from the contemporary international repertoire. We advocate for women, provide a training ground for emerging talent and engage artists in play development and theatre production.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Nightwood Theatre
Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts
9704-111 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta
There are no boundaries at the Nina Haggerty Center. "We are all about saying yes," says Wendy Hollo, Executive Director. "We can always figure out the how later." This means the Nina Haggerty Center is one of the few places where people with developmental disabilities have complete freedom of expression, perhaps for the first time in their lives. They are not told what to do or how to do it. If their art doesn't fit any preconceived definition of what constitutes art, we widen the definition. It all has value and it all tells us something about the artist who created the piece from nothing.
Keywords: Arts and Culture
· Art Centres
Volunteer Profile of Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts
Nithyananda Meditation Academy
1960 Ellesmere Rd, #10, Toronto, Ontario
Hindu temple offering free meditation, yoga and life solutions workshops
Keywords: Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Nithyananda Meditation Academy
Norfolk County Fair & Horseshow
172 South Drive, Simcoe, Ontario
Oh, those wonderful excitement-filled carnivals of our youth, where clouds of pink candy floss stick to our fingers and the showmen beckon us to win the "doggee-doggee"! Where the carousels spin round and round, lights flash and the music plays on. Of course, you'll find all of this at the Norfolk County Fair & Horse Show in Simcoe, Ontario.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Norfolk County Fair & Horseshow
Norfolk County Fair Foundation
172 South Drive, Simcoe, Ontario
"THE NORFOLK COUNTY FAIR FOUNDATION" , was founded in 1998 and operates independently from the Norfolk County Agricultural Society. The establishment of the Foundation was essential in ensuring the preservation of the Norfolk County Fair for families of future generations to enjoy. The Foundation receives its income from annual membership drives, fundraising endeavours throughout the year and donations through; Wills, Bequests, Memorial Gifts & Celebration Gifts, Trusts, Life Insurance, Annuities, Charitable Planned Gifts etc.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Norfolk County Fair Foundation
Norfolk Historical Society
109 Norfolk Street South, Simcoe, Ontario
Our holdings include a wealth of research tools and aids for those seeking their family's Norfolk roots, such as the Walsh Papers, historical township records, old area records on microfilm, and several libraries, including a thriving Family Histories collection. Our Early American Library is recognised as one of the finest outside the United States.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Norfolk Historical Society
North America Railway Hall of Fame
750 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ontario
Our Mission
To Preserve and Honor Railway Heritage in North America and ensure the future sustainability of the Canada Southern Railway Station.
Our Vision
Recognizing, Honoring and Preserving Our Railway Heritage.
Who Owns the CASO Station
The Station is owned by the North America Railway Hall of Fame.
Where Does the Funding Come From
Funding for the Hall of Fame and the redevelopment of the Station comes from a variety of sources, including private and public donations, memberships, fundraising programs, government agencies, foundations, corporations, sponsorship, and legacies. We now have members and donors from all across Canada, the United States, England and Australia.
We are a non profit organization located in the heart of St Thomas Ontario.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of North America Railway Hall of Fame
North Bay Area Museum Society
100 Ferguson Street, North Bay, Ontario
@DiscoveryNorthBay (formerly The North Bay Area Museum), The Heritage Railway & Carousel Co. and The North Bay Heritage Gardeners formed Heritage North Bay, a predominantly volunteer-based organization with the goal of caring for our Waterfront and rail land / park developments.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of North Bay Area Museum Society
North Island Festival of Performing Arts
P.O. Box 3193, Courtenay, British Columbia
We are a non-profit society dedicated to providing an annual festival for students of the Comox Valley and surrounding communities to perform before audiences and adjudicators.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of North Island Festival of Performing Arts
North York Historical Society
5845 Yonge Street, North York, Ontario
Established in 1960 in the Borough of North York, affiliate of the Ontario Historical Society, founding member of the Toronto Historical Society.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of North York Historical Society
Northern Lights Festival Boreal
19 Grey St, Suite 3, Sudbury, Ontario
Northern Lights Festival Bor‚al is one of Ontario's longest running outdoor music and arts festivals.
Keywords: Music
· Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Northern Lights Festival Boreal
Northern Ontario Railroad Museum & Heritage Centre
26 Bloor Street, Capreol, Ontario
Northern Ontario Railroad Museum and Heritage Centre in Greater Sudbury, Ontario. Our aim is to engage the community through our common heritage.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Northern Ontario Railroad Museum & Heritage Centre
Northern Saskatchewan International Childrens Festival Inc
601 Spadina Cres. E., Suite 706, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Northern Saskatchewan International Children's Festival is held in early June on the shore of the South Saskatchewan River in Kiwanis Park.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Northern Saskatchewan International Childrens Festival Inc
Northern Visions Independent Video and Film Association
401 Richmond St W, Suite 448, Toronto, Ontario
Established in 1987, the Images Festival is the largest festival in North America for experimental and independent moving image culture, showcasing the innovative edge of international contemporary media art both on and off the screen.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Northern Visions Independent Video and Film Association
Nova Scotia Sport Heritage Centre
1800 Argyle St, Suite 446, Halifax, Nova Scotia
The Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame is a not-for-profit organization. Our mission is to honour, promote and preserve the sport history of Nova Scotia.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Nova Scotia Sport Heritage Centre
Nunavut Arts and Crafts Association
Box 1539, Iqaluit, Nunavut
NACA has supported Nunavut's visual artists since its foundation in 1998. We are a non-profit incorporated society that works with the community toward promoting and developing the arts and crafts sector.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
· Art
Volunteer Profile of Nunavut Arts and Crafts Association
NWT Mining Heritage Society
Box 2818, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
The Society and its members are committed to preserving the mining and geological history of the Northwest Territories, Canada, and works towards its ultimate goal, the construction and establishment of a mining museum at the old Giant gold mine in Yellowknife.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of NWT Mining Heritage Society