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Canadian MBA Schools - Reputation

The importance of the reputation of your Canadian MBA school.

How important is your Canadian MBA Schools' Reputation?

The reputation of the school from which you receive your MBA may play an integral part in how your degree will be viewed in the business world and may provide an indication as to your chances for post-degree career success. It is important, therefore, to choose a school of high repute especially as it relates to its quality of education, curriculum, and graduates.

Determining a school's reputation may be an involved process because simply relying on pre-collected data regarding this issue might be misleading as it tends to score the traditional elite schools, like Queen's University, University of Toronto, and University of Western Ontario, at or near the top. This, however, does not necessarily mean that these schools are the best but may simply mean that they are regarded as the best based on their respective histories. Indeed, sometimes employers are just asked their general impressions about certain MBA schools rather than specific questions regarding schools' programs and/or graduates. For example, Memorial University of Newfoundland is usually not highly regarded for its MBA program yet its students have bested those from higher profile institutions in major national and international business competitions and its graduates are regularly seen as being as skilled and qualified as those from traditionally elite institutions.

To review a school's reputation you may have to do some investigative work. For instance, you can contact alumni from the school you are researching and ask about their post-degree success and how they have been treated in the business world, in general, and various sectors and industries, specifically. You can also contact employers within the industry or sector you want to work and ask them about their experiences with and/or views of graduates from certain schools. The school's recruitment office is another place you may contact as it can provide you with information, or at least insight, regarding the school's relationship vis-à-vis business. You may also want to get in touch with current students and inquire as to how they view the quality of the education, instructors, and curriculum, among other things.

Critera for Choosing a MBA School and Program

  1. Costs and benefits
  2. Specialized, general, or combined MBA
  3. Curriculum
  4. Teaching quality
  5. Reputation of the MBA school
  6. Cooperative MBA programs
  7. Distance MBA programs
  8. Full-time vs part-time MBAs
  9. Internationalized MBA
  10. Recruitment possibilities
  11. Rankings
  12. International accreditation
  13. Peer group
  14. Size of student population
  15. Competition
  16. Bilingualism/Linguistic choice

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