If you are an individual who thrives better within a competitive environment you may want to find a school which is more agreeable with this aspect of your personality. Therefore, you may prefer a school whose entrance qualifications are high and/or an institution that encourages and rewards individual rather than group or cooperative achievements. If you are partial to a competitive environment then your best opportunities to satisfy this preference are usually the larger and more prestigious schools like Queen's University, University of Toronto, and University of Western Ontario, among others. To determine the degree of competition at various schools you should review descriptions and independent reviews of the schools and programs in which you are interested or you may want to contact the school's alumni, current students, and/or faculty directly. Critera for Choosing a MBA School and Program
- Costs and benefits
- Specialized, general, or combined MBA
- Curriculum
- Teaching quality
- Reputation of the MBA school
- Cooperative MBA programs
- Distance MBA programs
- Full-time vs part-time MBAs
- Internationalized MBA
- Recruitment possibilities
- Rankings
- International accreditation
- Peer group
- Size of student population
- Competition
- Bilingualism/Linguistic choice