Volunteer in Burlington, Ontario
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Information about volunteering and helping the 34 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Burlington, Ontario. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Burlington, other locations in Ontario, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
Halton Women's Place
2025 Guelph Line, Suite 223, Burlington, Ontario
Halton Women's Place is an organization providing shelter and crisis services for physically, emotionally, financially and sexually abused women and their dependent children and is dedicated to ending violence against women and their children.
Keywords: Women
Volunteer Profile of Halton Women's Place
Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital Corporation
1230 North Shore Blvd, Burlington, Ontario
Joseph Brant Hospital's mission is to provide quality patient care. One of the ways we do this is by living our organizational values: Compassion. Accountability. Respect. Excellence.
Keywords: Health Centres
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital Corporation
Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital Foundation
1230 North Shore Blvd, Burlington, Ontario
The Foundation has a long history of working in collaboration with individuals, businesses, Community organizations and government bodies to improve the quality of health care and build a leading Hospital that is responsive to our local needs.
Keywords: Health Centres
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital Foundation
Learning Disabilities Association of Halton
560 Guelph Line, Suite 9, Burlington, Ontario
Our mission is to provide leadership in learning disabilities advocacy, research, education and services and to advance the full participation of children, youth and adults with learning disabilities in today's society.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Disabled
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Learning Disabilities Association of Halton
Maria's Animal Rescue and Adoptions
2421 New Street, Village Gate Plaza, Burlington, Ontario
We rescue stray, abandoned and scheduled to be euthanized animals in Burlington Ontario. Provide all they require while we house them at our shelter and/or at loving foster homes. Our Goal is to find them all forever homes.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Maria's Animal Rescue and Adoptions
Museums of Burlington
Branch: Joseph Brant Museum
1240 North Shore Blvd. E., Burlington, Ontario
Our Vision: Burlington is a community that knows and celebrates its diverse cultural heritage, and plays an active role in building a better future for Burlington.
Our Mission: To inspire an appreciation of Burlington's past and its relevance to our present and future through innovative and interactive sharing of Burlington's heritage
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Museums of Burlington
Museums of Burlington
Branch: Ireland House
2168 Guelph Line, Burlington, Ontario
Our Vision: Burlington is a community that knows and celebrates its diverse cultural heritage, and plays an active role in building a better future for Burlington.
Our Mission: To inspire an appreciation of Burlington's past and its relevance to our present and future through innovative and interactive sharing of Burlington's heritage
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Museums of Burlington
Nelson Youth Centres
4225 New Street, Burlington, Ontario
The Nelson & District Youth Centre (NDYC) was established as a department of the City of Nelson in December 1997. Striving to create a safe, accepting, and empowering community where all youth can interact and access a variety of programs, services and activities they need and enjoy.
Nelson Youth Centres is an accredited children's mental health centre that provides group based treatment programs for Halton's children and youth.
Keywords: Family Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Nelson Youth Centres
Promise Keepers Canada
1295 North Service Rd., Burlington, Ontario
Promise Keepers Canada is a non-profit organization that has been working with churches since 1995 to minister to men across Canada.
Keywords: Religion
Volunteer Profile of Promise Keepers Canada
1295 North Service Road, Burlington, Ontario
Start2Finish is a national charity dedicated to breaking the cycle of child poverty by providing ongoing educational support to Canada's at risk children throughout their school years, nurturing mind, body and social health so they are empowered to succeed and become role models for change.
Keywords: Scholarships
· Poverty
· Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Start2Finish
Telecare Burlington
Box 62041, Burlington Mall Postal Outlet, Burlington, Ontario
A non-profit, volunteer-run organization that provides 24-hour anonymous telephone service to anyone who is troubled and needs someone to listen
Keywords: Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Telecare Burlington
The Junior League of Hamilton-Burlington Inc.
1424 Plains Road West, Burlington, Ontario
The Junior League is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.
Keywords: Women
Volunteer Profile of The Junior League of Hamilton-Burlington Inc.
The Literacy Council of Burlington
460 Brant St, Unit 21, Burlington, Ontario
The Literacy Council of Burlington is an incorporated, non-profit, charitable organization offering individual tutoring or small group classes to adults over the age of 19 in reading, writing, math and computer literacy.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of The Literacy Council of Burlington
Volunteer Halton
860 Harrington Court, Suite 209, Burlington, Ontario
Volunteer Halton is a program of Community Development Halton and as such provides unique services to the entire Halton Region. Volunteer Halton's mandate is to strengthen communities by building a strong civil society that fosters equity at the community level.
Keywords: Volunteer Centres
· Community Services
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Volunteer Halton
Volunteering in Burlington
Volunteering in Ontario
Locations near Burlington
(13 km): Waterdown
(13 km): Dundas
(13 km): Hamilton
(16 km): Stoney Creek
(16 km): Oakville
(20 km): Puslinch
(22 km): Milton
(24 km): Mount Hope
(24 km): Ancaster
(26 km): Grimsby
Latest Volunteer Profiles in Burlington - (add profile)
Erinoakkids Centre for Treatment and DevelopmentSince its founding in 1971, ErinoakKids Centre for Treatment and Development has grown to become Ontario’s largest Children’s Treatment Centre.
Museums of BurlingtonOur Vision: Burlington is a community that knows and celebrates its diverse cultural heritage, and plays an active role in building a better future for Burlington.
Our Mission: To inspire an appreciation of Burlington's past and its relevance to our present and future through innovative and interactive sharing of Burlington's heritage
Start2FinishStart2Finish is a national charity dedicated to breaking the cycle of child poverty by providing ongoing educational support to Canada's at risk children throughout their school years, nurturing mind, body and social health so they are empowered to succeed and become role models for change.
Telecare BurlingtonA non-profit, volunteer-run organization that provides 24-hour anonymous telephone service to anyone who is troubled and needs someone to listen
Halton Food for ThoughtHFFT provides before school breakfast programs, and in-school snack programs to students in Halton Region.
Burlington Community FoundationThe Burlington Community Foundation is a public foundation created by and for the people of Burlington.
Burlington Family Resource CentreROCK helps infants, children, teens and adults live healthier lives through: early assessment and diagnosis; effective and innovative treatment and therapy; and prevention and early intervention for those having, or at risk of developing, mental health problems or mental illness.
Habitat for Humanity HaltonHabitat is a independent, non-profit, Christian housing program dedicated to the elimination of poverty housing by building homes in partnership with families in need.
Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital FoundationThe Foundation has a long history of working in collaboration with individuals, businesses, Community organizations and government bodies to improve the quality of health care and build a leading Hospital that is responsive to our local needs.
Community Living BurlingtonCommunity Living Burlington provides services and support to approximately 350 children and adults who have a developmental disability in the Burlington community.
Volunteer in Burlington by Category
Adult Learning
Art Centres
Arts and Culture
Children and Youth
Community Services
Crisis Support
Education and Literacy
Family Services
Family Support
Health and Medicine
Health Centres
Homeless and Housing
Justice and Legal
Museums and Archives
Rescue and Adoption
Restorative Justice
Volunteer Centres