Volunteer in Ancaster, Ontario
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Information about volunteering and helping the 5 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Ancaster, Ontario. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Ancaster, other locations in Ontario, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
Ancaster Information Centre and Community Services
300 Wilson St East, Ancaster, Ontario
Ancaster Community Services (ACS) has been serving the Ancaster, Ontario community with a variety of services and programs since 1969. ACS links community members to services, information and volunteer opportunities to enhance quality of life and overall well being. A not for profit providing vital services and programs to the community of Ancaster and surrounding area. Serving an area of over 175 sq km. both rural and urban.
Keywords: Hunger
· Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Ancaster Information Centre and Community Services
David Mcantony Gibson Foundation
15 Honeysuckle Crescent, Ancaster, Ontario
DMGF was created in the spring of 1998 in honour of David McAntony Gibson, who tragically lost his life on February 7, 1998.
A remarkable man who believed in taking the time to help those around him both near and far, Mr. Gibson will be remembered by his friends, family and peers as caring, compassionate and dedicated. In keeping with David's spirit, DMGF is designed to help those in need around the world by providing relief supplies and equipment, and has adopted "Serving the Global Community" as its motto.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of David Mcantony Gibson Foundation
Hamilton All Star Jazz Band Inc
334 Wilson St E, Ancaster, Ontario
The "All Stars" is a big band comprised of musicians approximately aged 16 to 25, all of which are highschool, college, university students and graduates. The band consists of 5 saxophones, 5 trumpets, 4 trombones, 1 bass trombone, drums, acoustic upright bass, guitar, piano, and solo vocalist.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Hamilton All Star Jazz Band Inc
Reach Forth
557 Garner Road West, Ancaster, Ontario
Since 1975 Reach Forth has been at work in the communities of Hamilton-Wentworth and Halton. Reach Forth's Sports Ministry is a Christian based organization - we invite and welcome individuals with any or no religious affiliations. Each event includes a brief inspirational message. Reach Forth provides family friendly, co-ed youth and adult leagues year round for participants of all ages and skill levels. We exist to see sports played and lives changed.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Reach Forth
Redeemer University College
777 Garner Road East, Ancaster, Ontario
We're an undergraduate university that is known for providing a quality liberal arts and sciences university education and fostering a spiritually vibrant and caring community of learning on a beautiful and environmentally friendly campus.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of Redeemer University College
Volunteering in Ancaster
Volunteering in Ontario
Locations near Ancaster
(9 km): Hamilton
(13 km): Mount Hope
(16 km): Waterdown
(20 km): Stoney Creek
(22 km): Ohsweken
(24 km): Burlington
(26 km): York
(26 km): Brantford
(30 km): Cayuga
(31 km): Hagersville
Latest Volunteer Profiles in Ancaster - (add profile)
Redeemer University CollegeWe’re an undergraduate university that is known for providing a quality liberal arts and sciences university education and fostering a spiritually vibrant and caring community of learning on a beautiful and environmentally friendly campus.
Reach ForthSince 1975 Reach Forth has been at work in the communities of Hamilton-Wentworth and Halton. Reach Forth’s Sports Ministry is a Christian based organization – we invite and welcome individuals with any or no religious affiliations. Each event includes a brief inspirational message. Reach Forth provides family friendly, co-ed youth and adult leagues year round for participants of all ages and skill levels. We exist to see sports played and lives changed.
Ancaster Information Centre and Community ServicesAncaster Community Services (ACS) has been serving the Ancaster, Ontario community with a variety of services and programs since 1969. ACS links community members to services, information and volunteer opportunities to enhance quality of life and overall well being. A not for profit providing vital services and programs to the community of Ancaster and surrounding area. Serving an area of over 175 sq km. both rural and urban.
Hamilton All Star Jazz Band IncThe "All Stars" is a big band comprised of musicians approximately aged 16 to 25, all of which are highschool, college, university students and graduates. The band consists of 5 saxophones, 5 trumpets, 4 trombones, 1 bass trombone, drums, acoustic upright bass, guitar, piano, and solo vocalist.
David Mcantony Gibson FoundationDMGF was created in the spring of 1998 in honour of David McAntony Gibson, who tragically lost his life on February 7, 1998.
A remarkable man who believed in taking the time to help those around him both near and far, Mr. Gibson will be remembered by his friends, family and peers as caring, compassionate and dedicated. In keeping with David's spirit, DMGF is designed to help those in need around the world by providing relief supplies and equipment, and has adopted "Serving the Global Community" as its motto.
Volunteer in Ancaster by Category
Adult Learning
Arts and Culture
Children and Youth
Community Services
Education and Literacy
Family Services
Sports and Recreation