Volunteer in Waterdown, Ontario
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Information about volunteering and helping the 4 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Waterdown, Ontario. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Waterdown, other locations in Ontario, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
Animal Adoptions of Flamborough
16 Mill Street North, Waterdown, Ontario
We are a registered charity, operated by a group of volunteers, with the sole purpose of caring for lost, mistreated and abandoned animals. The organization is operated by a Board of Directors.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Animal Adoptions of Flamborough
Drummond House
67 5th Concession Road East, Waterdown, Ontario
Drummond House is the first project of Eagle's Nest Association of Waterdown, Ontario. It was birthed by Debra Tigchelaar who had a vision to have a "home" for women and their children during a time of distress. Debra shared this vision years later to Ross and Linda Drummond who own a large century home on an apple farm in Waterdown, Ontario.
Keywords: Women
· Homeless and Housing
Volunteer Profile of Drummond House
Flamborough Information and Community Services
163 Dundas St. E, 2nd floor, Waterdown, Ontario
Founded in 1977, FICS empowers residents through information and referral services and enhances community quality of life by identifying unmet needs, liaising with the community and facilitating social services.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Flamborough Information and Community Services
Horse Rescue Ontario.Org
628 Ofield Road North, Waterdown, Ontario
We have been a Federally Registered Charity since Feb. 2003 rescuing and placing over 160 horses most destined for slaughter. Please look through the pictures of the many horses who have come into our care and the pictures of the ones who presently reside here. We receive no funding and depend on donations and fundraising to feed and care for the horses.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Horse Rescue Ontario.Org
Volunteering in Waterdown
Volunteering in Ontario
Locations near Waterdown
(9 km): Dundas
(9 km): Hamilton
(13 km): Burlington
(16 km): Ancaster
(18 km): Stoney Creek
(18 km): Puslinch
(20 km): Mount Hope
(20 km): Milton
(22 km): Oakville
(30 km): Grimsby
Latest Volunteer Profiles in Waterdown - (add profile)
Drummond HouseDrummond House is the first project of Eagle's Nest Association of Waterdown, Ontario. It was birthed by Debra Tigchelaar who had a vision to have a "home" for women and their children during a time of distress. Debra shared this vision years later to Ross and Linda Drummond who own a large century home on an apple farm in Waterdown, Ontario.
Animal Adoptions of FlamboroughWe are a registered charity, operated by a group of volunteers, with the sole purpose of caring for lost, mistreated and abandoned animals. The organization is operated by a Board of Directors.
Flamborough Information and Community ServicesFounded in 1977, FICS empowers residents through information and referral services and enhances community quality of life by identifying unmet needs, liaising with the community and facilitating social services.
Horse Rescue Ontario.OrgWe have been a Federally Registered Charity since Feb. 2003 rescuing and placing over 160 horses most destined for slaughter. Please look through the pictures of the many horses who have come into our care and the pictures of the ones who presently reside here. We receive no funding and depend on donations and fundraising to feed and care for the horses.
Volunteer in Waterdown by Category
Community Services
Family Services
Homeless and Housing
Rescue and Adoption