Information about Animal Organizations in British Columbia offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view fewer results of Animal Organizations by selecting a specific location in British Columbia or expand your results by changing the province from the menu to the right.
Animal organizations focus on animal issues. This usually means either humane-society-type organizations that specialize in rescue and adoption of domestic animals, or wildlife groups that specialize in rehabilitation of injured wildlife.
1atatime Rescue Society
2919 Georgia St E, Vancouver, British Columbia V5K 2K5
In seven years of being in operation, 1atatime Rescue has found homes for over 300 death row animals (dogs and cats).
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of 1atatime Rescue Society
AireCanada, Airedale Rescue Network
Branch: British Columbia
All British Columbia, British Columbia
The AireCanada Airedale Rescue Network consists of a network of volunteer rescue workers located across Canada. Our mission is to locate superior homes for Airedale Terriers in need of new placements.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of AireCanada, Airedale Rescue Network
Alaskan Malamute HELP League
Branch: All British Columbia
All British Columbia, British Columbia
We are the largest association of Malamute owners in Canada. The AMHL is a Canada-wide registered charity dedicated to working with shelters, rescue groups and the public
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Alaskan Malamute HELP League
All Access Volunteers
206-1035 Auckland St., New Westminster, British Columbia V3M1K9
All Access Volunteers (AAV) is a volunteer placement organization, created with the vision of helping prospective volunteers find opportunities throughout Latin America.
Keywords: Wildlife
· International
· Environment
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of All Access Volunteers
Animal Advocates Society of BC
1075 Marine Drive, Suite 103, North Vancouver, British Columbia V7P 3T6
We will not kill an animal in our care because it would be too expensive to save it, or because no one wants it.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Animal Advocates Society of BC
BC Chihuahua Rescue
24 Prideaux St, Unit 209, Nanaimo, British Columbia V9R 2M4
The BCCR is a Canadian charitable organization (non-profit) rescuing Chihuahuas in British Columbia, Canada.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of BC Chihuahua Rescue
BC Pets and Friends Society
306 - 255 West First Street, North Vancouver, British Columbia V7M3G8
Pets Visiting People Pets and Friends brings pet owners and their pets together with care facilities such as senior's care homes, hospitals, and hospices to provide the joy and comfort of pet visits to the residents and patients.
Keywords: Seniors
· Mental Health
· Health
· Disabled
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of BC Pets and Friends Society
BC SPCA 100 Mile House & District Branch
Box 1948, 100 Mile House, British Columbia V0K2E0
Through its province-wide network of 50 plus Communities, the Ontario SPCA is one of the largest, most responsive animal welfare organizations in the country, providing care and shelter for tens of thousands of animals every year. As a non-profit charitable organization, the Ontario SPCA is unique amongst animal welfare organizations in Ontario: the Ontario SPCA Act mandates the Society to enforce animal cruelty laws and provides Ontario SPCA Community investigators with police powers to do so.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of BC SPCA 100 Mile House & District Branch
BC SPCA Shuswap
5850 Auto Road SE, Salmon Arm, British Columbia V1E2X2
The BC SPCA is a non-profit organization funded primarily by public donations. To protect and enhance the quality of life for domestic, farm and wild animals in British Columbia.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of BC SPCA Shuswap
BC Wildlife Park Kamloops
9077 Dallas Drive, Kamloops, British Columbia V2C6V1
A non-profit society that offers visitors to see and learn about BC's wildlife. We believe in conservation through education!
Keywords: Wildlife
· Environment
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of BC Wildlife Park Kamloops
Big Heart Rescue Society
Box 45502 Sunnyside RPO, Surrey, British Columbia V4A9N3
Big Heart Rescue works within the Province of British Columbia with a special focus on remote First Nations communities without a resident veterinarian. Communities we work with include Waglisla (Bella Bella), Shearwater, Bella Coola, Wuikinuxw (Oweekeno) and Klemtu on the Central Coast.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Big Heart Rescue Society
British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Branch: Victoria
3150 Napier Lane, Victoria, British Columbia
The BC SPCA Victoria Branch provides care and protection to thousands of animals each year.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
1245 7th Ave E, Vancouver, British Columbia V5T 1R1
The BC SPCA Victoria Branch provides care and protection to thousands of animals each year.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
British Columbia Waterfowl Society
5191 Robertson Road, Delta, British Columbia V4K 3N2
The Sanctuary is located on the outskirts of the Village of Ladner, in Delta, BC. By the turn of the century, protective dykes had been built along the Fraser River to protect Ladner's thriving farming and fishing-based community from the Fraser River and the tidal waters of the Strait of Georgia.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Waterfowl Society
Canadian Animal Rescue & Extended Shelter Society
8840 210 Street, Suite 290, Langley, British Columbia V1M2Y2
Canadian Animal Rescue and Extended Shelter (C.A.R.E.S) was formed in 1993 when a group of animal lovers wanted a shelter for animals that were homeless. We provide shelter for stray, abandoned and unwanted cats in a safe, loving, cage free environment. There is a no kill policy at C.A.R.E.S., therefore, any animals that are not adopted will be able to live the rest of their natural lives at the shelter.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Animal Rescue & Extended Shelter Society
Canine Benefactors Society
1728-156 St., Surrey, British Columbia V4A4T1
We raise money and buy veterinary oxygen masks and give them to fire and rescue departments
Keywords: Animals
Volunteer Profile of Canine Benefactors Society
Chilliwack Animal Safe Haven Society
49843 Chilliwack Central Rd, Chilliwack, British Columbia V2P6H3
The Chilliwack Animal Safe Haven Society is dedicated to saving homeless cats, helping pets stay in loving homes, and cultivating respect and awareness for the rights and needs of animals.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Chilliwack Animal Safe Haven Society
Circle F Horse Rescue Society
Box 73 Station Main, Abbotsford, British Columbia V2T6Z4
Circle F takes in adoptable horses that owners no longer want, cares for them through volunteers and places them in caring adoptive homes.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Circle F Horse Rescue Society
Coho Society
1408 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, British Columbia V7T1A2
The Coho Society is a volunteer, environmentally based organization that organizes and participates in events to sustain their mission of protecting and revitalizing North Shore waterways.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Festival
· Environment
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Coho Society
Cowichan Therapeutic Riding Association
1843 Tzouhalem Road, Duncan, British Columbia V9L5L6
The Cowichan Therapeutic Riding Association provides therapeutic riding and equine-based therapeutic services for persons with disabilities. We promote and facilitate access to horses as a therapeutic alternative, recreational/sport opportunity, and agent of well-being in the lives of all participants. Through the power of the human-equine bond, CTRA brings together individuals, families, and the community in the spirit of healing, inclusion, and human growth.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Disabled
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Cowichan Therapeutic Riding Association