Volunteer for Religious Organizations in Quebec
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Information about Religious Organizations in Quebec offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view fewer results of Religious Organizations by selecting a specific location in Quebec or expand your results by changing the province from the menu to the right. Religious organizations are widespread, encompassing poverty, community services, and seniors. This includes groups that, in addition to providing services for the poor, elderly, disadvantaged, etc, also perform religious services.
Coptic Orphans Support Association
Laval, Quebec H7P5S1
Coptic Orphans is an award-winning international Christian development organization that has touched the lives of over 30,000 children in Egypt since 1988.
Keywords: Religion
· Poverty
Volunteer Profile of Coptic Orphans Support Association
Fondation Pere-Menard
1195 Rue Sauve Est, Montreal, Quebec H2C1Z8
In 1970, Father Eusebe Menard suggests to Fathers Marcel Paquette and Roger Ouimet, both members of the Society of the Holy Apostles, to create a foundation to meet the needs of his apostolate in Latin America.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of Fondation Pere-Menard
Les Petites Soeurs De L'assomption
5655, rue de Salaberry,4eD, Montreal, Quebec H4J1J5
We, Little Sisters of the Assumption, are apostolic religious women, who live in communities that are often international, in harmony with the intuition of our Founders Etienne Pernet and Antoinette Fage.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of Les Petites Soeurs De L'assomption
Mennonite Fellowship of Montreal Eglise Mennonite De Montreal
120 Duluth Ave, Montreal, Quebec H2W1H1
The Mennonite Fellowship of Montr‚al ("MFM") is an urban Church which gathers every Sunday for worship as well as for special events that happen throughout the year.
Keywords: Religion
Volunteer Profile of Mennonite Fellowship of Montreal
Welcome Hall Mission Mission Bon Accueil
606 De Courcelle Street, Montreal, Quebec H4C3L5
The story of Welcome Hall Mission. Mr. Macaulay sought to relieve the suffering of the indigent men he saw in the streets around Central Station in the early 20th century.
Keywords: Religion
· Poverty
Volunteer Profile of Welcome Hall Mission
Youth With A Mission Jeunesse en mission
165, rue du college, Dunham, Quebec J0E1M0
We are a community of Christians who have the desire to know God better and make Him known. Our vision is to disciple and serve the nations of the world through relationships, through training, through sharing the message of the gospel, and serving those in need. It begins locally in the province of Quebec and other parts of Canada, and moves out internationally into the French-speaking world and beyond through our various ministries and training programs.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of Youth With A Mission