Volunteer for Religious Organizations in British Columbia
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Information about Religious Organizations in British Columbia offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view fewer results of Religious Organizations by selecting a specific location in British Columbia or expand your results by changing the province from the menu to the right. Religious organizations are widespread, encompassing poverty, community services, and seniors. This includes groups that, in addition to providing services for the poor, elderly, disadvantaged, etc, also perform religious services.
Adam Va-Adamah Jewish Environmental Society
4088 Cambie St, Suite 201, Vancouver, British Columbia V5Z 2X8
Adam va-Adamah ("Humans and the Earth") is a regional affiliate of the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL), dedicated to educating British Columbians about Judaism's deeply-rooted environmental values. Adam va-Adamah was founded in 1998/5758 and is incorporated as a society in British Columbia.
Keywords: Religion
Volunteer Profile of Adam Va-Adamah Jewish Environmental Society
African Enterprise Association of Canada
4509 West 11th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia V6R 2M5
Our mission is to evangelize the cities of Africa through Word and deed, in partnership with the Church.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of African Enterprise Association of Canada
C.A.R.T.S. Outreach
1892 Carnarvon Street, Victoria, British Columbia V8R2T8
CARTS is an faith-based, volunteer-driven, federally registered charity. CARTS began in 2002 and was formally incorporated as a charity in 2003. Our founders have a long history of ministering to those on the streets of Victoria. Members of a variety of helping organizations have recognized the work of CARTS Outreach.
Keywords: Religion
· Homeless and Housing
Volunteer Profile of C.A.R.T.S. Outreach
Canadian Reformed School Association of Langley
21919 - 52nd Avenue, Langley, British Columbia V2Y2M7
The Canadian Reformed School Association of Langley, Inc., operating the Credo Christian Elementary School is an 'offshoot' of the Canadian Reformed School Association of Surrey, B.C.
Keywords: Religion
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Reformed School Association of Langley
Centre for Earth and Spirit Society
6040 Sooke Rd E, Sooke, British Columbia V9Z0Z7
Two volunteer organizations, The Well Foundation and The Centre for Earth and Spirit Society have joined forces and merged their histories and cultures. In January 2012, the presidents of both organizations made a joint proposal to merge. Realizing that they had been making parallel contributions to the life and spirit of Victoria for well over a decade both boards endorsed the merger proposal.
Keywords: Religion
Volunteer Profile of Centre for Earth and Spirit Society
Coastal Missions Society
Chemainus, British Columbia V0R1K0
We are ten missionaries with a wide variety of ages, backgrounds, skills, and personalities. When combined this variety and our team harmony is a hallmark of Coastal Missions.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of Coastal Missions Society
Fair Haven United Church Homes
Branch: Burnaby Office
7557 Sussex Avenue, Burnaby, British Columbia V5J2V6
The Fair Haven United Church Homes is a non-profit organization which was founded over 60 years ago to provide low-cost housing for seniors.
Today, Fair Haven provides residential care and affordable housing to more than 350 seniors in Burnaby and Vancouver. Fair Haven, a faith-based organization, is recognized as a leader in residential care and services for seniors.
Keywords: Seniors
· Religion
· Housing
Volunteer Profile of Fair Haven United Church Homes
Fair Haven United Church Homes
Branch: Vancouver Office
2720 East 48th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia V5S1G7
The Fair Haven United Church Homes is a non-profit organization which was founded over 60 years ago to provide low-cost housing for seniors.
Today, Fair Haven provides residential care and affordable housing to more than 350 seniors in Burnaby and Vancouver. Fair Haven, a faith-based organization, is recognized as a leader in residential care and services for seniors.
Keywords: Seniors
· Religion
· Housing
Volunteer Profile of Fair Haven United Church Homes
Kelowna Gospel Mission
251B Leon Avenue, Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y9N9
Kelowna's Gospel Mission will feed the hungry, shelter the homeless and help the hurting. We will provide assistance to all. We will minister to the whole person, spirit, soul and body by sharing Jesus with a servant's heart.
Keywords: Religion
· Poverty
Volunteer Profile of Kelowna Gospel Mission
Lotus Speech Canada Buddhist Society
2678 Broadway W, Suite 212, Vancouver, British Columbia V6K2G3
To provide an environment conducive for Buddhist philosophical study, mediation practice and contemplation under the spiritual direction of Changling Tulku Rinpoche. To maintain a centre for the study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism particularly as taught in the Dzogchen and Northern Treasures lineages of the Nyingma School. To support the development of service, compassion and concern for others in both our own membership and in the larger society to maximize our potential. To collect, preserve, translate and produce Buddhist texts specific to the Nyingma School.
Keywords: Religion
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Lotus Speech Canada Buddhist Society
Louis Brier Home and Hospital
1055 West 41st Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia V6M1W9
Our mission at the Louis Brier Home & Hospital is to provide exemplary care to you and your family within a supportive and caring community, consistent with Jewish values and traditions. As innovative leaders in eldercare, our vision is to enrich the quality of life of Jewish seniors in everything we do.
Keywords: Seniors
· Religion
· Housing
· Health Centres
Volunteer Profile of Louis Brier Home and Hospital
Mennonite Central Committee British Columbia
31414 Marshall Road, Abbotsford, British Columbia V2T3T8
Mennonite Central Committee Canada (MCCC) is the Canadian arm of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC). MCC, founded in 1920, is a relief and development service agency. As the name indicates, the organization reflects joint ownership by various Mennonite and Brethren in Christ Churches in Canada and the United States.
Keywords: Religion
· Poverty
Volunteer Profile of Mennonite Central Committee British Columbia
More Than A Roof Mennonite Housing Society
1515 Charles Street, Suite 100, Vancouver, British Columbia V5L2T2
Our focus on being "More Than A Roof" captures in a simple phrase the very essence of our society's Vision and Mission. Sometimes it means helping a young single mom cope with the intense pressures of poverty and parenthood. Sometimes it means bringing dignity, care and friendship to someone who lives with the terrors of a mental illness. It could be an unhesitating welcome to a refugee family fleeing brutal oppression and hardship of a third world country, or accepting those who are homeless and hungry.
Keywords: Religion
· Poverty
· Housing
· Homeless and Housing
Volunteer Profile of More Than A Roof Mennonite Housing Society
Mosaic Church
165 West 4th Avenue, Suite 208, Vancouver, British Columbia V5Y1G4
Our mission at Mosaic is to be a compassionate Christian community of inclusive diversity where everyone knows they belong and has opportunity to serve. Our wider vision is to give a voice to the voiceless, one the church needs to hear. We want to contribute to the transformation of people and how they think about diversity, equality, justice and service.
Keywords: Religion
Volunteer Profile of Mosaic Church
Mount St Mary Hospital
861 Fairfield Rd, Victoria, British Columbia V8V5A9
Mount St. Mary Hospital, a faith based facility, is a caring community where people who need long-term support can live in a home-like environment that supports their independence, dignity and quality of life.
Keywords: Seniors
· Religion
· Health Centres
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Mount St Mary Hospital
New Life Mission
Kamloops, British Columbia V2C5L7
Every year the New Life Mission sees hundreds of people walk through its doors to serve through their time, abilities and heart to serve the less fortunate of our community. We are so grateful for these volunteers whom without we would find it difficult to function.
Keywords: Religion
· Poverty
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of New Life Mission
NightShift Street Ministries Society
10635 King George Boulevard, Surrey, British Columbia V3T2X6
NightShift Street Ministries is a not-for-profit, multi-denominational Christian society working with poor, vulnerable and under-resourced men and women in the community 365 days a year, because every day matters.
Keywords: Religion
· Poverty
· Hunger
· Homeless and Housing
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of NightShift Street Ministries Society
Pacific Coast Children's Mission
Heriot Bay, British Columbia V0P1H0
Camp Homewood is a year round non-denominational Christian camp located on Quadra Island serving campers of all ages since 1944. There are over 150 campers enrolled every week in July and August. Kids and adults alike come for a week to get away from their daily lives to make friends, learn a skill and enjoy nature in a safe and fun environment.
Keywords: Religion
Volunteer Profile of Pacific Coast Children's Mission
Reasons to Believe
386 Davis Road, Ladysmith, British Columbia V9G1V2
Reasons To Believe (RTB) Chapters exist to connect the ministry of RTB with communities around the world, uplifting and equipping fellow believers for productive dialogue that invites doubters and skeptics to follow Jesus Christ.
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
Volunteer Profile of Reasons to Believe
Shepherd's Reach Society
765b Copeland Pl, Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y5S6
Shepherd's Reach Society is here with support for your spirituality, emotional well-being and essential needs.
Keywords: Women
· Religion
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Shepherd's Reach Society