Volunteer for Historical Societies in Ontario
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Information about Historical Societies in Ontario offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view fewer results of Historical Societies by selecting a specific location in Ontario or expand your results by changing the province from the menu to the right. Some educational and heritage organizations are historically oriented, focusing on entities such as museums, heritage buildings, or genealogical societies.
Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead National Historic Site
359 Blue Lake Road, Brant, Ontario N0E1N0
The Organization's mandate is to preserve, protect and interpret the story of Adelaide, the Hunter family and the rural domestic experience. Our mission is to provide access to and encourage participation in cultural and educational services and resources which enrich the lives of the community and all visitors by promoting, educating and interpreting Adelaide Hoodless, her family, the Homestead and the reasons for designation as a National Historic Site.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
Volunteer Profile of Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead National Historic Site
Arthur Child Heritage Museum of the 1000 Islands
125 Water St, Gananoque, Ontario K7G3E3
The Historic Thousand Islands Village Foundation operating as the Arthur Child Heritage Museum of the Thousand Islands is a non-profit charitable organization, dedicated to creating exhibits and archives, collecting and preserving artifacts that interpret the unique history, life and times of the Thousand Islands Region and its communities.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Arthur Child Heritage Museum of the 1000 Islands
Beachville District Historical Society
584367 Beachville Rd, Beachville, Ontario N0J 1A0
The Museum houses many interesting artifacts from Mastadon bones found on the O.J. Bond farm, a history of limestone quarries and a baseball display describing the first baseball game.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Beachville District Historical Society
Bonnechere Arts and Historical Society
85 Bonnechere Street, Eganville, Ontario K0J 1T0
The Bonnechere Arts and Historical Society is a community-based, volunteer organization. It is an incorporated, non-profit, registered charity, which has three functions:
to operate Bonnechere Museum, to search for, collect, and encourage the writing of historical materials; and to showcase artistic and cultural events.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Bonnechere Arts and Historical Society
Brant Historical Society
57 Charlotte St, Brantford, Ontario N3T 2W6
Celebrating the history of Brantford & Brant County! We operate two museums in Brant: Brant Museum & Archives and Myrtleville House Museum.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Brant Historical Society
British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa
395 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario K2C 3Y7
Founded and incorporated in 1994, the British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa (BIFHSGO) is a not-for-profit genealogical organization.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa
Bruce County Genealogical Society
22 Victoria Street North, Southampton, Ontario N0H 2L0
The Bruce County Genealogical Society was founded on March 20, 1989 as a non-profit, unaffiliated organization for ancestry and family history in Bruce County, Ontario. We are proud of the many varied resources now available through our efforts.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Bruce County Genealogical Society
Canadian Drilling Rig Museum
259 Kohler Road, Selkirk, Ontario N0A1P0
The Canadian Drilling Rig Museum is located in Rainham Centre, at the corner of Rainham Road and Kohler Road (formerly Regional Roads 3 & 8) It is situated on the south west corner of the town. The museum has a fully functional historic drilling rig and information on the history of drilling and natural gas industry. Please come and check us out.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Drilling Rig Museum
Canadian Fire Fighters Museum
95 Mill St. South, Port Hope, Ontario L1A3W3
The Canadian Fire Fighters Museum has a growing collection of fire apparatus representing hand drawn, horse drawn, and motorized periods of fire fighting in Canada. Additional exhibits include a working municipal fire alarm system, photo displays, helmets, turnout gear and tools of the trade. Our latest exhibit is the collection of Canadian fire hydrants that is steadily growing.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Fire Fighters Museum
Canadian Historical Association Societe historique du Canada
501-130, Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5G4
Founded in 1922, the Canadian Historical Association / La Soci‚t‚ historique du Canada is a bilingual not-for-profit and charitable association devoted to fostering the scholarly study and communication of history in Canada. It is the largest of its kind in the country.
Keywords: History
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Historical Association
Canadian Macedonian Historical Society La soci‚t‚ historique mac‚donienne canadienne
850 O'connor Drive, Toronto, Ontario M4B3L6
Promoting public interest in the history of Canadian citizens of Macedonian descent and to encourage research therein; conducting and promoting historical and archaeological research; establishing and maintaining a library and museum.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Macedonian Historical Society
Canadian Motorsport Hall of Fame
8220 Fifth Line, Halton Hills, Ontario L7G4S6
The Canadian Motorsport Heritage Foundation now operates as a not-for-profit charitable institution. In the new millennium we continue to honour and recognize those who have made significant contributions to motorsports in Canada. As funds permit, we will seek out new additions to the collection and continually improve and upgrade our display environment.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Motorsport Hall of Fame
Canadian Museums Association Association Des Musees Canadiens
280 Metcalfe St, Suite 400, Ottawa, Ontario K2P1R7
The Canadian Museums Association (CMA) is the national organization for the advancement of the Canadian museum sector, representing Canadian museum professionals both within Canada and internationally. The CMA works for the recognition, growth, and stability of the sector. It was established by a small group of people in Quebec City in 1947. There were 161 museums in Canada in 1951; by 1972 there were 838 museums, galleries and related institutions. As the quantity of Canadian museums increased, so did the need for the CMA.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Museums Association
Canadian Warplane Heritage
9280 Airport Rd, Mount Hope, Ontario L0R1W0
To acquire, document, preserve and maintain, a complete collection of aircraft that were flown by Canadians and the Canadian military services from the beginning of World War II to the present, including other related aviation artifacts and memorabilia of significant historic importance to this period.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Warplane Heritage
Cataraqui Archaeological Research Foundation
611 Princess St, Kingston, Ontario K7L1E1
Please note that the Cataraqui Archaeological Research Foundation and the Kingston Archaeology Centre have closed. This site is still available for historical and informational reasons, but none of the services or products described here are available anymore.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Cataraqui Archaeological Research Foundation
Chiefswood National Historic Site
1037 Hwy 54, Ohsweken, Ontario N0A1M0
Following the passing of the last Johnson child, Evelyn Johnson in 1937, the mansion was left in Evelyn's will to the Six Nations people. Beginning in 1953, the Six Nations Band Council began raising funds for the restoration of Chiefswood. Through generous support and fundraising efforts, the Chiefswood mansion was opened to the public as a museum in 1963.
Keywords: History
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Chiefswood National Historic Site
Community Heritage Ontario
24 Conlins Road, Highland Creek, Ontario M1C1C3
Community Heritage Ontario's (CHO) mission is to be an advocate for heritage in Ontario, to encourage the development of municipally-appointed heritage advisory committees and to further the identification, preservation, interpretation and wise use of community heritage locally, provincially and nationally.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Community Heritage Ontario
Council of Heritage Organizations in Ottawa Conseil Des Organismes Du Patrimoine D'ottawa
280 Metcalfe Street, Suite 504, Ottawa, Ontario K2P1R7
The Council of Heritage Organizations in Ottawa | le Conseil des organismes du patrimoine d'Ottawa (CHOO|COPO) is an umbrella organization serving cultural heritage organizations in the greater Ottawa area. CHOO|COPO plays a lead role in developing and sustaining Ottawa's heritage sector and ensuring local residents have access to heritage. To achieve its objectives, CHOO|COPO works closely with museums, archives, historical and genealogical societies, cultural communities, heritage buildings and sites as well as a range of heritage scholars, supporters and advocates.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Council of Heritage Organizations in Ottawa
Diefenbunker Canada's Cold War Museum Musee Canadien De La Guerre Froide
3911 Carp Road, Carp, Ontario K0A1L0
The Diefenbunker is a four-story, 300 room, 100,000 square foot underground bunker, and was meant to house 535 Canadian government officials and military officers in the event of a nuclear war. Shrouded in mystery, the Diefenbunker, nicknamed after then Prime Minister John Diefenbaker, was designed and built in secrecy during the crest of Cold War fear, between 1959 and 1961. The name of the facility was given by a Toronto Star journalist who exposed a story of its development.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Diefenbunker Canada's Cold War Museum
Dundas Historical Society Museum
139 Park St. W., Dundas, Ontario L9H1X8
The mandate of the Historical Society was to search out, collect, preserve and record historical records and artifacts which told the story of the town of Dundas and its nearby townships. The items were stored and preserved in the best manner possible. However as the quantity increased it became evident that a building was needed; one specific to the unique needs of an historical collection.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Dundas Historical Society Museum