Volunteer for Environmental Organizations in Manitoba
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Information about Environmental Organizations in Manitoba offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view fewer results of Environmental Organizations by selecting a specific location in Manitoba or expand your results by changing the province from the menu to the right. Environmental groups focus on aspects such as trail maintenance, watersheds, parklands, and wilderness conservation. Sometimes this group can overlap with Animals (for wildlife groups).
ArtsJunktion mb
312 B William Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3A1P9
ArtsJunktion mb was incorporated in August 2007 and has Charitable Tax Status.
ArtsJunktion mb is a non-profit organization run by a volunteer Executive Board and funded by Friends, Partners, Corporate Sponsors and Funders.
Keywords: Environment
· Arts and Culture
· Art
Volunteer Profile of ArtsJunktion mb
Bird Studies Canada Etudes d'Oiseaux Canada
Branch: Manitoba Program Office
200 Saulteaux Crescent, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 3W3
Bird Studies Canada is a not-for-profit organization built on the enthusiastic contributions of thousands of volunteer Citizen Scientists. Data from Bird Studies Canada's volunteer surveys and targeted research projects are used to identify significant population changes and help direct conservation planning.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Environment
Volunteer Profile of Bird Studies Canada
Bishop Grandin Greenway
845 Dakota Street, Suite 6, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2M5M3
Bishop Grandin Greenway Inc. (BGGI) is a not for profit registered charity formed to address the community need for improved history, health and wellness.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Bishop Grandin Greenway
Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication Le Reseau canadien d'education et de communication relatives a l'environnement
336 Rosedale Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L1L8
The Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication (EECOM), is Canada's only national, bilingual, charitable network for environmental learning.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication
Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources
245 McDermot Avenue, 3rd Floor, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0S6
CIER is the only national, First Nation-directed environmental non-profit organization with charitable status. We operate in a virtual environment and our staff works with our clients to develop and implement sustainable solutions to proactively address environmental issues affecting First Nations lands.
Keywords: First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Environment
Volunteer Profile of Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources
Ducks Unlimited Canada Canards Illimites Canada
1 Mallard Bay at Highway 220, Stonewall, Manitoba R0C2Z0
Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) is the leader in wetland conservation. A registered charity, we partner with government, industry, non-profit organizations and landowners to conserve wetlands that are critical to waterfowl, wildlife and the environment.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Ducks Unlimited Canada
Flin Flon and District Environment Council
Flin Flon, Manitoba R8A1N1
The Flin Flon & District Environment Council Inc. was incorporated as a non-profit corporation in 1995.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Flin Flon and District Environment Council
Friends of Birds Hill Park Inc
Dugald, Manitoba R0E0K0
Incorporated in 2000, Friends of Birds Hill Park is a democratic non-profit, voluntary association of individuals committed to conserving the park's natural environment.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Friends of Birds Hill Park Inc
Lake of the Prairies Conservation District
Building 211, P.R. 366, Inglis, Manitoba R0J0X0
Lake of the Prairies Conservation District is a non-profit grassroots organization that works with landowners and producers to ensure the protection and preservation of the natural resources within our watershed.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Environment
Volunteer Profile of Lake of the Prairies Conservation District
Manitoba Eco-Network Inc Reseau Ecologique Du Manitoba Inc
303 Portage Ave, Unit 3, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B2B4
Manitoba Eco-Network is a non-profit organization which promotes positive environmental action. Our organization's mission is to facilitate environmental awareness and expand community connections. We educate, we facilitate, we celebrate!
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Manitoba Eco-Network Inc
Manitoba Forestry Association Incorporated
900 Corydon Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3M0Y4
The untrained person should never attempt to remove a tree on their own. When a tree falls, where it is going to land can be unpredictable and without the proper training, you can hurt yourself, other people, or cause damage to items that are nearby.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Manitoba Forestry Association Incorporated
Save Our Seine River Environment Inc.
208 Provencher Blvd., Winnipeg, Manitoba R2H3B4
Preserve, protect and enhance the natural environment & heritage resource of the Seine River Restore & repair features of the environment that have been degraded Improve water level, flow & quality Raise the public's awareness of all aspects of the Seine River Improve the environmental behavior of private industry, governments and the general public. Improve appropriate public access along the Seine River (by low-impact nature trail & by canoe)
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Save Our Seine River Environment Inc.
Trees Winnipeg
1539 Waverley St, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T4V7
Trees Winnipeg is passionate about our urban forest. We offer great resources and information on tree care, workshops, and urban forest education. Save the date for some of our exciting events like Arbor Day, and jump to our Manitoba Notable Tree Register to explore unique trees right here in our community.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Trees Winnipeg