Volunteer for Animal Organizations in Manitoba
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Information about Animal Organizations in Manitoba offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view fewer results of Animal Organizations by selecting a specific location in Manitoba or expand your results by changing the province from the menu to the right. Animal organizations focus on animal issues. This usually means either humane-society-type organizations that specialize in rescue and adoption of domestic animals, or wildlife groups that specialize in rehabilitation of injured wildlife.
AireCanada, Airedale Rescue Network
Branch: Manitoba
All Manitoba, Manitoba
The AireCanada Airedale Rescue Network consists of a network of volunteer rescue workers located across Canada. Our mission is to locate superior homes for Airedale Terriers in need of new placements.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of AireCanada, Airedale Rescue Network
Assiniboine Park Zoo
2595 Roblin Boulevard, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Located minutes from downtown Winnipeg in beautiful Assiniboine Park, the Assiniboine Park Zoo provides visitors with the opportunity to interact with animal species from all corners of the globe.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Assiniboine Park Zoo
Craig Street Cats
489 Madison St., Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J1J2
Craig Street Cats is a non-profit organization working to improve the lives of Winnipeg's free roaming cats. Founded in Apr. 2008 to care for the feral cats on Wolseley's Craig Street, it has grown to a city wide organization caring for over 300 cats in all areas of Winnipeg.
Keywords: Animals
Volunteer Profile of Craig Street Cats
Delta Waterfowl Foundation
62 Scurfield Blvd, Unit 22, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3Y1M5
Delta is an organization poised to grow to meet this challenge. An organization with legions of waterfowl hunters at the ready to secure the future of ducks and duck hunting.
Keywords: Animals
Volunteer Profile of Delta Waterfowl Foundation
Funds for Furry Friends
740 Rosser Ave, Suite 208, Brandon, Manitoba R7A0K9
We are a dog and cat rescue, based in Southwestern Manitoba, that is completely foster home based.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Funds for Furry Friends
Gimli Humane Society
33 Harvard Ave., Gimli Industrial Park, Gimli, Manitoba R0C1B0
We are a small registered charity non-profit organization devoted to animal welfare. We are the only 'No Kill' Shelter in the Interlake and rely totally upon the generosity of the people in these localities to keep our Shelter running.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Gimli Humane Society
Pembina Valley Humane Society
462 Jefferson Street, Morden, Manitoba R6M0C3
The mission of the Pembina Valley Humane Society is to support humane and sustainable communities for all animals through education, advocacy, respect and responsibility.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Pembina Valley Humane Society
Portage Animal Welfare Society Inc.
Portage La Prairie, Manitoba R1N3N9
To improve the quality of life of stray and abandoned companion animals in both the City and R.M. of Portage la Prairie.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Portage Animal Welfare Society Inc.
Thompson Humane Society Inc.
27 Nelson Road, Thompson, Manitoba R8N1N4
Our message is quite simple - a dog, a cat, any animal feels pain, they need food, water and shelter.like we all do. The mission of the THS is to promote this message, to educate and to provide a safe haven for the animals in our care. In this way, the THS hopes to encourage compassion towards all life.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Thompson Humane Society Inc.
Wildlife Haven Rehabiliation Centre
Box 147, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3V1L5
Formed in 1984 by a group of environmentally concerned citizens, the Manitoba Wildlife Rehabilitation Organization (MWRO) was Manitoba's first wildlife rehabilitation organization.
Keywords: Wildlife
· Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Wildlife Haven Rehabiliation Centre
Winnipeg Pet Rescue Shelter Inc.
3062 Portage Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3K0Y1
The Winnipeg Pet Rescue Shelter is Manitoba's first registered charity, NO-KILL animal shelter. Our Charitable Registration number is #866006273RR0001
The Winnipeg Pet Rescue Shelter is a non-profit charity committed to providing a euthanasia-free environment for unwanted animals through the provision of interim care and arrangement of adoptions to suitable owners.
Keywords: Rescue and Adoption
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Winnipeg Pet Rescue Shelter Inc.