Theatre Projects Manitoba is a small but vibrant theatre company based in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Committed to the cultivation of Manitoba plays and artists, in the past 21 years, we have staged more than 50 new Manitoba works. We develop the voices of our region, choosing stories that have a connection to our community, our history and culture.
Volunteer Information for Theatre Projects Manitoba
What services does your organization provide? TPM presents two full productions each year, a smaller additional show on alternate years, as well as play readings and workshops.
Do you have any age requirements? Typically age 16 and up.
Do you require language proficiency other than in English? No.
What time commitment(s) are you expecting from a volunteer? Any.
Are there any other requirements for being a volunteer? Reliability
Are there any specific skills and experience required? No - good interpersonal skills appreciated.
What type of volunteer positions are typically available? Volunteers on show dates:
Box Office assistant - greet patrons, check reservation sheet, collect payment, hand out tickets;
Ushering - stuff and handout programs, take tickets, direct patrons to washrooms and theatre space, move chairs for wheelchairs, walkers, etc;
Merchandise Table - sell Manitoba plays in the lobby;
Occasional office help - preparing mailouts
Is there any training provided for volunteers? Instructions and supervison provided for all volunteer activity
What are the typical volunteer activities occurring at your organization? See above
How will a person benefit from volunteering with Theatre Projects Manitoba? Provide tangible support to the arts, meet working professionals in the arts cummunity. Free admission to performances provided for show volunteers.
If you are a Canadian organization seeking volunteers and want to have a profile listed and/or updated with us, we invite you to fill out our volunteer questionnaire. If you have any questions or comments, we can be contacted at