Volunteer in Regina, Saskatchewan
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Information about volunteering and helping the 41 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Regina, Saskatchewan. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Regina, other locations in Saskatchewan, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
AIDS Programs South Saskatchewan
2911 5th Ave, Regina, Saskatchewan
AIDS Programs South Saskatchewan is a non-profit organization serving southern Saskatchewan for over 27 years. We provide programs and services to individuals infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. Our goal is to provide everyone with the information and means to live independently and with dignity.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of AIDS Programs South Saskatchewan
All Nations Hope AIDS Network Inc
2735 5 Ave, Regina, Saskatchewan
All Nations Hope has been providing education, service and support to communities, families, schools and organizations in the province of Saskatchewan since 1995.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
Volunteer Profile of All Nations Hope AIDS Network Inc
Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan
2550 12th Ave, Suite 3015, Regina, Saskatchewan
The Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan is the province's leading dementia care and research charity. With six Resource Centres located throughout the province, we offer Help for Today through our programs and services for people living with dementia, and Hope for Tomorrow by funding research to find the cause and the cure.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
· Alzheimer
Volunteer Profile of Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan
Canadian Blood Services Regina
2571 Broad Street, Regina, Saskatchewan
Canadian Blood Services collects and supplies Canada with bloods and blood products. We also manage Canada's stem cell and bone marrow network.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Health
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Blood Services Regina
Canadian Cancer Society Saskatchewan Societe Canadienne Du Cancer
Branch: Saskatchewan
1910 McIntyre Street, Regina, Saskatchewan
The Canadian Cancer Society is a national, community-based organization of volunteers whose mission is eradicating cancer
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
· Cancer
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Cancer Society Saskatchewan
Canadian Diabetes Association Regina
917A Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan
The Canadian Diabetes Association is focused on its mission - to lead the fight against diabetes by helping people with diabetes live healthy lives while we work to find a cure.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Diabetes Association Regina
Canadian Mental Health Association Saskatchewan Division
2702 12th Ave, Regina, Saskatchewan
CMHA SK is a volunteer-based organization which supports and promotes the rights of persons with mental illness to maximize their full potential; and promotes and enhances the mental health and well-being of all members of the community.
Keywords: Mental Health
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Mental Health Association Saskatchewan Division
Canadian Western Agribition Scholarship Fund
Lewvan Drive & Exhibition Way, 2nd Floor, Canada Centre Building, Regina, Saskatchewan
The Canadian Western Agribition Scholarship program is intended to provide financial support and incentive to young people in order to pursue post secondary and graduate education. The funding for the scholarship program is derived from a variety of Agribition activities, as well as from recognized outside contributions.
Keywords: Scholarships
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Western Agribition Scholarship Fund
Creative Corners Childcare
1 - 1325 23rd Ave, Regina, Saskatchewan
Non Profit Childcare centre.
Keywords: Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Creative Corners Childcare
Family Service Regina Inc
2020 Halifax Street, Regina, Saskatchewan
Family Service Regina's mandate is to support healthy families and strong communities, recognizing that these go hand in hand. We know that when we help an individual or a family, the benefit flows to the entire community.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Family Service Regina Inc
Friends of Hope's Home
350 College Ave, Regina, Saskatchewan
Hope's Home is Canada's first medically integrated early learning centre and provides Daytime and Extended Respite services along with fun and educational programs to medically fragile children, their siblings, and typically healthy children from the community.
Keywords: Health
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Friends of Hope's Home
Friends of the Royal Saskatchewan Museum
2445 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan
The Friends of the Royal Saskatchewan Museum is a not for profit cahartity recognized by the CRA. A Board of Directors of up to 12 members supervise paid and volunteer staff who conduct the business of the FRSM
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Friends of the Royal Saskatchewan Museum
Globe Theatre Society
1801 Scarth Street, Regina, Saskatchewan
Globe Theatre is a national centre of excellence in the production of theatre-in-the-round and in fostering the work of Saskatchewan artists.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Globe Theatre Society
Lumsden Beach Camp Inc.
Regina, Saskatchewan
Lumsden Beach Camp (LBC) is a non-profit charitable organization owned and operated by the United Church. LBC runs residential programs throughout July and August for children and youth ages 5-18.
Keywords: Children and Youth
· Camps
Volunteer Profile of Lumsden Beach Camp Inc.
Mastocytosis Society Canada
4305 Preston Crescent, Regina, Saskatchewan
Our organization was informally founded by Carrie D'Arville in 2003 as an online support group called Canada Mastocytosis Support.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
Volunteer Profile of Mastocytosis Society Canada
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada Saskatchewan Division
150 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan
The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada is here to help. No one needs to face MS alone. In communities across Canada, the MS Society provides information, support, educational events and other resources for people with MS and their families. Researchers funded by the MS Society are working to develop new and more effective treatments. Their ultimate goal is to find the cure for MS.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
Volunteer Profile of Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada Saskatchewan Division
Prairie Valley School Division No. 208
3080 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan
Approximately 1200 school-based and Division office staff support Prairie Valley schools and deliver diverse programming to meet student needs. This includes approximately 100 staff in The Education Centre school division offices, over 500 teachers and oither staff including educational assistants, principals, bus drivers, caretakers, administrative assistants.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Prairie Valley School Division No. 208
Provincial Association of Transition Houses of Saskatchewan
2505 11th Ave, Suite 308, Regina, Saskatchewan
PATHS has 19 member agencies, that run Emergency Shelters, Second Stage Shelters, and Counselling & Support Centres across Saskatchewan.
Keywords: Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of Provincial Association of Transition Houses of Saskatchewan
Regina Early Learning Centre Inc.
2115 Athol Street, Regina, Saskatchewan
The Regina Early Learning Centre is a child and family development centre which works with low income families to foster the healthy development of children from prenatal to five years of age.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Regina Early Learning Centre Inc.
Regina Education and Action on Child Hunger Inc.
Regina, Saskatchewan
REACH serves as an umbrella association for a wide range of healthy food programs. Our programs are delivered through over 150 organizations and schools to ensure that all people in the community have access to safe, affordable, and nutritious food.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Regina Education and Action on Child Hunger Inc.