SuzukiMusic, also known as the National Capital Suzuki School of Music, was founded in 1987 to promote the musical education of children and to nurture their development through the Suzuki method. It is a registered non-profit corporation governed by an elected Board of Directors comprised of parents, teachers and interested citizens.
, Education and Literacy
, Arts and Culture
The National Capital Suzuki School of Music
2 Daly Avenue, Arts Court, Ottawa, ON K1N6E2
Volunteer Information for The National Capital Suzuki School of Music
What services does your organization provide? We provide Suzuki-method instruction on violin, viola, cello, flute and guitar to over 200 families in the greater Ottawa-Gatineau area.
Do you have any age requirements? 14 years
Do you require language proficiency other than in English? No
What time commitment(s) are you expecting from a volunteer? Parent volunteers are required to contribute 6 hours of volunteer time per school year in lieu of a volunteer fee payment.
Are there any specific skills and experience required? No
What type of volunteer positions are typically available? Board of Directors, backstage and event volunteers, committee work, fundraising sales, reception area, teen camp counselors.
Is there any training provided for volunteers? Board volunteers receive a training manual and briefing from the general manager. Teen camp counselors receive a 1-hour orientation. All others are advised by the volunteer coordinator depending on task required.
What are the typical volunteer activities occurring at your organization? Concerts, Play-ins, Group class days, fund raising events.
How will a person benefit from volunteering with The National Capital Suzuki School of Music? SuzukiMusic is a creative musical community dedicated to nurturing each child's full potential. Volunteers will enjoy being part of such a community of caring parents, helping their young students reach their goals. They will also develop an appreciation for music making and the hard work that goes into talent education.
If you are a Canadian organization seeking volunteers and want to have a profile listed and/or updated with us, we invite you to fill out our volunteer questionnaire. If you have any questions or comments, we can be contacted at