What services does your organization provide? Produces two operas in concert each year on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada.
Do you have any age requirements? Most of our volunteers are performers -- when we do a piece with children's chorus, the minimum age is 7 years old. Usually, for the adult operas, the minimum age is 16.
Do you require language proficiency other than in English? Spoken English, sung French, German, Italian and English, which we coach phonetically.
What time commitment(s) are you expecting from a volunteer? Varies between volunteer Board members (attendance at monthly meetings, various job commitments, supporting performances) and volunteer singers (commitment to rehearsal schedule).
Are there any other requirements for being a volunteer? All our volunteers need to be members of MCO.
What type of volunteer positions are typically available? Chorister, small roles, Board member, in-kind donor (especially for fundraisers)
Is there any training provided for volunteers? Rehearsals for the chorus are partly training-oriented, as we take on all levels of singers. Sometimes the Artistic Director will coach a young singer who has been assigned a small role.
What are the typical volunteer activities occurring at your organization? Performance in an opera, helping backstage at a production, helping with costumes, baking or serving at a fundraiser, donating items for a fundraiser.
How will a person benefit from volunteering with Maritime Concert Opera? We try to make our members and volunteers feel that they are an important part of the organization. We do this better with our singers and board than with casual volunteers. Singers get the experience of singing in an opera, sometimes with orchestra, always with very good principal singers.
Do you accept high school students? We certainly would.
If you are a Canadian organization seeking volunteers and want to have a profile listed and/or updated with us, we invite you to fill out our volunteer questionnaire. If you have any questions or comments, we can be contacted at volunteer@canadian-universities.net.