Volunteer Information for Canadian Chinchilla Rescue
What services does your organization provide? We take in chinchillas, get them healthy and find them a home.
Do you have any age requirements? 13
Do you require language proficiency other than in English? No.
What time commitment(s) are you expecting from a volunteer? As much as they can.
Are there any other requirements for being a volunteer? If they want to be around the chinchillas, then they shouldn't have allergies.
Are there any specific skills and experience required? No
What type of volunteer positions are typically available? Picking up of supplies is the biggest need the rescue has. Making some fleece items or preparing apple wood.
Is there any training provided for volunteers? It's all pretty much common sense with most stuff but if training was needed, it would be provided.
What are the typical volunteer activities occurring at your organization? Picking up supplies.
How will a person benefit from volunteering with Canadian Chinchilla Rescue? Helping out a small rescue that doesn't get much help otherwise. It helps with the chinchills.
If you are a Canadian organization seeking volunteers and want to have a profile listed and/or updated with us, we invite you to fill out our volunteer questionnaire. If you have any questions or comments, we can be contacted at volunteer@canadian-universities.net.