Volunteer in Victoria, British Columbia
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Information about volunteering and helping the 115 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Victoria, British Columbia. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Victoria, other locations in British Columbia, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
Child Abuse Prevention and Counselling Society of Greater Victoria
1175 Cook St, Suite 210, Victoria, British Columbia
The Victoria Child Abuse Prevention & Counselling Centre (formally the Mary Manning Centre) was founded by Mary Manning, who, together with therapist Rita Milot, began providing counselling services to child survivors of sexual abuse in 1984.
As a result of this pioneering work, thousands of people - children, youth, and families - have been helped to heal and recover from the effects of child sexual abuse. We are the only non-profit agency dedicated to serving children, youth and families who have been affected by sexual abuse and other forms of maltreatment.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Child Abuse Prevention and Counselling Society of Greater Victoria
Children's Health Foundation of Vancouver Island
2390 Arbutus Rd., Victoria, British Columbia
Children's Health Foundation of Vancouver Island believes that children with disabilities and health challenges deserve the same opportunities and life chances as other children.
Keywords: Family Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Children's Health Foundation of Vancouver Island
Community Energy Association
248 Robertson Street, Victoria, British Columbia
Community Energy Association (CEA) supports local governments in developing and implementing community energy and emissions plans (also known as climate action plans, community energy plans, and local action plans). We also help local governments with carbon neutral action plans for their operations. Current research and implementation includes biomass district heating, electric vehicles, home energy retrofits, and green economic development. CEA facilitates the BC Mayors Climate Leadership Council.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Community Energy Association
Community Social Planning Council of Greater Victoria
3948 Quadra St, Victoria, British Columbia
The purpose of the Society is to improve the quality of life for everyone in British Columbia's Capital Region, particularly the people who are disadvantaged due to poverty and distress. The work includes the advancement of factors influencing quality of life, including social well-being, community health and education and the alleviation of poverty and its related elements.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Community Social Planning Council of Greater Victoria
Cook Street Village Activity Centre
380 Cook Street, Suite 1, Victoria, British Columbia
A non-profit organization offering social, educational and recreational activities for all ages.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Education and Literacy
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Cook Street Village Activity Centre
Esquimalt Military Family Resource Centre
Military Family Resource Ctr, Victoria, British Columbia
In 1991, the Department of National Defence officially recognized the important contributions military families make to the Canadian Forces. It established the Military Family Support Program, and authorized the creation of Military Family Resource Centres at each Canadian Forces installation. Today, the Esquimalt MFRC is one of 43 MFRCs located in Canada and abroad. Like all MFRCs, we are a community-based organization with the sole responsibility of addressing the needs of the military family.
Keywords: Military
· Family Support
Volunteer Profile of Esquimalt Military Family Resource Centre
F.E.R.: Friends of Ecological Reserves Society
Victoria, British Columbia
The Friends of Ecological Reserves (FER) is a volunteer based, not-for-profit charitable organization. We promote the interests of the ecological reserves program in British Columbia, Canada, by raising public awareness of the ecological reserve program and by raising funds that are used to: Support researchers in and around ecological reserves. Support wardens and the warden function within ecological reserves. Prepare and circulate a regular newsletter. Educate the public regarding the important features of ecological reserves, including plant and animal conservation, within BC.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of F.E.R.: Friends of Ecological Reserves Society
Fairfield Community Association of Victoria
1330 Fairfield Rd, Victoria, British Columbia
The Fairfield Community Association was established September 17, 1975 by volunteer residents to enhance the quality of life in Fairfield, and is still governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. The population of Fairfield currently stands at over 17,000. There are over 1200 elementary students in the neighbourhood. A middle school straddles the border between Fairfield/Rockland and Fernwood.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Fairfield Community Association of Victoria
Fernwood Neighbourhood Resource Group Society
1240 Gladstone Ave, Victoria, British Columbia
The Fernwood Neighbourhood Resource Group Society (Fernwood NRG) is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life in Fernwood.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Fernwood Neighbourhood Resource Group Society
Garry Oak Meadow Preservation Society
3873 Swan Lake Road, Suite 209, Victoria, British Columbia
The Garry Oak Ecosystems Recovery Team (GOERT) Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to the recovery of Garry oak and associated ecosystems in Canada and the species at risk that inhabit them. While the Society was incorporated in BC in 2007, and received charitable status in 2009, the organization has its roots in a long-standing multi-stakeholder partnership comprised of experts from all levels of government, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, First Nations, volunteers and consultants who first came together in 1999 out of a common interest in conserving and restoring these unique ecosystems and the species that comprise them.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Garry Oak Meadow Preservation Society
Greater Victoria Green Team
Victoria, British Columbia
The Greater Victoria Green Team is part of the Green Teams of Canada charity (www.greenteamscanada.com), and works to connect people to a range of conservation and environmental projects throughout the Capital Regional District (Victoria, BC).
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Greater Victoria Green Team
Greater Victoria Public Library Board
735 Broughton St, Victoria, British Columbia
We provide services in 10 libraries and through our website to almost 300,000 residents in 10 municipalities. Mission: To Provide universal access to secure and safe library services, to foster the love of reading and to enhance the quality of life in our communities.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Greater Victoria Public Library Board
Greater Victoria Volunteer Society
620 View St, Suite 306, Victoria, British Columbia
Volunteer Victoria educates more than 1,600 local youth to help them grow, connect, and make a difference though volunteerism
Keywords: Volunteer Centres
· Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Greater Victoria Volunteer Society
Habitat Acquisition Trust
316-620 View St., Victoria, British Columbia
Habitat Acquisition Trust is a regional land trust that conserves nature on south Vancouver Island. We envision a future where the full array of natural habitats on south Vancouver Island and southern Gulf Islands is healthy and conserved.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Habitat Acquisition Trust
Haliburton Community Organic Farm Society
768 Westbury Rd, Victoria, British Columbia
The Haliburton Community Organic Farm Society is a non-profit organization composed of farmers, neighbours of Haliburton Farm, educators, and community members interested in sustainable, organic agriculture.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Haliburton Community Organic Farm Society
Hallmark Society
18 Centennial Square, Victoria, British Columbia
The Hallmark Heritage Society is the oldest heritage preservation society in the Capital Regional District - Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. It was established on April 18, 1973 in response to the wholesale demolition of heritage buildings. The Society advocates the preservation, conservation, and restoration of heritage assets and works towards a greater public awareness and understanding of heritage. As a registered non-profit society, we are financed principally by membership dues and members' contributions, and are affiliated with regional, provincial, national and international heritage preservation organizations.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Hallmark Society
Help Fill A Dream Foundation of Canada
902 Hillside Avenue, Victoria, British Columbia
We fill dreams for children on Vancouver Island under the age of 19 with life-threatening conditions. Over the years, we've helped over 2,000 children realize their dreams but unfortunately there are many more children who need our support. Many times a dream might be a trip to Disneyland (our most popular request) or it might be to meet a favourite celebrity or sports hero.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
Volunteer Profile of Help Fill A Dream Foundation of Canada
Hepatitis C Education and Prevention Society
620 View Street, Suite 306, Victoria, British Columbia
We are HepCBC, the Hepatitis C Education and Prevention Society! We are a non-profit organization run by and for people infected and/or affected by hepatitis C (HCV). Our mission is to provide education, prevention and support to those living with HCV. We have been operating since 1996.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
Volunteer Profile of Hepatitis C Education and Prevention Society
Home Is Where We Live-Life Cycles Project Society
625 Hillside Ave, Unit 2, Victoria, British Columbia
LifeCycles Project cultivates community health by connecting people with the food they eat and the land it comes from. We support people in gaining the knowledge, skills and resources needed to access, grow and preserve local food in ways that foster biodiversity and enhance our urban environment.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Home Is Where We Live-Life Cycles Project Society
Horticulture Centre of the Pacific
505 Quayle Rd, Victoria, British Columbia
Located just twelve kilometers north of Downtown Victoria, British Columbia, you will find a public garden lovingly cared for by volunteers, staff and students under the direction of the Head Gardener. The Gardens at HCP, home to the Pacific Horticulture College, presents a year-round garden experience that all can enjoy.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Horticulture Centre of the Pacific
Volunteering in Victoria
Volunteering in British Columbia
Locations near Victoria
(16 km): Brentwood Bay
(22 km): Saanichton
(26 km): Sidney
(29 km): Sooke
(31 km): Mill Bay
(39 km): Cowichan Bay
(40 km): Pender Island
(48 km): Duncan
(48 km): Mayne Island
(48 km): Salt Spring Island
Latest Volunteer Profiles in Victoria - (add profile)
MosqoyMosqoy is a registered Canadian charitable organization that works in remote communities of the Peruvian Andes, offering opportunities for economic development while nurturing the threatened Indigenous Quechua culture.
Open Space Arts SocietyFounded in September 1972, Open Space is a non-profit artist-run centre located in Victoria, British Columbia. For over forty years, Open Space has supported professional artists who utilize hybrid and experimental approaches to media, art, music, and performance
Hepatitis C Education and Prevention SocietyWe are HepCBC, the Hepatitis C Education and Prevention Society! We are a non-profit organization run by and for people infected and/or affected by hepatitis C (HCV). Our mission is to provide education, prevention and support to those living with HCV. We have been operating since 1996.
Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature SanctuarySwan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary is working toward being a leader in the stewardship of functioning & diverse ecosystems and an urban refuge that provides opportunities to bring people and nature together
Greater Victoria Green TeamThe Greater Victoria Green Team is part of the Green Teams of Canada charity (www.greenteamscanada.com), and works to connect people to a range of conservation and environmental projects throughout the Capital Regional District (Victoria, BC).
Mercy Ships CanadaMercy Ships is the world's leading non-governmental ship-based medical organization.
Our goal is to transform the lives of the world's poor. One by one.
Art Gallery of Greater VictoriaWhen it first opened in 1951, the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria exhibited art in the historic 1889 mansion that is now adjacent to its seven modern galleries. With almost 18,000 works of art, the Art Gallery has the largest public collection in BC and is a vibrant and active part of Victoria's artist community.
Shekinah Homes SocietyShekinah Homes Society was formerly a L'Arche community and is located in beautiful Victoria, BC. We have been providing support to our core members (adults with developmental and often physical disabilities) for over 35 years.
The Bateman FoundationRobert Bateman, a living legend, strides the world of art and nature. This exhibition unleashes the full scope of his work from the largest original painting to the smallest drawing. Crossing the years and continents, visitors will explore the life of this iconic artist from his childhood to his latest masterpiece.
The Robert Bateman CentreRobert Bateman, a living legend, strides the world of art and nature. This exhibition unleashes the full scope of his work from the largest original painting to the smallest drawing. Crossing the years and continents, visitors will explore the life of this iconic artist from his childhood to his latest masterpiece.
Volunteer in Victoria by Category
Adult Learning
Advocacy and Human Rights
Art Centres
Arts and Culture
Children and Youth
Community Services
Crisis Support
Cultural Centres
Education and Literacy
Emergency and Safety
Employment and Careers
Family Services
Family Support
First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
Health and Medicine
Health Centres
Homeless and Housing
Hospice and Palliative Care
Immigrants and Refugees
Justice and Legal
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
Mental Health
Museums and Archives
Rescue and Adoption
Restorative Justice
Sports and Recreation
Volunteer Centres