Volunteer for Health Organizations in Victoria
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Information about Health Organizations in Victoria offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view additional results of Health Organizations from other locations in British Columbia or expand your results by changing the location from the menu to the right. Some community services organizations focus on health issues for certain user-groups. This includes health information for ethnic groups and also sexual health services.
BC Aboriginal Network on Disability Society
1179 Kosapsum Crescent, Victoria, British Columbia
The British Columbia Aboriginal Network on Disability Society has been in successful existence for over 20 years. During those years the Society has seen great change and growth as we, as an organization, have matured, increased our capacity and continually gained insight from our clients, Nations, communities and British Columbia's Aboriginal leadership.
Keywords: Health
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of BC Aboriginal Network on Disability Society
Island Sexual Health Society
1770 Fort Street, Suite 200, Victoria, British Columbia
The Island Sexual Health Society is a non-profit agency that has served the Greater Victoria, Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands communities since 1969. ISHS was formerly a part of Planned Parenthood, and became an independent society in 1986.
Keywords: Health
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Island Sexual Health Society
Network Environments for Aboriginal Research BC
3800 Finnerty Road, Saunders Annex 130c, Victoria, British Columbia
Network Environments for Aboriginal Health Research (NEARBC) is an Aboriginal health research networking program and Aboriginal health resource site of the Centre for Aboriginal Health Research (CAHR) at the University of Victoria, British Columbia.
Keywords: Health
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Environment
Volunteer Profile of Network Environments for Aboriginal Research BC
Office of the Provincial Advisor for Aboriginal Infant Development Programs
200-506 Fort St, Victoria, British Columbia
The BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centers and the Ministry of Children and Family Development continue to support Aboriginal Infant Programs in B.C. (AIDP) The Office of the Provincial Advisor for Aboriginal Infant Development Programs gives support and educational information to AIDP workers throughout the province in regards to aboriginal infant development programs.
Keywords: Health
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Office of the Provincial Advisor for Aboriginal Infant Development Programs
Prostitutes Empowerment Education & Resource Society
744 Fairview Rd, Victoria, British Columbia
Peers is an innovative, multi-service grassroots agency that was established by, with, and for sex workers in 1995. Through direct service delivery and community partnerships, Peers provides an array of outreach and drop in harm reduction and support services alongside education and employment training for current and former sex workers, in Victoria and on Vancouver Island.
Keywords: Health
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Prostitutes Empowerment Education & Resource Society
Victoria Brain Injury Society
830 Pembroke Street, Units D & E, Victoria, British Columbia
Victoria Brain Injury Society gives survivors and their loved ones that which the medical professional cannot: long term support through the many steps, both backward and forward, of life after brain injury. From those just released from hospital, to those who have lived with their injuries for decades, survivors consistently express gratitude and relief once they've walked through the Society's doors. Finally , people who "get it"!
Keywords: Mental Health
· Health and Medicine
· Health
· Disorders
Volunteer Profile of Victoria Brain Injury Society