Volunteer for Health Organizations in British Columbia
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Information about Health Organizations in British Columbia offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view fewer results of Health Organizations by selecting a specific location in British Columbia or expand your results by changing the province from the menu to the right. Some community services organizations focus on health issues for certain user-groups. This includes health information for ethnic groups and also sexual health services.
211 British Columbia Services Society
330-111 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B1H4
bc211 is a nonprofit information and referral agency, and registered charity. bc211 also advocates in the community, operates educational workshops, and produces customized data products.
Keywords: Homeless and Housing
· Health
· Crisis Support
· Community Services
· Addictions
Volunteer Profile of 211 British Columbia Services Society
Association of BC First Nations Addictions Services
3246 Riverview Rd, Creston, British Columbia V0B 1G2
The Association (ABCFNAS) is an inter-agency network of residential/outpatient addictions programs operated by First Nations in the province of B.C. Currently, the Association has a membership of 10 programs located both in rural and urban settings
Keywords: Health
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Addictions
Volunteer Profile of Association of BC First Nations Addictions Services
BC Aboriginal Network on Disability Society
1179 Kosapsum Crescent, Victoria, British Columbia V9A7K7
The British Columbia Aboriginal Network on Disability Society has been in successful existence for over 20 years. During those years the Society has seen great change and growth as we, as an organization, have matured, increased our capacity and continually gained insight from our clients, Nations, communities and British Columbia's Aboriginal leadership.
Keywords: Health
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of BC Aboriginal Network on Disability Society
BC Pets and Friends Society
306 - 255 West First Street, North Vancouver, British Columbia V7M3G8
Pets Visiting People Pets and Friends brings pet owners and their pets together with care facilities such as senior's care homes, hospitals, and hospices to provide the joy and comfort of pet visits to the residents and patients.
Keywords: Seniors
· Mental Health
· Health
· Disabled
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of BC Pets and Friends Society
Communitas Supportive Care Society
2776 Bourquin Cres W, Suite 103, Abbotsford, British Columbia V2S6A4
Communitas Supportive Care Society is a non-profit faith-based organization providing care in communities across British Columbia to those living with disabilities. As a part of our mission, we provide services ranging from 24-hour residential care to skills-based day programs to respite care for families.
Keywords: Health
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Communitas Supportive Care Society
Community Health Associates of British Columbia
2-3003 29th Avenue, Vernon, British Columbia V1T 1Y9
CHABC is a non-profit organization whose mission is to support the development of skilled, professional, and healthy community health and addiction workers. We, with our partners strive to enhance Front Line workers effectiveness in meeting the needs of First Nations people and their communities.
Keywords: Health
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Community Health Associates of British Columbia
First Nations Health Council
1205-100 Park Royal South?, West Vancouver, British Columbia V7T 1A2
BC First Nations have adopted a First Nations health governance structure with four key First Nations components: First Nations Health Council (governance and political oversight); First Nations Health Authority (service and operations); First Nations Health Directors Association (technical advice and professional development for First Nations health directors); and, Regional Caucuses (provide direction, guidance, feedback).
Keywords: Health
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Family Services
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of First Nations Health Council
Healthy Aboriginal Network
3240 Comox Road, Courtenay, British Columbia V9N3P8
The Healthy Aboriginal Network is a registered non-profit Society, incorporated in the Province of British Columbia since 2005. Our mandate is the non-profit promotion of health, literacy & wellness through the production of visual resources for youth.
Keywords: Health
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Healthy Aboriginal Network
Island Sexual Health Society
1770 Fort Street, Suite 200, Victoria, British Columbia V8R1J5
The Island Sexual Health Society is a non-profit agency that has served the Greater Victoria, Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands communities since 1969. ISHS was formerly a part of Planned Parenthood, and became an independent society in 1986.
Keywords: Health
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Island Sexual Health Society
5430 - 10th Avenue, Delta, British Columbia V4M3X8
KinVillage supports older adults to live their lives fully. It provides a continuum of health, housing and recreational programs, while nurturing a sense of community.
Keywords: Seniors
· Independence
· Housing
· Health
Volunteer Profile of KinVillage
McCreary Centre Society
3552 Hastings Street East, Vancouver, British Columbia V5K 2A7
The McCreary Centre Society is a non-government not-for-profit committed to improving the health of BC youth through research, education and community based projects. Founded in 1977, the Society sponsors and promotes a wide range of activities and research to identify and address the health needs of young people in the province.
Keywords: Health
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of McCreary Centre Society
Medicos En Accion Society
235 First Avenue, Suite 502, Kamloops, British Columbia V2C3J4
Medicos en Accion is a non-profit society composed of volunteers whose mandate is to provide medical and surgical care to people in developing countries with limited access to care.
Keywords: International
· Health
Volunteer Profile of Medicos En Accion Society
Network Environments for Aboriginal Research BC
3800 Finnerty Road, Saunders Annex 130c, Victoria, British Columbia V8W2Y2
Network Environments for Aboriginal Health Research (NEARBC) is an Aboriginal health research networking program and Aboriginal health resource site of the Centre for Aboriginal Health Research (CAHR) at the University of Victoria, British Columbia.
Keywords: Health
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Environment
Volunteer Profile of Network Environments for Aboriginal Research BC
Northern B.C. Friends of Children Society
Prince George, British Columbia V2N2S6
Friends of Children is a non-profit society assisting Northern BC and East Kootenay families with children in extraordinary medical need. Each year the registered charity receives over 200 requests for support with children's medical emergencies, therapies, specialized equipment, plus out-of-town accommodation, meal and travel costs. Friends of Children coordinate with other organizations to help with the child's medical challenges.
Keywords: Health
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Northern B.C. Friends of Children Society
Office of the Provincial Advisor for Aboriginal Infant Development Programs
200-506 Fort St, Victoria, British Columbia V8W1E6
The BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centers and the Ministry of Children and Family Development continue to support Aboriginal Infant Programs in B.C. (AIDP) The Office of the Provincial Advisor for Aboriginal Infant Development Programs gives support and educational information to AIDP workers throughout the province in regards to aboriginal infant development programs.
Keywords: Health
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Office of the Provincial Advisor for Aboriginal Infant Development Programs
PACE Society
49 West Cordova Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B1C8
The Providing Alternatives, Counselling & Education (PACE) Society is located in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. We offer low-barrier programming and support in order to serve Vancouver's Sex Worker community. We serve people who often fall through the cracks due to ineligibility for services that require a fixed address or drug abstinence. In this respect, PACE is on the frontline of support for Sex Workers in Vancouver who need it most.
Keywords: Health
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of PACE Society
Prostitutes Empowerment Education & Resource Society
744 Fairview Rd, Victoria, British Columbia V9A5T9
Peers is an innovative, multi-service grassroots agency that was established by, with, and for sex workers in 1995. Through direct service delivery and community partnerships, Peers provides an array of outreach and drop in harm reduction and support services alongside education and employment training for current and former sex workers, in Victoria and on Vancouver Island.
Keywords: Health
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Prostitutes Empowerment Education & Resource Society
Red Road HIV/AIDS Network
61-1959 Marine Drive, North Vancouver, British Columbia V7P 3G1
The Red Road HIV/AIDS Network (RRHAN) is a provincial based Aboriginal Organization. Red Road's 125 plus membership capacity is comprised of Aboriginal AIDS Service Organizations (ASO), non-Aboriginal AIDS Service Organizations who have Aboriginal programs, Aboriginal Persons living with HIV/AIDS (APHA), and Aboriginal community-based organizations who have HIV/AIDS programs, located in urban & rural British Columbia.
Keywords: Health
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
Volunteer Profile of Red Road HIV/AIDS Network
The Canadian Network for International Surgery
1985 W Broadway, Suite 105, Vancouver, British Columbia V6J4Y3
The Canadian Network for International Surgery (CNIS) is a Canadian registered charity with an incredible history. For almost 20 years, CNIS has been teaching lifesaving surgical, obstetrical and nursing skills in sub-Saharan Africa. The current focus of our programs is on maternal health in rural communities -providing women, particularly expecting mothers with access to better healthcare. To date, over 25,000 African healthcare workers have been educated in lifesaving skills, preparing them to work in rural communities.
Keywords: International
· Health
Volunteer Profile of The Canadian Network for International Surgery
The Music Heals Foundation
1788 W. 5th Ave, Suite 400, Vancouver, British Columbia V6J1P2
Music therapy is the skillful use of music and musical elements by an accredited music therapist to promote, maintain, and restore mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Music has nonverbal, creative, structural, and emotional qualities. These are used in the therapeutic relationship to facilitate contact, interaction, self-awareness, learning, self-expression, communication, and personal development. - Canadian Association for Music Therapy
Keywords: Music
· Health
Volunteer Profile of The Music Heals Foundation