Volunteer in Brampton, Ontario
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Information about volunteering and helping the 32 non-profit and charitable organizations located in Brampton, Ontario. You can narrow or expand these results from the menu to the right by selecting locations near Brampton, other locations in Ontario, choosing a category of interest or a specific organization by name.
African Community Services of Peel
20 Nelson St., Suite LL102, Brampton, Ontario
African Community Services of Peel (ACS) is a not-for-profit community based charitable Organization that provides settlement and integration services and programs that facilitate the early settlement of newcomers to Peel and the surrounding areas.
Keywords: Women
· Seniors
· Health
· Family Support
· Employment and Careers
· Cultural Centres
· Community Services
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of African Community Services of Peel
Art of Jazz
33 Queen Street West, Brampton, Ontario
Art of Jazz is a not-for-profit organization, dedicated to jazz education and performance.
Founded in 2005, Art of Jazz is dedicated to the cultivation of jazz education and performance.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
· Art
Volunteer Profile of Art of Jazz
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel Inc
71 West Drive, Unit 23, Brampton, Ontario
As Canada's leading child and youth mentoring charity, Big Brothers Big Sisters facilitates life-changing relationships that inspire and empower children and youth to reach their potential, both as individuals and citizens.
Keywords: Crisis Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel Inc
Brampton and Area Community Foundation
24 Queen St. E, Suite 602, Brampton, Ontario
The Brampton and Caledon Community Foundation (BACCF), an independent, philanthropic organization, will be seen as a credible, conservative, self sustaining organization that provides an effective vehicle for donors and philanthropists to leave a legacy for the long term betterment of their community.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Brampton and Area Community Foundation
Brampton Arts Council
24-A Alexander St, Brampton, Ontario
The Brampton Arts Council is a charitable, multi-arts umbrella organization dedicated to the education/development, networking opportunities, communication, promotion and advocacy for the arts in the City of Brampton.
Keywords: Arts and Culture
· Art Councils
Volunteer Profile of Brampton Arts Council
Brampton Multicultural Community Centre
150 Central Park Drive, Suite 107, Brampton, Ontario
Brampton Multicultural Community Centre is a group of diverse professionals dedicated to enhancing newcomer community engagement. Our agency was established in 1987 as a nonprofit organization to serve and work with newcomers to facilitate their settlement and integration into Canada.
Keywords: Cultural Centres
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Brampton Multicultural Community Centre
Brampton Public Library Board
65 Queen Street East, Brampton, Ontario
Brampton Library enriches the lives of Brampton residents by promoting literacy, and by providing access to recreational materials and information in a welcoming environment that fosters connections with others and with the community.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Brampton Public Library Board
Brampton Safe City Association
16 George Street North, Suite 019, Brampton, Ontario
Brampton Safe City encourages students to volunteer in community programs and activities. High schools students will receive credit for volunteer hours served.
Keywords: Emergency and Safety
Volunteer Profile of Brampton Safe City Association
Canadian Mental Health Association Peel Branch
250 Clarence Ave, Unit 5, Brampton, Ontario
For over 50 years, the Canadian Mental Health Association - Peel Branch (CMHA Peel) has been a pioneer in providing services for people with mental illness and educating Canadians about mental health issues.
Keywords: Mental Health
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Mental Health Association Peel Branch
Friends and Advocates Peel
239 Queen St E, Unit 6, Brampton, Ontario
A volunteer at Friends & Advocates will provide support for members with emotional and mental distress leading to social isolation. A volunteer can take on one or more of three roles: Leadership, Presentation or Fund-raising. A volunteer will have a minimal level of risk of safety with these positions. Volunteers will not have direct unsupervised one to one contact with persons served. Each role provides volunteers with new skills, experience in the mental health field and a chance to become a part of Friends & Advocates philosophy to provide our members with Social Rehabilitation.
Keywords: Mental Health
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Friends and Advocates Peel
67 Craigleigh Crescent, Brampton, Ontario
GRA€IAS is dedicated to working with a humanitarian institution, Integraci˘n Juvenil, in the Dominican Republic, to assist them with educating, feeding, housing and caring for poverty stricken children and their families.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Gracias
Habitat for Humanity Brampton
268 Rutherford Road South, Unit 3, Brampton, Ontario
Habitat for Humanity Brampton provides low-income families with access to affordable homeownership. Not only do we improve living conditions through good housing, but we enable access to a significant asset that would otherwise be out of reach. By owning their home, families are able to achieve greater stability and health, while building equity and breaking the cycle of poverty.
Keywords: Homeless and Housing
Volunteer Profile of Habitat for Humanity Brampton
Habitat for Humanity Greater Toronto Area
Branch: Brampton Caledon Office
268 Rutherford Road S., Unit 5, Brampton, Ontario
Habitat for Humanity GTA serves families living in Brampton, Caledon, Toronto, and York Region.
Keywords: Housing
· Homeless and Housing
Volunteer Profile of Habitat for Humanity Greater Toronto Area
Hopelink International Corp.
6- 295 Queen Street East, Suite 475, Brampton, Ontario
HopeLink International is a non-profit, Christian, humanitarian agency whose MISSION STATEMENT reads:
"To focus our energy and resources in meeting the crying needs of the world's children suffering from hunger, poverty, illiteracy, abuse, disease and despair."
Keywords: Poverty
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Hopelink International Corp.
Jamaica Visionaries Association
33 Jay Street, Brampton, Ontario
The Jamaica Visionaries Association Inc. is a non-profit organization founded in 1995 by a group of Jamaicans, with the guidance of God our mandate is to assist the people of Jamaica and other Caribbean Islands to improve health care & education by providing the necessary equipment and supplies, and to implement self-help programs to the willing.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Jamaica Visionaries Association
Kerry's Place Autism Services
Branch: Central West Region
25 Van Kirk Dr., Unit 3, Brampton, Ontario
Kerry's Place Autism Services has been committed to enhancing the quality of life of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) since 1974 by being leaders in developing and providing evidence-based supports; and by building capacity by sharing our knowledge.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
· Autism
Volunteer Profile of Kerry's Place Autism Services
Knights Table
116 Kennedy Road South, Unit #6, Brampton, Ontario
For over 20 years the Knights Table has served the needs of people dealing with issues of poverty and homelessness in the Peel Region. Driven by client needs, the Knights Table is supported by a staff of 5 along with over 1,500 volunteers who are committed to assisting people who come through our doors.
Keywords: Poverty
· Hunger
· Community Services
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Knights Table
Learning Disabilities Associations within Peel Region
Branch: LDA North Peel Chapter
150 Central Park Dr, Suite 104, Brampton, Ontario
The Learning Disabilities Associations of Mississauga and North Peel are non-profit, charitable organizations.
We are a group of parents and professionals brought together by our concern for children and adults with learning disabilities.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Disabled
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Learning Disabilities Associations within Peel Region
Little People of Ontario
38 Pertosa Drive, Brampton, Ontario
Little People of Ontario (LPO) is a provincial, charitable organization that provides life-long fellowship, support and information to people of short stature, their families and friends.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
Volunteer Profile of Little People of Ontario
Ontario Volunteer Centre Network
7700 Hurontario Street, Unit 601, Brampton, Ontario
We are the voice for Volunteer Centres and volunteerism in Ontario. Change makers and leaders in support of capacity building and sustainable community engagement for the non-profit / volunteer sector in Ontario!
Keywords: Volunteer Centres
Volunteer Profile of Ontario Volunteer Centre Network
Volunteering in Brampton
Volunteering in Ontario
Locations near Brampton
(9 km): Woodbridge
(13 km): Georgetown
(16 km): Bolton
(16 km): Halton Hills
(16 km): Mississauga
(18 km): Etobicoke
(18 km): Vaughan
(20 km): Downsview
(22 km): Milton
(22 km): Puslinch
Latest Volunteer Profiles in Brampton - (add profile)
Friends and Advocates PeelA volunteer at Friends & Advocates will provide support for members with emotional and mental distress leading to social isolation. A volunteer can take on one or more of three roles: Leadership, Presentation or Fund-raising. A volunteer will have a minimal level of risk of safety with these positions. Volunteers will not have direct unsupervised one to one contact with persons served. Each role provides volunteers with new skills, experience in the mental health field and a chance to become a part of Friends & Advocates philosophy to provide our members with Social Rehabilitation.
Habitat for Humanity Greater Toronto AreaHabitat for Humanity GTA serves families living in Brampton, Caledon, Toronto, and York Region.
Brampton Arts CouncilThe Brampton Arts Council is a charitable, multi-arts umbrella organization dedicated to the education/development, networking opportunities, communication, promotion and advocacy for the arts in the City of Brampton.
Spectra Community Support ServicesSpectra Community Support Services is a non-profit multicultural organization providing caring and confidential support services in several languages for the diverse population of the region.
Brampton and Area Community FoundationThe Brampton and Caledon Community Foundation (BACCF), an independent, philanthropic organization, will be seen as a credible, conservative, self sustaining organization that provides an effective vehicle for donors and philanthropists to leave a legacy for the long term betterment of their community.
Brampton Multicultural Community CentreBrampton Multicultural Community Centre is a group of diverse professionals dedicated to enhancing newcomer community engagement. Our agency was established in 1987 as a nonprofit organization to serve and work with newcomers to facilitate their settlement and integration into Canada.
Brampton Public Library BoardBrampton Library enriches the lives of Brampton residents by promoting literacy, and by providing access to recreational materials and information in a welcoming environment that fosters connections with others and with the community.
Brampton Safe City AssociationBrampton Safe City encourages students to volunteer in community programs and activities. High schools students will receive credit for volunteer hours served.
Canadian Mental Health Association Peel BranchFor over 50 years, the Canadian Mental Health Association – Peel Branch (CMHA Peel) has been a pioneer in providing services for people with mental illness and educating Canadians about mental health issues.
Learning Disabilities Associations within Peel RegionThe Learning Disabilities Associations of Mississauga and North Peel are non-profit, charitable organizations.
We are a group of parents and professionals brought together by our concern for children and adults with learning disabilities.
Volunteer in Brampton by Category
Art Councils
Arts and Culture
Children and Youth
Community Services
Crisis Support
Cultural Centres
Education and Literacy
Emergency and Safety
Employment and Careers
Family Services
Family Support
Health and Medicine
Health Centres
Homeless and Housing
Justice and Legal
Mental Health
Rescue and Adoption
Restorative Justice
Victim Services
Volunteer Centres