Volunteer for Mental Health Organizations in Brampton
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Information about Mental Health Organizations in Brampton offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view additional results of Mental Health Organizations from other locations in Ontario or expand your results by changing the location from the menu to the right. Some health and medicine groups focus on mental health. This includes places where people can go for treatment for certain disorders, self esteem centers, and religious retreats.
Canadian Mental Health Association Peel Branch
250 Clarence Ave, Unit 5, Brampton, Ontario
For over 50 years, the Canadian Mental Health Association - Peel Branch (CMHA Peel) has been a pioneer in providing services for people with mental illness and educating Canadians about mental health issues.
Keywords: Mental Health
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Mental Health Association Peel Branch
Friends and Advocates Peel
239 Queen St E, Unit 6, Brampton, Ontario
A volunteer at Friends & Advocates will provide support for members with emotional and mental distress leading to social isolation. A volunteer can take on one or more of three roles: Leadership, Presentation or Fund-raising. A volunteer will have a minimal level of risk of safety with these positions. Volunteers will not have direct unsupervised one to one contact with persons served. Each role provides volunteers with new skills, experience in the mental health field and a chance to become a part of Friends & Advocates philosophy to provide our members with Social Rehabilitation.
Keywords: Mental Health
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Friends and Advocates Peel