Volunteer for Hunger Organizations in Brampton
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Information about Hunger Organizations in Brampton offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view additional results of Hunger Organizations from other locations in Ontario or expand your results by changing the location from the menu to the right. Hunger refers to non-profit organizations that deal specifically with food distribution. This includes Meals on Wheels, food banks, and shelter meals. There is often overlap with 'poverty' and 'homeless and housing'.
Knights Table
116 Kennedy Road South, Unit #6, Brampton, Ontario
For over 20 years the Knights Table has served the needs of people dealing with issues of poverty and homelessness in the Peel Region. Driven by client needs, the Knights Table is supported by a staff of 5 along with over 1,500 volunteers who are committed to assisting people who come through our doors.
Keywords: Poverty
· Hunger
· Community Services
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Knights Table
Ste Louise Outreach Centre of Peel
32 Haggert Avenue North, Brampton, Ontario
Ste. Louise was founded by the late Irene Baker Irene started assisting families in need, in her own basement as far back as 1982. By August 13, 1985 the Centre was incorporated as a non-profit, REGISTERED charity organization. (Our Registration number is 11917-2856-RR0001). Volunteer based for 30 years. No Government Funding.
Keywords: Hunger
Volunteer Profile of Ste Louise Outreach Centre of Peel