Volunteer in British Columbia, Canada
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Information about non-profit and charitable organizations in British Columbia offering volunteer opportunities. You can narrow your results from the menu to the right by selecting a location, category or specific organization based in British Columbia.
If your organization is located in British Columbia and need the help of volunteers, please feel free to fill out our volunteer questionnaire. If you have any questions or comments, we can be contacted at volunteer@canadian-universities.net.
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The Children's Family House Society of B C
4116 Angus Drive, Vancouver, British Columbia
For over thirty years, Ronald McDonald House BC and Yukon (RMH BC) has been providing accommodation for seriously ill children and their families when they must travel to Vancouver for their child's major treatment. Since 1983, we have welcomed families at our 13-bedroom home in Shaughnessy, but the need for our services was much greater. In 2013, we began construction on a new 73-bedroom House, conveniently located on the grounds of BC Children's Hospital.
Keywords: Family Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of The Children's Family House Society of B C
The Children's Foundation
2750 East 18th Ave, Vancouver, British Columbia
We help children heal from trauma and set them on the path to success in adulthood. Trauma may occur for many reasons and different children react differently to those experiences. Poverty, witnessing violence or coping with a mental health condition can greatly challenge a child's ability to grow and develop at a typical rate. Left untreated, the likelihood of difficulties into adulthood increases. We identify the sources of trauma and help a child cope and heal so they can look forward to a bright future.
Keywords: Family Support
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of The Children's Foundation
The Chilliwack Academy of Music
9201 Corbould St, Chilliwack, British Columbia
We are a nonprofit music school, which means our students get the best teachers and learning experience at a competitive rate. Our students get to participate in an inspiring, supportive musical community through workshops and masterclasses, performance opportunities, and financial awards. We are a member of the BC Association of Community Music Schools (BCACMS). As a registered charity, our mission includes making quality musical experiences available and affordable to the entire community.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Chilliwack Academy of Music
The Cinderella Project Society
315 Mathers Avenue, West Vancouver, British Columbia
The Cinderella Project is a federally registered charity. We were founded in 1999 and continue to be completely volunteer-run, with 100% of our proceeds going to helping students in the project.
Keywords: Poverty
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of The Cinderella Project Society
The Cinematheque
1131 Howe St, Suite 200, Vancouver, British Columbia
Pacific Cinematheque Pacifique was established as a film society four decades ago, and since that time has been one of the most active film organizations in North America, with more than 500 curated film exhibitions annually. We have offered filmlovers more international cinema, director retrospectives, contemporary and classic Canadian filmworks, emerging talents, arthouse masterpieces, and experimental shorts and features than any other theatre in the province.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Cinematheque
The Coastal Jazz and Blues Society
316 West 6th Ave, Vancouver, British Columbia
The story of Coastal Jazz and Blues Society is the story of determination, passion, idealism, community, and of course, music. Founded in 1985 and incorporated in 1986, as a community based, not-for-profit, charitable arts organization located in Vancouver, British Columbia, the society, from the very beginning, has worked diligently to establish Vancouver as a centre for the creation and exchange of sounds and ideas between the local, national and international music communities.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Coastal Jazz and Blues Society
The Como Watershed Group
1020 Austin Avenue, Unit 1, Coquitlam, British Columbia
The Como Watershed Group is a registered charitable society with the Province of British Columbia and The Federal Charities Directorate. The Society operates through a board of directors elected annually at our AGM in March of each year.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of The Como Watershed Group
The Comox Valley Therapeutic Riding Society
Courtenay, British Columbia
The mission of CVTRS is to provide a therapeutic riding program for physically, mentally and emotionally challenged children and adults, as well as hearing and visually impaired. It is a direct service to people and has significant long term benefits. Therapeutic riding is educational, therapeutic and research oriented.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Disabled
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of The Comox Valley Therapeutic Riding Society
The Compassionate Friends of Canada Les Amis Compatissants Du Canada
4270 Ponderosa Crescent, Unit 26, Victoria, British Columbia
The Compassionate Friends is an international, non-profit, non-denominational, self-help organization, offering friendship, understanding, grief education and HOPE for the future to all families who have experienced the death of a child at any age, from any cause.
Keywords: Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of The Compassionate Friends of Canada
The Craigdarroch Castle Historical Museum Society
1050 Joan Cres, Victoria, British Columbia
Craigdarroch Castle is a definitively Victorian experience. It is a shining example of a "bonanza castle" - massive houses built for entrepreneurs who became wealthy during the industrial age. In this case, the industrialist was Robert Dunsmuir, a Scottish immigrant who made his fortune from Vancouver Island coal.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Craigdarroch Castle Historical Museum Society
The Cranbrook Archives Museum and Landmark Foundation
Cranbrook, British Columbia
The archives consists of a large collection of papers, books, photographs, pamphlets, maps, and other paper items pertaining to several interests. It is also a reference library for museum research.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Cranbrook Archives Museum and Landmark Foundation
The Crescent Beach Swimming Club
12851 16 Ave., White Rock, British Columbia
We are a summer club, established in 1918, that runs for 8 weeks during the months of July & August. We offer swimming, tennis, sailing, synchronized swimming, water polo, and many other fun family-focussed programs and events.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
Volunteer Profile of The Crescent Beach Swimming Club
The Cultch
1895 Venables St, Vancouver, British Columbia
Perched at the top of a hill that slopes down to the heart of the City, The Cultch has always been a gathering place. This once-abandoned church has developed into a national treasure and BC's most diverse performance space.
Keywords: Theatre
· Cultural Centres
· Arts and Culture
· Art Centres
Volunteer Profile of The Cultch
The Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education
Vancouver, British Columbia
Established in 2005 in Vancouver, Canada, the Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education is inspired by the Dalai Lama's vision for 21st century education. His belief that a balance between educating the mind and educating the heart will help create a more compassionate and peaceful world is the cornerstone of the Center's mission.
Keywords: Religion
Volunteer Profile of The Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education
The David Suzuki Foundation
2211 West 4th Ave, Suite 219, Vancouver, British Columbia
We collaborate with Canadians from all walks of life, including government and business, to conserve our environment and find solutions that will create a sustainable Canada through science-based research, education and policy work.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of The David Suzuki Foundation
The Documentary Media Society
1726 Commercial Dr, Unit 5, Vancouver, British Columbia
DOXA is presented by The Documentary Media Society, a Vancouver based non-profit, charitable society (incorporated in 1998) devoted to presenting independent and innovative documentaries to Vancouver audiences.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Documentary Media Society
The Downtown Eastside Women's Centre Association
302 Columbia St, Vancouver, British Columbia
For 38 years, the Downtown Eastside Women's Centre has provided a safe space for women and children in the Downtown Eastside. We provide practical support, basic necessities and hot nutritious meals to over 500 women and children every day. We support women to make positive changes in their lives by connecting them to a continuum of services including outreach, advocacy, wellness, recreation, housing and skills development.
Keywords: Women
Volunteer Profile of The Downtown Eastside Women's Centre Association
The Eagle Ridge Hospital Foundation
476 Guildford Way, Port Moody, British Columbia
Eagle Ridge Hospital Foundation's primary purpose is to raise funds and awareness to improve the health of our community through donations to Eagle Ridge Hospital. All communications are intended to solicit donations to support the greatest needs at Eagle Ridge Hospital.
Keywords: Health Centres
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of The Eagle Ridge Hospital Foundation
The Endowment Foundation of the Chilliwack Family YMCA
45855 Hocking Avenue, Chilliwack, British Columbia
The YMCA is a safe, welcoming place where we nurture every kid to reach their full potential. That's at the heart of everything we do.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of The Endowment Foundation of the Chilliwack Family YMCA
The Extreme Outreach Society
999 Mckenzie Ave, Victoria, British Columbia
Extreme Outreach Society desires to develop future leaders with healthy, productive lifestyles by creating unique ministries and programs designed to positively impact each aspect of a child's holistic development (spiritual, social, physical, and cognitive).
Keywords: Leadership
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of The Extreme Outreach Society
The Family Education and Support Centre
22554 Lougheed Hwy, Maple Ridge, British Columbia
Family Education and Support Centre or "Family Ed" as we are often called, is a multi-service agency that has grown and changed over the years in response to our communities' need for services. Back in 1971 a group of parents met around a kitchen table in one of their homes, to plan and dream of a Centre where families and community members could come to learn and be supported. It was through the imagination and determination of these few community members that our Centre was given life.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of The Family Education and Support Centre
The Farm at Cedar Woods
2660 Holden Corso Road, Nanaimo, British Columbia
The Farm at Cedar Woods is a 28 acre agri-therapy farm for people with barriers, primarily mental illness.
Keywords: Mental Health
· Environment
· Camps
Volunteer Profile of The Farm at Cedar Woods
The Four Seasons Musical Theatre Society
772 Goldstream Ave., Victoria, British Columbia
For forty years Four Seasons has provided high quality theatre entertainment for audiences of all ages. Come and experience musical theatre that will carry you into compelling stories told with song and dance. Our audiences may laugh, cry, or learn something new, but always walk away enriched by their experience.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Four Seasons Musical Theatre Society
The Future Of Howe Sound Society
North Vancouver, British Columbia
The Future of Howe Sound Society is committed to the conservation and stewardship of Howe Sound for the benefit of current and future generations.
The Society is a not-for-profit organization, founded in 2011. The Founding Members and Directors are volunteers representing organizations from around Howe Sound. Since 2011 the Society has engaged many Howe Sound organizations with shared values for Howe Sound.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of The Future Of Howe Sound Society
The Garth Homer Society
813 Darwin Ave, Victoria, British Columbia
Since the inception of The Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) in 2002, Garth Homer Society has had four successful terms of accreditation from the commission (2003, 2006, 2009 and 2012). CARF is a private, non-profit organization that grew out of a need to promote quality programs for people with disabilities. Every three years, CARF surveyors visit us to see if we meet the standards for the employment and community services we provide. We will be surveyed again for accreditation in 2015.
Keywords: Independence
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of The Garth Homer Society
The Green Timbers Heritage Society
6380 - 121 St, Unit 39, Surrey, British Columbia
Green Timbers Heritage Society came into being in 1987 to develop and encourage public knowledge and awareness of forests in urban areas. We are acting as stewards for Green Timbers forest of Surrey preserving and enhancing its natural values. In 1988 and again in 1996 through referendums in the community we have stopped commercial development of areas of Green Timbers. Close alliances with our parks department in development of nature trails and a lake have made our park a jewel of Surrey.
Keywords: History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Green Timbers Heritage Society
The Hands on Summer Camp Society
1309 Hillside Ave, Victoria, British Columbia
The Hands on Summer Camp creates experiential learning opportunities for children of all abilities. Our camps are offered for typical children and those with special needs between the ages of 4-12 years old. Hands on Summer Camp is STEaM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) based and encourages participants to use these concepts to better understand the world around them.
Keywords: Children and Youth
· Camps
Volunteer Profile of The Hands on Summer Camp Society
The Hudson's Hope Historical Society
9510 Beattie Drive, Hudson Hope, British Columbia
Being a member of the Hudson's Hope Historical Society does not require you to attend meetings. But if you do attend it will give you a voice and vote on matters concerning the museum and a great feeling of satisfaction that you are supporting an important local non profit organization.
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Hudson's Hope Historical Society
The John Howard Society of North Island
140A 10th Avenue, Suite 201, Campbell River, British Columbia
We provide programs and support to help children, youth, and families lead safer, healthier lives.
Keywords: Restorative Justice
· Justice and Legal
Volunteer Profile of The John Howard Society of North Island
The John Howard Society of the Fraser Valley
1653 Salton Rd, Unit 1, Abbotsford, British Columbia
We assist people impacted by criminal justice so that they can reclaim their lives, making everyone safer. We also offer support and housing to individuals with developmental disabilities who are at risk of homelessness or involvement in the criminal justice system, and who may have concurrent issues of mental health or addictions.
Keywords: Restorative Justice
· Justice and Legal
Volunteer Profile of The John Howard Society of the Fraser Valley
The John Howard Society of the Lower Mainland of British Columbia
763 Kingsway, Vancouver, British Columbia
We are a non-profit charitable organization in Vancouver providing assistance with housing, life-skills, and community-based support with the goal of getting individuals to achieve greater independence and value their positive contributions to society. We advocate for just and humane punishment for crime and educate on the social, economic and personal costs of crime.
Keywords: Restorative Justice
· Justice and Legal
Volunteer Profile of The John Howard Society of the Lower Mainland of British Columbia
The Kamloops & District Society for People in Motion
182B Tranquille Rd, Kamloops, British Columbia
Our mandate is to provide support and assistance, to the best of our ability, to any person with a disability, however we do have a special interest and expertise in those with physical disability. We are committed to working in partnership with other service providers to meet the needs of all.
Keywords: Independence
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of The Kamloops & District Society for People in Motion
The Kelowna Summer theatre Festival
Branch: Viva Musica Society
2510 Hillsborough Road, Kelowna, British Columbia
The Kelowna Summer theatre Festival (formerly Viva Musica Society) celebrated its inaugural season in the summer of 2012. It is the only professional theatre company in Kelowna with a mandate to hire emerging, professional artists to perform on an outdoor stage. Under the leadership of Artistic Director Neal Facey, the KSTF seeks to produce thought-provoking, contemporary plays and musicals for our diverse audience.
Keywords: Music
· Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Kelowna Summer theatre Festival
The Kesho Trust
11166 Willow Road, Sidney, British Columbia
The Kesho Trust works to build community based understanding and action that strengthens the interrelationships between people and the natural environment.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of The Kesho Trust
The Kettle Friendship Society
1725 Venables Street, Vancouver, British Columbia
The Kettle Society supports people with mental illness to lead healthier lives.
Keywords: Mental Health
· Housing
· Homeless and Housing
Volunteer Profile of The Kettle Friendship Society
The Kidsafe Project Society
1300 E Broadway, Vancouver, British Columbia
We welcome children from the ages of 5 to 13 for the two months of summer vacation, for spring break, winter break, and for some after school programs as well. The KidSafe Project Society is a registered charity (no. 89026 6349 RR00001) run by dedicated staff and a community-based board of directors. KidSafe runs free of charge to families and continues to operate on community support and the generous contributions of individuals, corporations, government, foundations, and in-kind donors.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of The Kidsafe Project Society
The Law Courts Education Society of British Columbia
800 Hornby St, Suite 260, Vancouver, British Columbia
The Justice Education Society creates innovative programs and resources that improve access to British Columbia's justice system. To date, the Society has produced over 50 legal publications, 28 websites, more than 200 instructional videos, and has introduced over one million British Columbians to their province's justice system.
Keywords: Justice and Legal
Volunteer Profile of The Law Courts Education Society of British Columbia
The Lookout Emergency Aid Society
429 Alexander St, Vancouver, British Columbia
Lookout Emergency Aid Society is a charitable organization and social safety net that provides housing and a range of support services to adults with low or no income who have few, if any, housing or support options. Because the people we serve have challenges meeting basic needs and goals, we place minimal barriers between them and our services.
Keywords: Homeless and Housing
Volunteer Profile of The Lookout Emergency Aid Society
The Metropolitan Co-Operative Theatre Society
1370 S.W. Marine Drive, Vancouver, British Columbia
Bringing laughter, intrigue and surprise to live audiences. Non-profit theatre company fueled by volunteers, now in our 53rd season of great entertainment.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Metropolitan Co-Operative Theatre Society
The Minerva Foundation for BC Women
111 West Hastings Street, The Woodward's Building Suite 320, Vancouver, British Columbia
Since 1999 Minerva has helped more than 3000 women and girls gain values-based leadership skills to empower them in their communities, at the workplace, and with their educational goals.
Keywords: Women
· Leadership
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of The Minerva Foundation for BC Women
The Mission Adopt-A-Block Society
Mission, British Columbia
The Mission Adopt-A-Block Society is a non-profit organization that administers an anti-litter program in the community of Mission in beautiful British Columbia.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of The Mission Adopt-A-Block Society
The Mission House
Abbotsford, British Columbia
The Mission House is an organisation based on Christian beliefs and values dedicated to improving the quality of life of the vulnerable and disadvantaged in all communities at home and abroad.
Keywords: Religion
· Poverty
Volunteer Profile of The Mission House
The Music Heals Foundation
1788 W. 5th Ave, Suite 400, Vancouver, British Columbia
Music therapy is the skillful use of music and musical elements by an accredited music therapist to promote, maintain, and restore mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Music has nonverbal, creative, structural, and emotional qualities. These are used in the therapeutic relationship to facilitate contact, interaction, self-awareness, learning, self-expression, communication, and personal development. - Canadian Association for Music Therapy
Keywords: Music
· Health
Volunteer Profile of The Music Heals Foundation
The Nanaimo & District Museum Society
100 Museum Way, Nanaimo, British Columbia
The Permanent Exhibits in the Museum's gallery highlight industries that have shaped Nanaimo into the city it is today. As well as featuring local First Nations history and the lifestyles of early settlers and residents of this great city. Be sure not to miss out on the Museum's rotating feature exhibit, to find out more about the current feature or future exhibits coming to the Nanaimo Museum
Keywords: Museums and Archives
· History
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Nanaimo & District Museum Society
The Nanaimo Arts Alive Summer School of the Fine Arts Society
Nanaimo, British Columbia
Arts Alive was formed 27 years ago by individuals within the City of Nanaimo Parks, Recreation and Culture Department and School District #68 to provide summer school classes in the fine arts in July of each year. Since then, we have held an annual three week Summer School with classes in art, music, drama, dance and other art genres, and designed for all age groups and all interests.
Keywords: Arts and Culture
· Art Councils
Volunteer Profile of The Nanaimo Arts Alive Summer School of the Fine Arts Society
The Nanaimo Festival Heritage Theatre Society
150 Commercial Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia
As Nanaimo's only professional Theatre Company, TheatreOne is dedicated to providing residents of this region with engaging, exciting, quality entertainment for all ages.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Nanaimo Festival Heritage Theatre Society
The Nanaimo Women's Resources Society
285 Selby St, Nanaimo, British Columbia
Nanaimo Women's Centre is operated by the Nanaimo Women's Resources Society. The Centre is an agency committed to respectful and inclusive participation regardless of age, ethnicity, socio-economic background, religion and sexual orientation.
Keywords: Women
Volunteer Profile of The Nanaimo Women's Resources Society
The New Marine Centre Society
9811 Seaport Place, Sidney, British Columbia
The Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre is owned and operated by the New Marine Centre Society, a registered BC charity. This not-for-profit community facility is self supporting through admission fees, grants and donations. The Centre is managed by an Executive Director and operated by a small team of staff and dedicated volunteers.
Keywords: Science and Technology
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of The New Marine Centre Society
The Pacific Children's Heart Network
3821 Cedar Hill Cross Rd, Unit 4, Victoria, British Columbia
The Children's Heart Network is a provincial, non-profit organization offering support, information, and education to families, children, and youth dealing with congenital or acquired heart disease.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disorders
Volunteer Profile of The Pacific Children's Heart Network
The People's Law School
900 Howe St., Suite 150, Vancouver, British Columbia
The PLEI for Non-Profits is a go-to centre for BC's non-profit, charities and co-operatives. Here you can find information on employment, governance, facilities, privacy and compliance. Information provided is public legal information.
Keywords: Education and Literacy
· Adult Learning
Volunteer Profile of The People's Law School