Volunteer in British Columbia, Canada
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Information about non-profit and charitable organizations in British Columbia offering volunteer opportunities. You can narrow your results from the menu to the right by selecting a location, category or specific organization based in British Columbia.
If your organization is located in British Columbia and need the help of volunteers, please feel free to fill out our volunteer questionnaire. If you have any questions or comments, we can be contacted at volunteer@canadian-universities.net.
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Open Minds Open Windows
Nanaimo, British Columbia
Open Minds Open Windows is a non-profit organization that exists to serve people in our community faced with mental health challenges.
Keywords: Mental Health
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Open Minds Open Windows
Open Space Arts Society
510 Fort Street, 2nd Floor, Victoria, British Columbia
Founded in September 1972, Open Space is a non-profit artist-run centre located in Victoria, British Columbia. For over forty years, Open Space has supported professional artists who utilize hybrid and experimental approaches to media, art, music, and performance
Keywords: Arts and Culture
· Art
Volunteer Profile of Open Space Arts Society
Opportunities for the Disabled
Branch: National Head Office
4538 Kingsway, Suite 319, Burnaby, British Columbia
Registered charity assisting physically challenged individuals to live more fulfilling and independent lives.
Keywords: Independence
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of Opportunities for the Disabled
ORW Opportunities Through Rehabilitation and Work Society
17355-27A Ave, Surrey, British Columbia
ORW is a non-profit, independently funded resource base, serving organizations, business and government involved in the employment of persons with disabilities. The organization provides consultation services and collects and distributes employment related information and material. Specifically ORW seeks out new and innovative approaches to increasing the employment of people with disabilities.
Keywords: Independence
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of ORW Opportunities Through Rehabilitation and Work Society
Osoyoos Desert Society
Osoyoos, British Columbia
Tucked into the southernmost corner of British Columbia's beautiful Okanagan Valley is an extraordinary habitat popularly referred to as Canada's pocket desert. This dry, shrub-grassland is one of Canada's most fragile and endangered ecosystems.
The Desert Centre is operated by the Osoyoos Desert Society, a non-profit organization dedicated to conserving the south Okanagan's rich biodiversity for future generations.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Osoyoos Desert Society
Our Place Society
919 Pandora Ave, Victoria, British Columbia
Our Place is an inner-city community centre serving Greater Victoria's most vulnerable: working poor, impoverished elderly, mentally and physically challenged, addicted and the homeless. Individuals and businesses provide the majority of financial support for our programs and services. Our Place serves over 1,200 meals per day, and provides hot showers, free clothing, counseling and outreach services, plus 45 transitional housing units.
Keywords: Poverty
Volunteer Profile of Our Place Society
Outdoor Recreation Council of British Columbia
47 West Broadway, Vancouver, British Columbia
By fostering the responsible use of BC's outdoors and building bridges between outdoor recreation groups, the Outdoor Recreation Council represents the interests of the public outdoor recreation community and promotes and advocates access to and responsible use of BC's outdoors for public recreation
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
Volunteer Profile of Outdoor Recreation Council of British Columbia
Oyster River Enhancement Society
Macaulay Rd., Black Creek, British Columbia
The Oyster River Enhancement Society (ORES) was formed in 1983 by a small group of concerned citizens in an attempt to revitalize the decimated Oyster River. Since its inception, the membership has grown significantly and now members come from all over the Regional District and beyond.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Oyster River Enhancement Society
PACE Society
49 West Cordova Street, Vancouver, British Columbia
The Providing Alternatives, Counselling & Education (PACE) Society is located in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. We offer low-barrier programming and support in order to serve Vancouver's Sex Worker community. We serve people who often fall through the cracks due to ineligibility for services that require a fixed address or drug abstinence. In this respect, PACE is on the frontline of support for Sex Workers in Vancouver who need it most.
Keywords: Health
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of PACE Society
Pacific Assistance Dogs Society
9048 Stormont Ave, Burnaby, British Columbia
Pacific Assistance Dogs Society was registered under the BC Societies Act in February 1987 as "Western Handi and Hearing Ear Dogs Society". The society was originally started by members of the SPCA, Western Federation of Individual Dog Organizations and members of the deaf and hard-of-hearing community to train Hearing Dogs.
Keywords: Animals
Volunteer Profile of Pacific Assistance Dogs Society
Pacific Association of First Nations Women
2017 Dundas street, Vancouver, British Columbia
Our vision is to provide quality care and support networks that promote and sustain a vibrant and healthy lifestyle, while also preserving our rich cultural heritage, and strengthening the bonds of our people through ongoing advocacy. While assisting First Nations women socially and culturally, we endeavour to enhance their health and welfare, and encourage individual growth and development.
Keywords: Women
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
Volunteer Profile of Pacific Association of First Nations Women
Pacific Ballet British Columbia Society
677 Davie St, 6th floor, Vancouver, British Columbia
An internationally acclaimed collaborative and creation-based contemporary ballet company that is a leader and resource in the creation, production and education of contemporary dance in Canada.
Keywords: Dance
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Pacific Ballet British Columbia Society
Pacific Baroque Orchestra Society
Vancouver, British Columbia
The Pacific Baroque Orchestra (PBO) is recognized as one of Canada's most exciting and innovative ensembles performing "early music for modern ears." PBO brings the music of the past up to date by performing with cutting edge style and enthusiasm. Formed in 1990, the orchestra quickly established itself as a force in Vancouver's burgeoning music scene with the ongoing support of Early Music Vancouver.
Keywords: Music
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Pacific Baroque Orchestra Society
Pacific Coast Children's Mission
Heriot Bay, British Columbia
Camp Homewood is a year round non-denominational Christian camp located on Quadra Island serving campers of all ages since 1944. There are over 150 campers enrolled every week in July and August. Kids and adults alike come for a week to get away from their daily lives to make friends, learn a skill and enjoy nature in a safe and fun environment.
Keywords: Religion
Volunteer Profile of Pacific Coast Children's Mission
Pacific Community Resources
201-2830 Grandview Highway, Vancouver, British Columbia
Pacific Community Resources is an award winning, accredited, not-for-profit society serving Lower Mainland communities since 1984.
The agency provides alternate education, employment, addiction counselling and prevention services, housing support, and cultural enrichment for children, youth, adults and families.
Keywords: Volunteer Centres
· Mental Health
· Homeless and Housing
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Employment and Careers
· Children and Youth
· Addictions
Volunteer Profile of Pacific Community Resources
Pacific Immigrant Resources Society
2929 Commercial Dr, Suite 205, Vancouver, British Columbia
Pacific Immigrant Resources Society (PIRS) is a community-based, non-profit organization serving immigrant and refugee women and their young children since 1975. We reach out to barriered and vulnerable immigrants and refugees with programs designed to help women progress and contribute in the Canadian society.
Keywords: Women
· Immigrants and Refugees
Volunteer Profile of Pacific Immigrant Resources Society
Pacific Parklands Foundation
4330 Kingsway, 6th Floor, Burnaby, British Columbia
Pacific Parklands Foundation was established January 2000 as a non-profit society with an independent Board of Directors.
Pacific Parklands Foundation bridges the gap between government funding and the pressing demands on our valuable regional parks.
Keywords: Environment
Volunteer Profile of Pacific Parklands Foundation
Pacific Rim Arts Society
Ucluelet, British Columbia
PRAS is a volunteer-based, non-profit society serving the districts of Tofino and Ucluelet, and First Nations communities in the Clayoquot Sound/ Long Beach area, on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Our goal is to help build happy, healthy communities by bringing people together through arts and culture.
Keywords: Arts and Culture
· Art Councils
Volunteer Profile of Pacific Rim Arts Society
Pacific Rim Hospice Society
240 Neill Street, Tofino, British Columbia
Pacific Rim Hospice Society provides care and support for individuals and families facing life-threatening illness, death and bereavement.
Keywords: Hospice and Palliative Care
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Pacific Rim Hospice Society
Pacific Rim Whale Festival Society
381 Main St., Tofino, British Columbia
The Pacific Rim Whale Festival is an annual event that attracts people form all over Vancouver Island, and relies on the help of volunteers to create an engaging, family-friendly event.
Keywords: Festival
· Environment
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Pacific Rim Whale Festival Society
Pacific Salmon Foundation
300-1682 West 7th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia
The Pacific Salmon Foundation, founded in 1987, is a federally incorporated non-profit charitable organization dedicated to the conservation and restoration of wild Pacific salmon and their natural habitats in British Columbia and the Yukon. Operating independently from government, The Foundation facilitates dialogue and undertakes positive initiatives in support of Pacific salmon amongst all levels of government including First Nations; as well as industry, communities, individual volunteers and all fishing interests.
Keywords: Environment
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Pacific Salmon Foundation
Pal Vancouver
581 Cardero Street, Suite 300, Vancouver, British Columbia
PAL Vancouver's mission is to provide veterans of Vancouver's performing arts industry with affordable housing within a vibrant and creative community setting.
Keywords: Homeless and Housing
Volunteer Profile of Pal Vancouver
Pangaea Arts Society
4134 W 14th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia
Pangaea Arts is an intercultural, interdisciplinary world arts organization based in Vancouver. Pangaea Arts was formed to promote cultural interaction and the exchange of ideas between diverse communities and to introduce Canadian audiences to performance traditions from around the world. Pangaea Arts creates productions that educate by participation, encouraging audiences and artists to actively investigate different cultures and ideas.
Keywords: Arts and Culture
· Art Councils
Volunteer Profile of Pangaea Arts Society
Parent Support Services Society of BC
5623 Imperial St, Suite 204, Burnaby, British Columbia
We offer parenting programs and resources for parents and grandparents across the province of British Columbia. Our mission is to protect the safety and well being of children and promote the health of families by providing support, education, advocacy, research, and resources to those in a parenting role.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Parent Support Services Society of BC
Parkgate Community Services Society
3625 Banff Court, North Vancouver, British Columbia
Parkgate Community Services Society, a registered, not-for-profit charitable society that has been in operation since 1983. We reach out to develop, support and strengthen the community we serve. We collaborate with organizations, and connect and engage families and individuals of all generations, cultures and abilities.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Parkgate Community Services Society
Partners in Hope Recovery Society
557 East 21st Ave, Vancouver, British Columbia
Partners in Hope Recovery Society is a Christian community outreach organization based in Vancouver, offering hope, support, and healing through Jesus Christ to victims of harmful circumstances and dependencies, as they reclaim the gift of their life.
Keywords: Victim Services
· Justice and Legal
Volunteer Profile of Partners in Hope Recovery Society
Pathways Abilities Society
555 Fuller Ave, Kelowna, British Columbia
The Society believes that the family unit, in its varying forms, is the basic building block of society and actively supports the family's efforts to meet the needs of its members.
Keywords: Independence
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of Pathways Abilities Society
Peace Arch Hospital Foundation
15521 Russell Ave, White Rock, British Columbia
The mission of Peace Arch Hospital & Community Health Foundation is to raise funds and awareness to enhance the health and wellness of our community. Our passionate and caring team's number one priority is the prudent stewardship of your gifts and the resulting positive impact on patients and medical staff at Peace Arch Hospital and the entire White Rock/South Surrey community.
Keywords: Health Centres
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Peace Arch Hospital Foundation
Peace It Together Conflict Transformation Society
411 Dunsmuir St., Suite 412, Vancouver, British Columbia
We envision a world where Palestinians, Israelis and Canadians take action in equitable partnerships to create systemic change and foster cultures of peace. This will enable Israelis and Palestinians to build a just, secure and sustainable peace. In this new reality they will live free from occupation, violence, oppression and the threat of annihilation, and live with freedom, security and dignity.
Keywords: Leadership
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Peace It Together Conflict Transformation Society
Peachland Wellness Centre Society
4426 Fifth Street, Peachland, British Columbia
Through collaboration with other organizations, community members and the municipality, the Peachland Wellness Centre provides education, support, information, outreach ,and referral for people in Peachland.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Peachland Wellness Centre Society
Peernet Association of British Columbia
1212 West Broadway, Suite 306, Vancouver, British Columbia
Helping people make connections is our passion. People who have strong connections to others have improved health, and communities where people are connected are healthier places to live. We provide training, information and resources for strengthening peer support groups and peer-led initiatives throughout British Columbia. We work with many diverse groups and communities including First Nations, rural, urban, multicultural, youth and online. PeerNetBC is a non-profit, registered charitable organization.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Peernet Association of British Columbia
Pender Island Recreation & Agricultural Hall Association
4418 Bedwell Harbour Rd, Pender Island, British Columbia
Situated in the Canadian Southern Gulf Islands, between British Columbia's mainland and Vancouver Island, the natural beauty and Maritime climate of North and South Pender Islands attract people from around the world. Some stay a few days or weeks and others put down roots, becoming part of our unique community.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Pender Island Recreation & Agricultural Hall Association
Pender Islands Fire Protection Society
4423 Bedwell Harbour Road, Pender Island, British Columbia
The evolution of Pender Island Fire Rescue (PIFR) is a reflection of the growth of North and South Pender. Over the past three decades our Gulf Island community has become more populated and the demands on our infrastructure more complex.
Keywords: Emergency and Safety
Volunteer Profile of Pender Islands Fire Protection Society
Penticton Arts Council
220 Manor Park Ave,, Leir House Cultural Centre, Penticton, British Columbia
The Penticton and District Community Arts Council was formed in 1960, the mandate being to stimulate, encourage and foster the arts in our community.
Keywords: Galleries
· Arts and Culture
· Art Councils
Volunteer Profile of Penticton Arts Council
Penticton Public Library
785 Main Street, Penticton, British Columbia
Our library is a thriving presence, responsive and connected to our diverse community through innovative services, outreach and partnerships.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Penticton Public Library
People in Pain Network
Vancouver, British Columbia
People in Pain Network is a non-profit organization that promotes well-being for people living in persistent pain and those who care about them, by strengthening self-management programs, access to resources, and community support.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of People in Pain Network
People-In-Need Crisis Intervention Society of Vernon and District
3402 27th Ave, Suite 103, Vernon, British Columbia
As of January 1st, 2012, the Crisis Line, Good Morning and Suicide Prevention programs are being operated in their entirety by the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Vernon and District Branch. CMHA is a registered not-for-profit charitable society.
Keywords: Crisis Support
Volunteer Profile of People-In-Need Crisis Intervention Society of Vernon and District
Pink Ink Theatre Productions Association
1411 Cartwright St, Vancouver, British Columbia
Pi Theatre produces bold and uncompromising plays that explore modern life. We connect audiences with theatre that's intellectually alive and emotionally charged.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Pink Ink Theatre Productions Association
Pivot Legal Society
121 Heatley Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia
Poverty and social exclusion are not inevitable. By drawing attention to the root causes of poverty, criminalization and social isolation, we are creating the conditions for each of us to become full and equal participants in our communities.
Keywords: Justice and Legal
Volunteer Profile of Pivot Legal Society
PLEA Community Services Society of British Columbia
3894 Commercial Street, Vancouver, British Columbia
PLEA delivers community-based social, health, educational, vocational and justice services to children, youth, families and adults who, during periods of their lives, face significant challenges and barriers. We utilize personally tailored strategies in non-institutional settings to assist individuals to live their lives as normally, successfully, independently and safely, in their own communities, as their personal needs and circumstances allow.
Keywords: Family Services
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of PLEA Community Services Society of British Columbia
Point Grey Private Hospital
2423 Cornwall Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia
Long Term Care Facility for seniors
Keywords: Seniors
· Health Centres
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Point Grey Private Hospital
Police Victim Services of British Columbia
120-12414 - 82 Ave, Surrey, British Columbia
Police Victim Services of British Columbia (PVSBC) is a non-profit association dedicated to serving the needs of police victim services programs. As the largest police victim services association in Canada, PVSBC provides leadership, support, advocacy and training to professionals working in the field of victim services. We are placing British Columbia at the forefront of victim services.
Keywords: Victim Services
· Justice and Legal
Volunteer Profile of Police Victim Services of British Columbia
Port Coquitlam Senior Citizens Housing Society
2111 Hawthorne Ave, Port Coquitlam, British Columbia
Port Coquitlam Senior Citizens' Housing Society, which operates the Hawthorne Seniors Care Community, has been the largest single provider of residential services to seniors in the Tri-Cities area since 1958 when the organization was founded by a group of caring and visionary volunteers.
Keywords: Seniors
· Housing
Volunteer Profile of Port Coquitlam Senior Citizens Housing Society
Powell River Therapeutic Riding Association
4356 Myrtle Road, Powell River, British Columbia
The Powell River Therapeutic Riding Association was founded as a non-profit society in 1992. Our primary objective is to provide therapy on horseback to children and adults with physical, mental, psychological, social and learning disabilities. The motivating belief is that therapy through horseback riding is one of the more progressive forms of therapy, offering empowerment and inspiring self-confidence, a sense of responsibility and teamwork.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Disabled
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Powell River Therapeutic Riding Association
Powell Street Festival Society
475 Alexander St, Vancouver, British Columbia
The Powell Street Festival Society's (PSFS) mission is to cultivate Japanese Canadian arts and culture to connect communities. Our main activity is producing the Powell Street Festival (PSF) in Vancouver's historic Japanese Canadian neighbourhood, located on unceded Squamish, Musqueam, and Tsleil- Waututh First Nations territories. PSF is an annual celebration of Japanese Canadian arts and culture. In addition to PSF, we engage in co-presentations with arts organizations and produce an annual season of cultural and artistic programming.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Powell Street Festival Society
Presentation House Cultural Society
333 Chesterfield Avenue, North Vancouver, British Columbia
Presentation House Theatre, your neighbourhood professional performing arts centre with all kinds of shows for all kinds of people. We are the place where children, youth and adults from different communities come together for a shared experience in professional theatre and performing arts.
Keywords: Theatre
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Presentation House Cultural Society
Prince George Folkfest Society
Branch: Coldsnap
Prince George, British Columbia
Coldsnap is one of Canada's premiere winter music festivals, and one of the top cultural events in British Columbia. From its beginnings in 2008 it has been featured as a Globe and Mail top pick, a Westworld destination, a CBC concerts series, and the centrepiece of "Coldsnap Week" as declared by the mayor and council of the City of Prince George.
Coldsnap is run entirely by volunteers who believe in highlighting local, national, and international artists of all genres in a way that is accessible to all members of the community.
Keywords: Music
· Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Prince George Folkfest Society
Prince George Hospice Society
3089 Clapperton St, Prince George, British Columbia
The Prince George Hospice Society was founded in 1987 after a need for quality, comfortable End of Life Care was realized. Upon establishment, the Society instituted a program to provide support to the terminally ill by matching volunteers with the referred patient and their family.
Keywords: Hospice and Palliative Care
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Prince George Hospice Society
Prince George Nechako Aboriginal Employment and Training Association
198 Kingston Street, Prince George, British Columbia
The Prince George Nechako Aboriginal Employment and Training Association is pleased to present our new suite of services designed to meet the new "industry based focus" of the national Aboriginal Skills Employment Training Strategy (ASETS) program. ASETS provides exciting opportunities to capitalize on partnership initiatives with industry at the table.
Keywords: First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Employment and Careers
Volunteer Profile of Prince George Nechako Aboriginal Employment and Training Association
Prince George Public Library Board
887 Dominion St, Prince George, British Columbia
The Prince George Public Library Board of Directors consists of nine members, all appointed by Prince George City Council. Eight members of the community are appointed for two year terms, and one City Councillor is appointed for a one year term. A member is eligible for re-appointment, but no member may serve for more than eight consecutive years. Board members must be residents of the City of Prince George and must be over the age of 18.
Keywords: Libraries
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Prince George Public Library Board