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Canada Theoretical Physics University Programs

Browse through the list of Canadian Theoretical Physics bachelor, masters, and doctorate courses, programs and degrees offered by universities in Canada.

What is Theoretical Physics?

Theoretical and mathematical physics employs mathematical models and abstractions of physics in an attempt to explain natural phenomena. At its central core is mathematical physics. Modern theoretical physics attempts to unify theories and explain phenomena to understand the universe, from the cosmological to the elementary particle scale. Where experimentation cannot be done, theoretical physics uses mathematical models to advance theories.

Mainstream theories possess the quality of repeatability with existing well-established science and experimentation. This includes theories such as fluid dynamics, quantum mechanics, and thermodynamics. On the other hand, proposed theories are in the process of becoming established and have not yet been tested. This includes such theories as the grand unification theory, theory of everything, dark energy, string theory, and Einstein-Rosen bridges.

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Theoretical Physics in Canada

All Programs

British Columbia British Columbia

Manitoba Manitoba

Newfoundland Newfoundland

Ontario Ontario

Waterloo Region Waterloo Region

Graduate Programs

Canada Canada

British Columbia British Columbia

Manitoba Manitoba

Ontario Ontario

Waterloo Region Waterloo Region

Doctorate Programs

Canada Canada

Study and Work in Theoretical Physics in Canada

Theoretical Physics Admission Requirements
The prequisites required to become accepted in an undergraduate program in Theoretical Physics.

Graduate Theoretical Physics Admission Requirements
The prequisites required to become accepted in an graduate and/or postgraduate PhD program in Theoretical Physics.

What Theoretical Physics Students Learn
Topics and concepts that are covered and the overall approach or focus taken in studying Theoretical Physics.

Research in Theoretical Physics
Research areas, topics, interests projects in Theoretical Physics.

Career and Employment Opportunities in Theoretical Physics
Professions or occupations available to graduates in Theoretical Physics and links to employment resources.

About Theoretical Physics

Theoretical and mathematical physics is a branch of physics and applied mathematics, and is related to particle physics.

Programs Related to Theoretical Physics

Mathematical Physics

Mathematics and Mathematical Science


Categories Related to Theoretical Physics


Natural Sciences

Physics Disciplines

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