Nursing undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate advanced certificates and degrees available in British Columbia.
Study for a bachelor, masters or a doctorate (PHD) Nursing degree program in British Columbia.
| Access to Practical Nursing Selkirk College [www], [profile] School of Health and Human Services [www] Certificate, undergraduate studies |
| Advanced Nursing Practice University of Northern British Columbia [www], [profile] College of Arts, Social, and Health Sciences School of Nursing [www] Master of Science, graduate studies |
| Advanced Practice Leadership Nursing University of Victoria [www], [profile] Faculty of Human and Social Development School of Nursing [www] Master of Nursing, graduate studies |
| Community Home Health Nursing Thompson Rivers University [www], [profile] School of Nursing Certificate, undergraduate studies |
| Critical Care and Emergency Nursing British Columbia Institute of Technology [www], [profile] School of Health Sciences Bachelor of Science, undergraduate studies |
| Critical Care Nursing British Columbia Institute of Technology [www], [profile] School of Health Sciences Bachelor of Science, undergraduate studies |
| Critical Care Nursing British Columbia Institute of Technology [www], [profile] School of Health Sciences Certificate, undergraduate studies |
| Critical Care Pediatric Nursing British Columbia Institute of Technology [www], [profile] School of Health Sciences Certificate, undergraduate studies |
| Emergency Nursing British Columbia Institute of Technology [www], [profile] School of Health Sciences Certificate, undergraduate studies |
| Emergency Nursing British Columbia Institute of Technology [www], [profile] School of Health Sciences Bachelor of Science, undergraduate studies |
| Family Nursing Practice University of Northern British Columbia [www], [profile] College of Arts, Social, and Health Sciences School of Nursing [www] Master of Science, graduate studies |
| Greenhouse and Nursery Production Kwantlen Polytechnic University [www], [profile] School of Horticulture Diploma, undergraduate studies |
| High Acuity Nursing British Columbia Institute of Technology [www], [profile] School of Health Sciences Certificate, undergraduate studies |
| High Acuity Nursing British Columbia Institute of Technology [www], [profile] School of Health Sciences Bachelor of Science, undergraduate studies |
| Neonatal Nursing British Columbia Institute of Technology [www], [profile] School of Health Sciences Certificate, undergraduate studies |
| Nephrology Nursing British Columbia Institute of Technology [www], [profile] School of Health Sciences Certificate, undergraduate studies |
| Nephrology Nursing British Columbia Institute of Technology [www], [profile] School of Health Sciences Bachelor of Science, undergraduate studies |
| Nurse Educator University of Victoria [www], [profile] Faculty of Human and Social Development School of Nursing [www] Master of Nursing, graduate studies |
| Nurse Practitioner University of Victoria [www], [profile] Faculty of Human and Social Development School of Nursing [www] Master of Nursing, graduate studies |
| Nurse Practitioner University of British Columbia [www], [profile] School of Nursing Master of Nursing, graduate studies |
| Nursing Vancouver Island University [www], [profile] Faculty of Health and Human Services Bachelor of Science, undergraduate studies |
| Nursing University of Victoria [www], [profile] Faculty of Human and Social Development School of Nursing [www] Bachelor of Science, undergraduate studies |
| Nursing University of Victoria [www], [profile] Faculty of Human and Social Development School of Nursing [www] Doctor of Philosophy, graduate studies |
| Nursing University of the Fraser Valley [www], [profile] Faculty of Professional Studies School of Health Sciences [www] Bachelor of Science, undergraduate studies |
| Nursing University of Northern British Columbia [www], [profile] College of Arts, Social, and Health Sciences School of Nursing [www] Bachelor Science, undergraduate studies |
| Nursing University of British Columbia - Okanagan [www], [profile] Faculty of Health and Social Development School of Nursing [www] Master of Science, graduate studies |
| Nursing University of British Columbia - Okanagan [www], [profile] Faculty of Health and Social Development School of Nursing [www] Bachelor of Science, undergraduate studies |
| Nursing University of British Columbia [www], [profile] School of Nursing Doctor of Philosophy, graduate studies |
| Nursing University of British Columbia [www], [profile] School of Nursing Bachelor of Science, undergraduate studies |
| Nursing University of British Columbia [www], [profile] School of Nursing Master of Science, graduate studies |
| Nursing Trinity Western University [www], [profile] School of Nursing Bachelor of Science, undergraduate studies |
| Nursing Trinity Western University [www], [profile] School of Nursing Master of Science, graduate studies |
| Nursing Thompson Rivers University [www], [profile] School of Nursing Bachelor of Science, undergraduate studies |
| Nursing Selkirk College [www], [profile] School of Health and Human Services [www] Bachelor of Science, undergraduate studies |
| Nursing Kwantlen Polytechnic University [www], [profile] Faculty of Community and Health Studies Bachelor of Science, undergraduate studies |
| Nursing British Columbia Institute of Technology [www], [profile] School of Health Sciences Bachelor of Science, undergraduate studies |
| Nursing and Health Information Sciences University of Victoria [www], [profile] Faculty of Human and Social Development School of Nursing [www] Combined Master of Nursing and Master of Health Information Sciences, graduate studies |
| Nursing Unit Assistant Okanagan University College [www], [profile] Division of Continuing Studies Certificate, undergraduate studies |
| Nursing Unit Clerk University of the Fraser Valley [www], [profile] Faculty of Access and Continuing Studies Certificate, undergraduate studies |
| Nursing Unit Clerk Selkirk College [www], [profile] School of Health and Human Services [www] Certificate, undergraduate studies |
| Occupational Health Nursing British Columbia Institute of Technology [www], [profile] School of Health Sciences Certificate, undergraduate studies |
| Occupational Health Nursing British Columbia Institute of Technology [www], [profile] School of Health Sciences Bachelor of Science, undergraduate studies |
| Pediatric Critical Care Nursing British Columbia Institute of Technology [www], [profile] School of Health Sciences Bachelor of Science, undergraduate studies |
| Pediatric Nursing British Columbia Institute of Technology [www], [profile] School of Health Sciences Bachelor of Science, undergraduate studies |
| Pediatric Nursing British Columbia Institute of Technology [www], [profile] School of Health Sciences Certificate, undergraduate studies |
| Perinatal - Neonatal Nursing British Columbia Institute of Technology [www], [profile] School of Health Sciences Certificate, undergraduate studies |
| Perinatal - Neonatal Nursing British Columbia Institute of Technology [www], [profile] School of Health Sciences Bachelor of Science, undergraduate studies |
| Perinatal - Perioperative Nursing British Columbia Institute of Technology [www], [profile] School of Health Sciences Certificate, undergraduate studies |
| Perinatal - Perioperative Nursing British Columbia Institute of Technology [www], [profile] School of Health Sciences Bachelor of Science, undergraduate studies |
| Perinatal Nursing British Columbia Institute of Technology [www], [profile] School of Health Sciences Certificate, undergraduate studies |
| Perioperative Nursing British Columbia Institute of Technology [www], [profile] School of Health Sciences Bachelor of Science, undergraduate studies |
| Perioperative Nursing British Columbia Institute of Technology [www], [profile] School of Health Sciences Certificate, undergraduate studies |
| Practical Nurse Access Thompson Rivers University [www], [profile] School of Nursing Certificate, undergraduate studies |
| Practical Nursing Vancouver Island University [www], [profile] Faculty of Health and Human Services Certificate, undergraduate studies |
| Practical Nursing University of the Fraser Valley [www], [profile] Faculty of Professional Studies School of Health Sciences [www] Certificate, undergraduate studies |
| Practical Nursing University of British Columbia - Okanagan [www], [profile] Faculty of Health and Social Development School of Nursing [www] Bachelor of Science, undergraduate studies |
| Practical Nursing Thompson Rivers University [www], [profile] School of Nursing Diploma, undergraduate studies |
| Practical Nursing Okanagan University College [www], [profile] Division of Health and Social Development Certificate, undergraduate studies |
| Psychiatric Nursing Thompson Rivers University [www], [profile] School of Nursing Bachelor of Health Science, undergraduate studies |
| Psychiatric Nursing Kwantlen Polytechnic University [www], [profile] Faculty of Community and Health Studies Bachelor of Psychiatric Nursing, undergraduate studies |
| Registered Nurse University of Northern British Columbia [www], [profile] College of Arts, Social, and Health Sciences School of Nursing [www] Bachelor Science, undergraduate studies |
| Registered Nurse Thompson Rivers University [www], [profile] School of Nursing Certificate, undergraduate studies |
| Registered Nurse First Assistant British Columbia Institute of Technology [www], [profile] School of Health Sciences Certificate, undergraduate studies |
| Registered Nursing University of British Columbia - Okanagan [www], [profile] Faculty of Health and Social Development School of Nursing [www] Bachelor of Science, undergraduate studies |
| Rural Acute Care Nursing University of Northern British Columbia [www], [profile] College of Arts, Social, and Health Sciences School of Nursing [www] Certificate, undergraduate studies |
| Specialty Nursing British Columbia Institute of Technology [www], [profile] School of Health Sciences Bachelor of Science, undergraduate studies |