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High-achieving students to be honoured

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October 14, 2005

Source: University of Regina:

High-achieving students to be honoured

Release: October 14, 2005
Contact: Jim Duggleby, External Relations
Phone: (306) 585.5439
Mobile: (306) 536.4312
Fax: (306) 585.4997

High-achieving students to be honoured
A physicist with an established international reputation in subatomic theory and a woman who began her pursuit of higher education after a 17-year absence from school are among the students who will receive special awards at the University of Regina’s 2005 fall convocation on Sat., Oct. 15 at the Saskatchewan Centre of the Arts.

Wendy Ann Martin will receive The University Prize in Social Work, awarded to the most distinguished social work student achieving the highest grade point average among students graduating with a first degree.

After a 17-year absence from school, Martin decided to pursue higher education because she wanted to be an inspirational role model to her two children. After completing a diploma in Social Work at Mount Royal College in Calgary, Alberta, and receiving a Governor General’s Academic Medal (Collegiate Bronze) for her efforts there, she transferred to the University of Regina to complete her bachelor of social work degree.

Martin is currently pursuing a thesis-based master’s degree in social work (MSW) and plans to conduct research in the area of programming for female survivors of violence. She works part-time as a counselor at The Regina Women’s Community Centre, volunteers as a crisis counselor on Regina’s sexual assault line, and she is currently acting as the MSW student representative to the faculties of Social Work and Graduate Studies and Research.

Pierre-Philippe Ouimet will receive The President’s Distinguished Graduate Award – given to the student deemed to have achieved an exceptional thesis, exhibition or performance, and corresponding defence.

Ouimet, an unusually competent and gifted student, achieved an overall grade point average of 90 per cent in his doctoral program, and a ranking of 9.5 on a 10-point scale for the quality of his written dissertation and oral defense.

Ouimet came to the University of Regina from the University of Alberta, where he graduated with a bachelor of science in physics in 1998. In September, 1998 he commenced a master of science program in physics at the U of R. However, he was transferred to the PhD program in December 2000 without having completed his master’s, as he had far exceeded the expectations of a master’s program and those of his supervisors and the department.

The President’s Medal is awarded at each convocation to a student receiving a first degree with a minimum average of 80 per cent, who has shown leadership in and commitment to extra-curricular activities while at the University of Regina. Academic standing and leadership are weighted equally. The recipient this fall is Arla Estelle Cameron, graduating with a bachelor of arts degree (distinction) with an individual major in international development and minors in political science and Chinese studies.

Cameron enrolled in Luther College in 2001 after completing high school at Robert Usher Collegiate in Regina and participating in intensive language studies in Quebec. Her keen interest in global concerns prompted her to propose a unique academic program, an interdisciplinary major in international development. The Chinese studies minor, which requires an extended study trip to Asia, allowed her to develop a geographic focus for her studies.

Cameron’s community involvement includes being active in the Regina Open Door Society, supervising summer camps for refugee and immigrant children, and volunteering at special events. She held leadership roles in World University Student Council (WUSC), in Rotary’s Youth Action Committee, assisted with the University of Regina Refugee program, and provided English as a Second Language tutoring for university students. She is a leader in her local church and shares her love of music and dance with international students in the city.

Cameron is currently living in Xian, China, where she teaches English as a second language. She is also studying Chinese at Xian Jao Tong University in preparation for further studies in development and the environment.

The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation (STF) Prize, awarded to a distinguished member of the graduating class in the Faculty of Education at every convocation, will be awarded this fall to Melanie Dawn Morrow.

Morrow is graduating with distinction in the bachelor of education elementary program. During her studies at the University of Regina, Melanie was on the Dean’s List and received the Academic Silver Scholarship (2005), and the Academic Gold Scholarship (2004). She was also very involved in the community as a volunteer and continues to support several programs and organizations.

The University Prize in Arts, presented each fall convocation to the most distinguished student in the Faculty of Arts graduating with a first degree, will be awarded to Karl Arthur Erik Persson, graduating with a bachelor of arts with honours in English. As an undergraduate, he was on the Dean’s List four times, and received six scholarships. He has been extensively involved with the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF). He has also been active as a volunteer at his church and at the Soul’s Harbor Mission House. Persson, a specialist on Milton, is continuing his studies at the graduate level at the University of Regina and is the recipient of an SSHRC Master’s scholarship.

The University Prize in Business Administration is awarded at the fall convocation to the most distinguished student in the Faculty of Business Administration graduating with a first degree. Jennifer Alexis Wlodarczyk is graduating with a bachelor of business administration with distinction and the co-operative education program designation.

Wlodarczyk graduated from Archbishop M.C. O’Neill High School in Regina. While enrolled in the co-op program, Jennifer completed work terms at SaskPower, and at the University itself. While attending university she was a member of the Golden Key International Honour Society and active in the Association of Canadian Entrepreneurs. She attained the ARCT in piano performance and has been a participant in the Regina Music Festival for the past fifteen years.

The University Prize in Fine Arts, awarded to the most distinguished student graduating with a first degree from the Faculty of Fine Arts, is being awarded to Flannery Jane Supeene, graduating with a bachelor of music in performance and music history with great distinction.

Supeene completed high school in Alberta and throughout her four years at university was on the Dean’s Honours List for four semesters. In addition to scholarships, she has won prestigious vocal awards in the province, including the Kinsmen Music Festival Award.

Supeene has been a very active volunteer both as a member of the University of Regina Chamber Singers, and as a soloist and cantor at St. Martin Church. She was also involved in the Catholic youth movement that enabled her to join the thousands of students and the new Pope in Cologne, Germany, this summer.

The Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies is awarding The University Prize in Kinesiology and Health Studies to Jessica Lindsey Fink, who is graduating with a bachelor of kinesiology with distinction. Her area of concentration is in adapted physical activity with a minor in psychology.

A graduate of Vibank School, Fink completed the fieldwork portion of her program with the Foothills Medical Centre as a recreation therapist in the neuro rehab unit. She also volunteered as a zone leader and
canvasser for the Heart and Stroke Foundation and as a recreation therapy volunteer for the Wascana Rehabilitation Center.

The University Prize in Science goes to Michelle Chi Ngar, who is graduating with a BSc with great distinction in biochemistry.

Michelle graduated from Dr. Martin LeBoldus High School in Regina. She has received many awards in recognition of her academic achievements, including a University of Regina Centennial Merit Scholarship, a University of Regina Academic Scholarship, a Campion College Joseph Duffy Memorial Scholarship, a Campion College Michael Zerr Memorial Scholarship, two University of Regina Academic Gold Scholarships, the John Spencer Middleton and Jack Spencer Gordon Middleton Scholarship, and the Barschel Book Prize in biochemistry. Michelle has been on the dean’s honours list every year of her academic career.




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High-achieving students to be honoured - Canadian University Press Releases
Canadian University and Community College Directory
Student InfoGraduationEmploymentNews

High-achieving students to be honoured

Canadian University Press Releases

<== Canadian Campus Newswire

Tags: Calgary| Quebec| Regina| Alberta| Saskatchewan| China| Germany| Oman| Asia| Acting| Administration| Biochemistry| Business| Business Administration| Chemistry and Chemical Sciences| Chinese| Cognitive Science| Counselling and Therapy| Dance| Design| Education| Elementary Education| English as a Second Language (ESL)| English Language and Literature| Fine Arts| Geography and GIS| German| Global and Globalization| Health| History| Interdisciplinary| Kinesiology| Leadership and Training| Multiculture and Immigration| Music| Music History| Natural Resources and Environment| Neurology and Neuroscience| Physics| Political Science| Psychology| Recreation and Leisure| Religion and Theology| Small Business and Entrepreneurship| Social Work| Teaching and Teacher Education| Awards| Festivals| Student Life|

October 14, 2005

Source: University of Regina:

High-achieving students to be honoured

Release: October 14, 2005
Contact: Jim Duggleby, External Relations
Phone: (306) 585.5439
Mobile: (306) 536.4312
Fax: (306) 585.4997

High-achieving students to be honoured
A physicist with an established international reputation in subatomic theory and a woman who began her pursuit of higher education after a 17-year absence from school are among the students who will receive special awards at the University of Regina’s 2005 fall convocation on Sat., Oct. 15 at the Saskatchewan Centre of the Arts.

Wendy Ann Martin will receive The University Prize in Social Work, awarded to the most distinguished social work student achieving the highest grade point average among students graduating with a first degree.

After a 17-year absence from school, Martin decided to pursue higher education because she wanted to be an inspirational role model to her two children. After completing a diploma in Social Work at Mount Royal College in Calgary, Alberta, and receiving a Governor General’s Academic Medal (Collegiate Bronze) for her efforts there, she transferred to the University of Regina to complete her bachelor of social work degree.

Martin is currently pursuing a thesis-based master’s degree in social work (MSW) and plans to conduct research in the area of programming for female survivors of violence. She works part-time as a counselor at The Regina Women’s Community Centre, volunteers as a crisis counselor on Regina’s sexual assault line, and she is currently acting as the MSW student representative to the faculties of Social Work and Graduate Studies and Research.

Pierre-Philippe Ouimet will receive The President’s Distinguished Graduate Award – given to the student deemed to have achieved an exceptional thesis, exhibition or performance, and corresponding defence.

Ouimet, an unusually competent and gifted student, achieved an overall grade point average of 90 per cent in his doctoral program, and a ranking of 9.5 on a 10-point scale for the quality of his written dissertation and oral defense.

Ouimet came to the University of Regina from the University of Alberta, where he graduated with a bachelor of science in physics in 1998. In September, 1998 he commenced a master of science program in physics at the U of R. However, he was transferred to the PhD program in December 2000 without having completed his master’s, as he had far exceeded the expectations of a master’s program and those of his supervisors and the department.

The President’s Medal is awarded at each convocation to a student receiving a first degree with a minimum average of 80 per cent, who has shown leadership in and commitment to extra-curricular activities while at the University of Regina. Academic standing and leadership are weighted equally. The recipient this fall is Arla Estelle Cameron, graduating with a bachelor of arts degree (distinction) with an individual major in international development and minors in political science and Chinese studies.

Cameron enrolled in Luther College in 2001 after completing high school at Robert Usher Collegiate in Regina and participating in intensive language studies in Quebec. Her keen interest in global concerns prompted her to propose a unique academic program, an interdisciplinary major in international development. The Chinese studies minor, which requires an extended study trip to Asia, allowed her to develop a geographic focus for her studies.

Cameron’s community involvement includes being active in the Regina Open Door Society, supervising summer camps for refugee and immigrant children, and volunteering at special events. She held leadership roles in World University Student Council (WUSC), in Rotary’s Youth Action Committee, assisted with the University of Regina Refugee program, and provided English as a Second Language tutoring for university students. She is a leader in her local church and shares her love of music and dance with international students in the city.

Cameron is currently living in Xian, China, where she teaches English as a second language. She is also studying Chinese at Xian Jao Tong University in preparation for further studies in development and the environment.

The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation (STF) Prize, awarded to a distinguished member of the graduating class in the Faculty of Education at every convocation, will be awarded this fall to Melanie Dawn Morrow.

Morrow is graduating with distinction in the bachelor of education elementary program. During her studies at the University of Regina, Melanie was on the Dean’s List and received the Academic Silver Scholarship (2005), and the Academic Gold Scholarship (2004). She was also very involved in the community as a volunteer and continues to support several programs and organizations.

The University Prize in Arts, presented each fall convocation to the most distinguished student in the Faculty of Arts graduating with a first degree, will be awarded to Karl Arthur Erik Persson, graduating with a bachelor of arts with honours in English. As an undergraduate, he was on the Dean’s List four times, and received six scholarships. He has been extensively involved with the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF). He has also been active as a volunteer at his church and at the Soul’s Harbor Mission House. Persson, a specialist on Milton, is continuing his studies at the graduate level at the University of Regina and is the recipient of an SSHRC Master’s scholarship.

The University Prize in Business Administration is awarded at the fall convocation to the most distinguished student in the Faculty of Business Administration graduating with a first degree. Jennifer Alexis Wlodarczyk is graduating with a bachelor of business administration with distinction and the co-operative education program designation.

Wlodarczyk graduated from Archbishop M.C. O’Neill High School in Regina. While enrolled in the co-op program, Jennifer completed work terms at SaskPower, and at the University itself. While attending university she was a member of the Golden Key International Honour Society and active in the Association of Canadian Entrepreneurs. She attained the ARCT in piano performance and has been a participant in the Regina Music Festival for the past fifteen years.

The University Prize in Fine Arts, awarded to the most distinguished student graduating with a first degree from the Faculty of Fine Arts, is being awarded to Flannery Jane Supeene, graduating with a bachelor of music in performance and music history with great distinction.

Supeene completed high school in Alberta and throughout her four years at university was on the Dean’s Honours List for four semesters. In addition to scholarships, she has won prestigious vocal awards in the province, including the Kinsmen Music Festival Award.

Supeene has been a very active volunteer both as a member of the University of Regina Chamber Singers, and as a soloist and cantor at St. Martin Church. She was also involved in the Catholic youth movement that enabled her to join the thousands of students and the new Pope in Cologne, Germany, this summer.

The Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies is awarding The University Prize in Kinesiology and Health Studies to Jessica Lindsey Fink, who is graduating with a bachelor of kinesiology with distinction. Her area of concentration is in adapted physical activity with a minor in psychology.

A graduate of Vibank School, Fink completed the fieldwork portion of her program with the Foothills Medical Centre as a recreation therapist in the neuro rehab unit. She also volunteered as a zone leader and
canvasser for the Heart and Stroke Foundation and as a recreation therapy volunteer for the Wascana Rehabilitation Center.

The University Prize in Science goes to Michelle Chi Ngar Ng, who is graduating with a BSc with great distinction in biochemistry.

Michelle graduated from Dr. Martin LeBoldus High School in Regina. She has received many awards in recognition of her academic achievements, including a University of Regina Centennial Merit Scholarship, a University of Regina Academic Scholarship, a Campion College Joseph Duffy Memorial Scholarship, a Campion College Michael Zerr Memorial Scholarship, two University of Regina Academic Gold Scholarships, the John Spencer Middleton and Jack Spencer Gordon Middleton Scholarship, and the Barschel Book Prize in biochemistry. Michelle has been on the dean’s honours list every year of her academic career.




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