Canada Health News from Canadian UniversitiesCanadian Campus Newswire
Health - Press Releases | Health and Medicine
U of S-Led Partnership Launches Anxiety and Depression Research Initiative University of Saskatchewan | November 17, 2006 Research into anxiety and depression at the University of Saskatchewan receives a $780,000 boost today to develop early diagnosis tools for these debilitating conditions and develop treatments to improve the quality of life of both patients and their caregivers....[continue] One family, eight degrees from McMaster McMaster University | November 17, 2006 Convocation will be a family affair for the de Bruins today....[continue] Husband and wife doctor team provide healthy alternative to Googling Queen's University | November 17, 2006 Husband and wife doctor team – Sanjay Sharma, an ophthalmologist, and family physician Susan Sharma – have created a new website that provides accurate, timely information for patients looking for medical answers online....[continue] McMaster responds to elimination of mandatory retirement McMaster University | November 17, 2006 In December 2006, changes to the Ontario Human Rights Code will take effect, resulting in the elimination of mandatory retirement in Ontario....[continue] First Nations Symposium Royal Roads University | November 16, 2006 First Nations communication and culture will be focus of a the 2006 School of Communication & Culture public symposium being held at Royal Roads University on Wednesday, Nov. 22 on the Quarterdeck of the Grant Building starting at 10:00 a.m....[continue] BC courts easy on crime Simon Fraser University | November 16, 2006 BC’s criminal justice system often fails to ensure criminals pay for their crimes, says a discussion paper from the BC Progress Board and two SFU criminologists....[continue] Laurier Centre for Music Therapy Research introduces Canada’s first physioacoustic sound wave therapy chairs Wilfrid Laurier University | November 16, 2006 The Laurier Centre for Music Therapy Research (LCMTR) will introduce its low frequency sound wave therapy chairs – the only two in Canada – to medical and health care practitioners at a physioacoustic seminar on November 25, 2006, 9:30 a.m. in the Maureen Forrester Recital Hall....[continue] Sobey School of Business Professor Receives CIBC Professorship in Entrepreneurship and Venture Development St. Mary's University | November 16, 2006 Dr. John Chamard is taking on a new and exciting role at Saint Mary’s University, thanks to the generous support from CIBC....[continue] Change Liquor Taxes to Reduce Alcohol Problems University of Victoria | November 16, 2006 Taxes on reduced-alcohol beer, wines and spirits should be lowered to encourage healthier consumer choices, says a new study by the Centre for Addictions Research (CARBC) at the University of Victoria....[continue] Celebrating Our Children Conference Supports Parents of Children with Special Needs Mount Saint Vincent University | November 15, 2006 Every parent wants their child to be the best they can be....[continue] U of S VIDO team discovers key step in flu virus replication University of Saskatchewan | November 15, 2006 As public health officials around the world keep a nervous eye on the spread of avian influenza, the University of Saskatchewan's Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO) has uncovered a key step in how the influenza virus causes infection....[continue] New Sprott Centre for Stem Cell Research to place Ottawa at forefront of medical revolution University of Ottawa | November 15, 2006 Stem cell research has the potential to transform medicine and provide pioneering regenerative approaches to treatment of some of the world’s most debilitating diseases, said Dr. Michael Rudnicki, Director of the Sprott Centre for Stem Cell Research, during the Centre’s grand opening ceremony in Ottawa today....[continue] U of T faculty win Early Researcher Awards University of Toronto | November 15, 2006 Thirty researchers from the university and its affiliated hospitals each won the award, given by the province to researchers who are within the first five years of an independent academic career....[continue] Campus Health Centre offers naturopathic medicine McMaster University | November 15, 2006 A new service at the Campus Health Centre provides an alternate approach to health care. Beginning Nov. 17, naturopathic medicine will be available for both students and employees of McMaster University....[continue] Thyroid cancer discovery points to new treatments, prevention Queen's University | November 15, 2006 The actions of a mutated protein in cells linked to thyroid cancer have been uncovered by researchers at Queen’s University....[continue] More nurses needed for rural Ontario McMaster University | November 15, 2006 The sustainability of the nursing workforce and delivery of quality patient care could be threatened in rural areas of Ontario, according to a McMaster University study....[continue] Business students learn to think beyond borders McMaster University | November 15, 2006 Students at the DeGroote School of Business are taught to think about the triple bottom line--how to be accountable for the financial, environmental and social aspects of every decision they make....[continue] RN Educators Present Research at Conference University of Victoria | November 15, 2006 Nursing ethics, support for caregivers of elderly people, and improving the quality of nurses’ workplaces will all be part of the discussion at an upcoming national nursing research conference in Victoria....[continue] Visiting UN official focuses on harnessing power of sport University of Toronto | November 14, 2006 Guest lecture addresses UN’s efforts to furthers its agenda through physical activity...[continue] Social Work project combines art and research University of Toronto | November 14, 2006 Coming Together photos on display through Nov. 29...[continue] More IMing, Less MySpace May Keep Internet Kids Safer: UBC Researcher University of British Columbia | November 14, 2006 Teens who do a lot of instant messaging (IMing) may be safer from online predators than those who don’t, suggest the initial findings of a University of British Columbia study that looks at the impact of Internet use on adolescent well-being....[continue] Ethnic minority seniors face health hurdles Simon Fraser University | November 14, 2006 Ethnic minority seniors face a number of barriers when it comes to accessing health care, according to a Simon Fraser University study....[continue] David Peterson installed as 32nd chancellor University of Toronto | November 14, 2006 Installation address praises university’s strengths...[continue] New program evaluates seniors' risk for cardiovascular disease McMaster University | November 14, 2006 A new cardiovascular health promotion program for seniors is wrapping up this week in communities across Ontario....[continue] Science Seminar Series presents BU's Dr. Bernadette Ardelli Brandon University | November 14, 2006 On Tuesday, November 21 from 12:40 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., the Brandon University Science Seminar series will present a talk by Brandon University's Dr. Bernadette Ardelli, (Department of Zoology), titled Picking Sides in the Biological Arms Race: Parasites Are Winning the Battle but Who Will Win the War?...[continue] Healthier kids just the click of a remote away: study University of Toronto | November 13, 2006 Kids need to limit TV viewing time while increasing physical activity...[continue] Professor and his patients 'star' in film University of Toronto | November 13, 2006 House Calls wins Gemini...[continue] Science in the City chews the fat on obesity McMaster University | November 13, 2006 There seems to be weekly headlines about the "obesity epidemic" worldwide and how Canadians are becoming more and more obese....[continue] State of Our Health, GIS Mapping and War Correspondent University of Western Ontario | November 13, 2006 The following items from The University of Western Ontario may be OF INTEREST....[continue] School of Social Work professor to give presentation on child protection issues in light of the Turner Report Memorial University of Newfoundland | November 10, 2006 Members of the public are invited to the first in a series of public presentations concerning child protection....[continue] New psychiatry chair announced McMaster University | November 10, 2006 Effective Jan. 1, 2007, Dr. Robert B. Zipursky, will be chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences, and hold the Morgan Firestone Chair in Psychiatry at the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine, McMaster University....[continue] Five inducted into Community of Distinction McMaster University | November 10, 2006 A champion of problem-based learning, a leader who shaped health care research, a facilitator of the new health sciences centre, a scientist of population health, and a nursing professor who took McMaster's multi-professional team-building approach abroad are being honoured by McMaster University's Faculty of Health Sciences....[continue] 10 professors receive Early Researcher Awards Queen's University | November 10, 2006 Ten promising young professors – working on projects ranging from how speech perception changes with aging, to new tools for assessing obesity and the growth of cartilage tissue – will receive Early Researcher Awards from the provincial government....[continue] Golden Key Honour Society holds induction ceremony McMaster University | November 9, 2006 The McMaster Chapter of the Golden Key International Honour Society proudly inducted 673 new student members and five new Honourary Members at the Induction Ceremony, which was held on Friday, Nov. 3....[continue] McMaster launches radio frequency identification lab McMaster University | November 9, 2006 Cultivating a radio frequency identification (RFID) industry in Canada is the impetus behind a new RFID research and development laboratory....[continue] Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture located at the U of S Recognizes Donors to its Founding Chairs Program University of Saskatchewan | November 9, 2006 Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture located at the U of S Recognizes Donors to its Founding Chairs Program...[continue] Queen's in the News Queen's University | November 9, 2006 Ian Janssen (Kinesiology and Health Studies) discusses obesity among Canadians in the Globe and Mail....[continue] Two York profs receive Early Researcher Awards York University | November 9, 2006 York University professors Denise Henriques and Stephen Wright have been awarded funding under the Ontario government’s Early Researcher Award program for their work in two important fields: the brain’s use of sensory information to control action, and genome research related to Canadian plants....[continue] Four students from Niger on a learning mission in Ottawa University of Ottawa | November 8, 2006 Outside, between the centennial flame and the main entrance Please note that no security clearance is required to access the grounds....[continue] Community Energy Planning Focus of Nov. 15 Event University of Guelph | November 8, 2006 The University of Guelph is part of a local consortium that has teamed up to promote the concept of community energy planning....[continue]