Canada Fine Arts News from Canadian UniversitiesCanadian Campus Newswire
Fine Arts - Press Releases | Fine Arts and Design
Eric Molson to receive honorary doctorate from Concordia University Concordia University | November 16, 2006 Eric Molson, former Chancellor of Concordia University, will receive an honorary doctorate at one of the university’s upcoming fall convocation ceremonies....[continue] Madeleine Thien To Read at UNBF University of New Brunswick - Saint John | November 7, 2006 Novelist and short story writer Madeleine Thien will read from her stunning novel Certainty....[continue] U of G to Hold Remembrance Day Service University of Guelph | November 7, 2006 The University of Guelph will hold its annual Remembrance Day Service Nov. 10 from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. in War Memorial Hall....[continue] Media Advisory: Let out a Scream, It's Halloween! Mount Saint Vincent University | October 27, 2006 To many, Halloween is their favourite holiday. A time to dress up and assume an alter ego or watch escapist horror movies such as Friday the 13th. For those involved in goth culture, it’s the ultimate night of celebration....[continue] Brandon University holds official opening of Convergys Learning Centre Brandon University | October 27, 2006 On Thursday, October 26, Brandon University held an official opening for the Convergys Learning Centre, located in the John E. Robbins Library on the BU campus. The opening featured a short formal presentation and ribbon cutting followed by a reception and demonstration of some of the equipment in the room Brandon University Reference Librarian Rainer Schira. Among the attendees were Julie Hewitt, Brandon Site Leader for Convergys, Cheryl McLelland, Human Resource Manager, Convergys Brandon, Patrick Robineau, from MBNA Canada, Mike Dutka, Manager, Staples Brandon and His Worship Dave Burgess, Mayor of Brandon....[continue] 2006 E-Gré winner to perform at Mount Allison, Oct. 28 Mount Allison University | October 26, 2006 On Saturday, October 28, Mount Allison University’s music department will host a recital by cellist David Eggert, winner of the 2006 Eckhardt Gramatté National Music Competition, and pianist Walter Delahunt. The concert will take place in Brunton Auditorium and will begin at 8 p.m....[continue] 10 choreographers, 100 dancers University of Calgary | October 25, 2006 The University of Calgary Faculty of Kinesiology and Faculty of Fine Arts Program of Dance are excited to present the 37th Dance Montage from Thursday, November 23rd to Saturday, November 25th, 2006 at the University Theatre....[continue] Sharing Art, Spreading Hope Mount Allison University | October 23, 2006 Fine arts and health are coming together at Mount Allison University in support of a great cause. The department of fine arts and the Student Health Centre are pleased to present the second annual Sharing Art, Spreading Hope event on Wednesday, October 25 beginning at 7 p.m. in the Owens Art Gallery....[continue] Indian Music Master Launches York University’s Faculty Recital Series York University | October 23, 2006 Rhythms of India, a concert of classical South Indian music featuring the Trichy Sankaran Percussion Ensemble, will launch the new Faculty Recital Series of the Department of Music at York University on November 2....[continue] Mount Saint Vincent University Celebrates Installation of its 10th President and Vice-Chancellor with the Sound of Music Mount Saint Vincent University | October 22, 2006 Graduates and their guests joined with dignitaries and presidents from major Canadian universities to witness the installation of Mount Saint Vincent University’s (MSVU) 10th President and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Kathryn E. Laurin. The installation took place on Sunday, October 22 at 2:30 p.m. in the Seton Academic Centre Auditorium....[continue] Fall convocation honours 491 students University of Regina | October 18, 2006 The University of Regina will present 491 students with degrees, diplomas and certificates at its annual fall convocation at the Conexus Arts Centre in Regina Oct. 21 at2 p.m....[continue] Two U of G Authors Nominated for Governor General's Literary Awards University of Guelph | October 17, 2006 Two University of Guelph English professors have been nominated for a 2006 Governor General's Literary Award....[continue] Exhibition reveals the impact of pop culture on the general public Wilfrid Laurier University | October 16, 2006 The Robert Langen Art Gallery will feature the works of artist Daryl Vocat in an exhibition entitled The Translator’s Conundrum....[continue] Years of Service Awards honour long-serving employees McMaster University | October 12, 2006 Alicia Ryznyk began working at McMaster soon after immigrating to Canada from Poland more than 40 years ago....[continue] UW joins Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies consortium University of Waterloo | October 12, 2006 The University of Waterloo will hold a special event next week to officially announce its partnership with one of North America's leading libraries in Renaissance studies....[continue] Same-sex marriage and parenting rights forums at York U York University | October 11, 2006 Public forums on two vital national social policy issues – same-sex marriage and parental rights – will take place October 11 and 18 at York University....[continue] Sharing the university experience Malaspina University College | October 6, 2006 Pamela and Sofia Walker always joked about ending up at the same school, but they never thought it would happen....[continue] Keyano Signs New Agreement With the U of L for Bachelor of Fine Arts University of Lethbridge | October 5, 2006 On October 4, 2006, Keyano College signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the University of Lethbridge that may result in Keyano’s Visual Performing Arts students gaining a Bachelor of Fine Arts without leaving the College....[continue] U of G Artists Selected for International Art Show University of Guelph | October 3, 2006 Two University of Guelph fine art professors have been selected to participate in the 27th São Paulo Art Biennial in Brazil Oct. 7 to Dec. 17. Profs. Kim Kozzi and Dai Skuse, who make up the art duo Fastwürms, share a joint appointment at U of G....[continue] A Pocket Companion to the Owens Art Gallery: A little guide for kids by kids, to be launched Sept. 30 Mount Allison University | September 28, 2006 On Saturday, September 30 the Owens Art Gallery will launch A Pocket Companion to the Owens Art Gallery: A little guide for kids by kids....[continue] Memorial University president visits Labrador Memorial University of Newfoundland | September 28, 2006 Dr. Axel Meisen, president and vice-chancellor of Memorial University, will be in Happy Valley-Goose Bay on Friday, Sept. 29, 2006, to meet with community leaders and university stakeholders....[continue] Convocation honors arts, science and sports greats Simon Fraser University | September 26, 2006 A pair of internationally-known filmmakers and a football great are among five individuals who will be honored during SFU's fall convocation ceremonies on Thursday, Oct. 5 and Friday, Oct. 6....[continue] Renowned artist Christopher Pratt returns to campus, Sept. 29 Mount Allison University | September 26, 2006 Newfoundland artist and Allisonian Christopher Pratt will deliver the annual Mary (West) Pratt and Christopher Pratt Lecture at Mount Allison University on Friday, September 29 at 7:30 p.m. in the Crabtree Auditorium....[continue] Mount Allison’s Aboriginal Community Development Centre launches online digital repository Mount Allison University | September 26, 2006 Pilot project documents First Nation’s path to self-governance...[continue] Nuit Blanche brings together students, staff and faculty University of Toronto | September 25, 2006 Contemporary arts celebration slated for Sept. 30...[continue] Museum of Art to host panel discussion McMaster University | September 22, 2006 The McMaster Museum of Art will host a panel discussion on The Life and Death of Identity Politics in Canadian Art on Saturday, Sept. 23 at 1 p.m....[continue] A Journey Over the River Styx — opens at the Owens, Sept. 22 Mount Allison University | September 20, 2006 The Owens Art Gallery is pleased to announce the opening of a new exhibition, A Journey Over the River Styx, a career retrospective of the work of New Brunswick artist Rebecca Burke....[continue] Brock Days 2006: stomping to another great celebration Brock University | September 13, 2006 The Brock Days tradition continues as the University holds its annual community and homecoming celebration in partnership with the Niagara Wine Festival on Friday, Sept. 29, Saturday, Sept. 30 and Sunday, Oct. 1....[continue] Science/engineering researchers receive $23.4 million Queen's University | September 13, 2006 Professors and students at Queen's University doing research ranging from speech perception and "spintronics" to how we age, less stressful MRI scanners, preserving modern works of art, and preventng injuries at work will receive a total of $23.4 million from Science and Engineering Research Canada (NSERC)....[continue] University of Calgary unveils multimedia lab with $100,000 donation from NBC Universal Canada University of Calgary | September 12, 2006 The Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Calgary will open its new, state-of-the-art multimedia laboratory today thanks to a $100,000 gift from NBC Universal Canada....[continue] a studio: fine arts faculty exhibition, Sept. 15 Mount Allison University | September 7, 2006 The Owens Art Gallery is pleased to announce the opening of a studio, a new exhibition of recent works by the faculty of the fine arts department, Mount Allison University....[continue] U of G to Host Annual Jazz Colloquium University of Guelph | September 1, 2006 The University of Guelph is hosting a free jazz colloquium Sept. 6 to 8 at the Macdonald Stewart Art Centre to coincide with the 13th annual Guelph Jazz Festival. Keynote speaker is widely acclaimed cultural critic Greg Tate....[continue] J.W. McConnell Family Foundation and UBC Commit $2.5 Million to Enrol Five Per Cent of Students in Community Service Learning University of British Columbia | August 31, 2006 The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation has awarded the University of British Columbia a $1 million grant for a program that will see five per cent of undergraduate students -- about 1,800 per year by 2011 -- learning about their fields of study through short-term community service projects....[continue] Artists studying the art of teaching at York U York University | August 29, 2006 Forty-two artists who present special arts education projects in Ontario schools have gone back to class themselves this week for a new program offered by York University and the Ontario Arts Council (OAC)....[continue] Demand for a UBC Education Increases: 12,100 Fresh Faces Expected at UBC this Fall University of British Columbia | August 28, 2006 A substantial increase in applications for a University of British Columbia education means 12,100 new students will begin classes on Sept. 5, including a doubling of new student enrollment at UBC Okanagan....[continue] Steve MacLean taking York art and music into space York University | August 24, 2006 When astronaut and York alumnus Steve MacLean blasts off on board Space Shuttle Atlantis, he’ll be bringing the sight and sound of his alma mater with him – in the form of a York-designed mission logo, and a special composition he’ll play once the shuttle is in orbit....[continue] Malaspina enrichment program opens university courses to secondary students Malaspina University College | August 17, 2006 Three Kwalikum Senior Secondary students may finish high school with university credits, thanks to a recently-expanded Malaspina University-College program that allows students to take first-year university courses while still in Grade 12....[continue] Two weeks of chamber music, films and songs University of Calgary | July 28, 2006 The Mountain View Festival of Song and Chamber Music celebrates the month of August with two weeks of chamber music, films, song recitals, and pre-concert talks at the University Theatre on the University of Calgary campus....[continue] Concordia University awarded Canada Research Chair in Inter-X Art Practice and Theory Concordia University | July 27, 2006 Concordia University has been awarded a new Tier-2 Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Inter-X Art Practice and Theory, for Sandeep Bhagwati, in the Departments of Music and Theatre, in the Faculty of Fine Arts....[continue] One-of-a-kind organ installed at U of C University of Calgary | July 20, 2006 When the planning was underway in 1996 for the Rozsa Centre, one of the items the University of Calgary saw as a critical component of the concert hall was a pipe organ. Now, ten years later, and thanks to the generosity of some remarkable Calgarians, audiences and performers alike can share the music of a unique new instrument....[continue]