Volunteer for Women's Organizations in Scarborough
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Information about Women's Organizations in Scarborough offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view additional results of Women's Organizations from other locations in Ontario or expand your results by changing the location from the menu to the right. Many organizations specifically focus on women. This includes a wide variety of subjects such as single parenting, abuse, pregnancy, crisis support, and employment and equity issues. Some groups focus on women in ethnic minorities, and these groups can overlap with immigrants and refugees, or cultural centers.
Dr Roz's Healing Place
Cliffcrest Plaza, Scarborough, Ontario
Dr. Roz's Healing Place is a Centre for Empowerment and Healing that works towards the eradication of violence against women and their children locally, nationally and globally.
Keywords: Women
Volunteer Profile of Dr Roz's Healing Place
Homeward Family Shelter
31 Tapscott Re, Scarborough, Ontario
Julliette's Place (Homeward Family Shelter) stands as a beacon of hope and refuge for abused women and their children. It is the only shelter in North East Scarborough where women and their children fleeing domestic violence can get the necessary help and resources in their time of crisis.
Keywords: Women
Volunteer Profile of Homeward Family Shelter
Scarborough Women's Centre
2100 Ellesmere, Suite 245, Scarborough, Ontario
The Scarborough Women's Centre (SWC) is a non-profit, charitable organization (#10795-9660-RR0001), which was formed in 1982 following a community consultation process conducted by the Women's Committee of Human Services Scarborough. The Centre is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and funded by federal, provincial, and municipal governments, foundations, corporations, individuals and special events.
Keywords: Women
Volunteer Profile of Scarborough Women's Centre