Volunteer for Justice and Legal Organizations in Manitoba
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Information about Justice and Legal Organizations in Manitoba offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view fewer results of Justice and Legal Organizations by selecting a specific location in Manitoba or expand your results by changing the province from the menu to the right. Groups that focus on justice and legal issues include police services, legal services, and crime prevention. It also includes mediation and restorative justice and post-offender rehabilitation.
Adoption Options
1313 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 0V3
Offering confidential services, support and hope to Manitobans. Adoption Options is a not-for-profit adoption agency licensed by the Manitoba Government to provide a full range of adoption services to both birth mothers and prospective adoptive parents.
Keywords: Justice and Legal
· Adoption
Volunteer Profile of Adoption Options
The John Howard Society of Manitoba Inc
583 Ellice Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B1Z7
We work primarily with men (18 and over), who have been or may be incarcerated, their families, victims of crime and the community to address the root causes of crime. We offer programs, supports and resources, based on the principles of restorative justice, to our clients at their various stages of involvement with the justice system.
Keywords: Restorative Justice
· Justice and Legal
Volunteer Profile of The John Howard Society of Manitoba Inc