Volunteer for International Organizations in Canada
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Volunteer information and opportunities from International Organizations in Canada. You can also view fewer results of International Organizations by selecting a specific city or province from the menu to the right. International non-profit organizations focuses on issues that are not confined to Canada, and usually involve a 3rd world country. This includes global poverty, poverty-related health issues, building schools or otherwise educating children, and serving victims of war or some other international affliction.
Elephant Thoughts Global Development Initiatives
4318 County Rd, Collingwood, Ontario
Elephant Thoughts' mandate is to help promote high standards of education worldwide, across economic and geographic barriers. Everything we do celebrates cultures and cultivates values of environmental stewardship.
Keywords: International
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Elephant Thoughts Global Development Initiatives
End Poverty Now Societe Pour L'elimination De La Pauvrete
3450 rue Saint-Denis, Suite 164, Montreal, Quebec
End Poverty Now (EPN) is a Canadian non-profit organization based in Montreal, Quebec, with Chapters across the country. We are run entirely by volunteers, and operate at a grassroots level.
Our mission is to alleviate poverty on local and international levels by finding, funding, and raising awareness of self-sustaining grassroots projects created by community members with firsthand experience of poverty.
We believe in supporting sustainable community-led projects that permanently lift people out of poverty and build leadership, assessment, administration, and physical skills that can help people create future solutions independently.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of End Poverty Now
Extreme Response Canada
49 Virginia Ave, Simcoe, Ontario
Extreme Response International is a humanitarian aid organization committed to changing the lives of people living in extreme, often life-threatening, situations.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Extreme Response Canada
Farmers Helping Farmers Inc
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
Farmers Helping Farmers evolved from an International Family Farm Consultation which took place in Charlottetown in 1979.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Farmers Helping Farmers Inc
Fraser Valley Gleaners Society
85 Winson, Abbotsford, British Columbia
Fraser Valley Gleaners Society (FVG) was established in 1999 as a registered society in BC. The concept was modeled after our sister organization, Okanagan Gleaners, and was initiated in the Fraser Valley by a small group of Christian believers who understood the incredible potential for locally available produce.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Fraser Valley Gleaners Society
Free The Children
233 Carlton St, Toronto, Ontario
Free The Children is an international charity and educational partner, operating collaborative programs both domestically and internationally.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Free The Children
GIVE International
763 Zermatt Dr, Waterloo, Ontario
Established in 2005, GIVE International is a Canadian charitable trust that supports relief and development projects in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of GIVE International
Give Kids A Chance Foundation
1063 Eglington Ave W, Toronto, Ontario
We have a scholarship program in India and as well work in Guatemala where we support two children's centres, a youth program and as well over 50 student scholarships.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Give Kids A Chance Foundation
Global Emergency Missions Society
2870 Crossley Dr, Abbotsford, British Columbia
GEMS is an organization of ordinary people who believe that ordinary people do make a difference when they work together. Committed to bringing relief to people hurt by both poverty and disasters, we gather and facilitate the distribution of humanitarian goods (such as blankets, clothing, food, medical supplies, housing and construction equipment) to the places of need around the world.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Global Emergency Missions Society
Global Shore Opportunities
731 Lakeshore Rd, Port Burwell, Ontario
The Shore Group (Sandy Shore Farms Limited and Shore Fresh Packers Limited) is a family run produce business. Each of the owners of this business is a committed practicing Christian and were involved in some type of short term volunteer mission work earlier in our lives.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Global Shore Opportunities
GlobalMedic David McAntony Gibson Foundation
20 Claireport Crescent, Unit 9, Toronto, Ontario
GlobalMedic is the operational arm of the David McAntony Gibson Foundation (DMGF)
Keywords: International
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of GlobalMedic David McAntony Gibson Foundation
67 Craigleigh Crescent, Brampton, Ontario
GRA€IAS is dedicated to working with a humanitarian institution, Integraci˘n Juvenil, in the Dominican Republic, to assist them with educating, feeding, housing and caring for poverty stricken children and their families.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Gracias
Guatemala Stove Project
549 Brooke Valley Rd., Perth, Ontario
Founded in 1999, the Guatemala Stove Project builds masonry cookstoves for impoverished households in rural Mayan villages in the mountains of Guatemala. These stoves dramatically improve the health, life expectancy and overall well being of indigenous families, particularly those of the women and children.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Guatemala Stove Project
Hanne Howard Fund
100 Lawton Blvd, Toronto, Ontario
We are a hands-on, family-oriented grassroots charity that works directly with vulnerable children and youth in Kenya to help transform their lives and achieve self-reliance through education, compassionate care and skills training.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Hanne Howard Fund
Health Outreach
117 Queen Street South, Unit 2, Mississauga, Ontario
Health Outreach is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to providing health services including public health, to impoverished people in remote areas of developing countries with the goal of enhancing lives.
Keywords: International
· Health
Volunteer Profile of Health Outreach
Health Partners International of Canada Partenaires Canadiens Pour La Sante Internationale
955 Boul. Saint-Jean, Suite 100, Pointe-Claire, Quebec
Our goal is to increase access to medicine in vulnerable communities by working with partner agencies to provide strategic, sustainable solutions that help communities transform themselves, creating hope and lasting, positive change.
Keywords: International
· Health
Volunteer Profile of Health Partners International of Canada
Himalaya Foundation
6331 No. 5 Rd, Richmond, British Columbia
Himalaya Foundation is a charitable organistion registered with Revenue Canada. Its purpose is to operate an orphanage in India. It is funded by Kaushal family and some kind individuals.
Keywords: International
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Himalaya Foundation
Hope for the Nations
2041 Harvey Avenue, Kelowna, British Columbia
We are a faith-based development organization that is dedicated to working with, and on behalf of, the world's most marginalized and vulnerable population "at-risk" children.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Hope for the Nations
Hope International Development Agency
214 Sixth Street, New Westminster, British Columbia
HOPE International Development Agency exists to improve the supply of basic human necessities for the neediest of the needy in the Third World through self-help activities, and to challenge, educate, and involve North Americans regarding development issues.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Hope International Development Agency
Hope Worldwide of Canada
11 Parkside Drive, Toronto, Ontario
HOPE worldwide is an international charity that changes lives by harnessing the compassion and commitment of dedicated staff and volunteers to deliver sustainable, high-impact, community-based services to the poor and needy.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Hope Worldwide of Canada
Horizons of Friendship
50 Covert Street, Cobourg, Ontario
Horizons of Friendship is a Canadian non-profit, international development agency committed to eliminating the root causes of poverty and injustice
Keywords: Poverty
· Justice and Legal
· International
Volunteer Profile of Horizons of Friendship
Human Concern International
877 Shefford Road, Gloucester, Ontario
Human Concern International (HCI) is a federally registered Canadian charity dedicated in helping to alleviate human suffering through sustainable development and emergency relief projects. Since its founding in 1980, HCI has invested over $110 million in global initiatives. As well, HCI is a proud supporter of a number of local projects throughout Canada.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Human Concern International
Humanitarian Aid Response Team Society
317 37 Ave NE, Suite 2, Calgary, Alberta
Humanitarian Aid Response Teams (HART) is a Christian Relief Aid and Missions agency dedicated to serving the poor and equipping/empowering the Indigenous church in Eastern Europe.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Humanitarian Aid Response Team Society
Ide International Development Enterprises Association
830 King Edward St, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Since 1983, we have been connecting donors to people experiencing poverty in developing countries. Donor support has provided opportunities for people living on less than $2 per day.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Ide International Development Enterprises Association
Indo Canada Education Council
5749 Knights Drive, Manotick, Ontario
ICEC is an independent, voluntary, non-Governmental, non-profit, non-political and non-partisan venture, established as a Council to promote the Indo-Canada education corridor, and is registered under NGO partnership* with Government of India. The Indo Canada Education Council (ICEC) is perhaps the exclusive NGO in India to foster support for stronger bi-lateral relations between India and Canada in the field of education. We are funded primarily through membership fees, and with career advertisements, sales of publications, revenues from events sponsorship, and contract management services.
Keywords: International
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Indo Canada Education Council
Indo Canadian Friendship Society of British Columbia
2931 Olafsen Avenue, Suite 104, Richmond, British Columbia
Established in 1976. Presently involved in international development in making the difference in lifestyle of the villagers in Punjab.
Keywords: International
· Cultural Centres
· Community Services
Volunteer Profile of Indo Canadian Friendship Society of British Columbia
Intercede International
201 Stanton Street, Fort Erie, Ontario
We are a Christian body with the pourpose of estabish, encourage and strengthen and indigenous, New Testament witness for our Lord Jesus Christ among all nations
Keywords: Religion
· Missions
· International
Volunteer Profile of Intercede International
International Association for Transformation
Victoria, British Columbia
The International Association for Transformation, IAT, is a Canadian, non-profit organization involved in the Philippines with: Child Sponsorship, Environmental Stewardship, Community Development, Organic Agriculture, Reforestation Programs, Education, Youth Leadership Training, Environmental Protection and Preservation, Sustainable Community Development Programs.
Keywords: International
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of International Association for Transformation
International Farm Aid and Relief Mission
10595 Keating Cres., Windsor, Ontario
International Farm Aid And Relief Mission (IFAARM) is a Canadian based not-for-profit organization that offers agricultural assistance and expertise to smallholderr rural farmers in developing countries to improve and increase agricultural productions to reduce food shortage and poverty.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of International Farm Aid and Relief Mission
International HOPE Canada Inc
Winnipeg, Manitoba
International HOPE Canada (IHC) Inc, is a charitable, non-profit, all-volunteer organization that provides non-pharmaceutical medical supplies and equipment to impoverished countries where such items are in critically short supply.
Keywords: International
· Health
Volunteer Profile of International HOPE Canada Inc
International Justice Mission Canada Mission Internationale De Justice-Canada
100 Fullarton Street, London, Ontario
International Justice Mission (IJM) Canada is a human rights agency that secures justice for victims of slavery, sexual exploitation and other forms of violent oppression, in partnership with U.S.-based International Justice Mission (IJM).
Keywords: Victim Services
· International
Volunteer Profile of International Justice Mission Canada
Jamaica Visionaries Association
33 Jay Street, Brampton, Ontario
The Jamaica Visionaries Association Inc. is a non-profit organization founded in 1995 by a group of Jamaicans, with the guidance of God our mandate is to assist the people of Jamaica and other Caribbean Islands to improve health care & education by providing the necessary equipment and supplies, and to implement self-help programs to the willing.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Jamaica Visionaries Association
JustWorld International Golf Tournament at Chateau Bromont
Bromont, Quebec
JustWorld International acts as a catalyst for positive change in the developing world by working with local partner organizations to provide basic education, nutrition, health, hygiene, and vocational programs for children in impoverished communities in Honduras, Cambodia, Guatemala, and Brazil.
Keywords: International
Volunteer Profile of JustWorld International Golf Tournament at Chateau Bromont
Kindness in Action
St. Paul, Alberta
Our objectives are as follows:
To provide dental health services, doing as much as we can with what we have. To honor, support and empower those with less and assist them in becoming self-sufficient. To educate and raise awareness of Developing World Issues.
Keywords: International
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Kindness in Action
Lawyers Rights Watch Canada
3220 West 13th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia
Lawyers Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) is a committee of lawyers who promote human rights and the rule of law internationally by protecting advocacy rights.
Keywords: Justice and Legal
· International
· Advocacy and Human Rights
Volunteer Profile of Lawyers Rights Watch Canada
Lifeline Malawi Association
1289 Highfield Cres SE, Suite 210, Calgary, Alberta
To provide community-based medical services and incorporate preventative initiatives that act to strengthen the health of local communities through compassion and loving service.
Keywords: International
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Lifeline Malawi Association
Manjari Sankurathri Memorial Foundation
23 Mary Drive, Gloucester, Ontario
Since inception, MSMF has been working with Sankurathri Foundation, an NGO in India, also established by Dr. Sankurathri, in developing its Education, Health Care, and Disaster Relief Programs.
Keywords: International
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Manjari Sankurathri Memorial Foundation
Medicos En Accion Society
235 First Avenue, Suite 502, Kamloops, British Columbia
Medicos en Accion is a non-profit society composed of volunteers whose mandate is to provide medical and surgical care to people in developing countries with limited access to care.
Keywords: International
· Health
Volunteer Profile of Medicos En Accion Society
Mercy Ships Canada
5 - 3318 Oak St., Victoria, British Columbia
Mercy Ships is the world's leading non-governmental ship-based medical organization.
Our goal is to transform the lives of the world's poor. One by one.
Keywords: International
· Health and Medicine
Volunteer Profile of Mercy Ships Canada
21 Dallas Road, Suite 21, Victoria, British Columbia
Mosqoy is a registered Canadian charitable organization that works in remote communities of the Peruvian Andes, offering opportunities for economic development while nurturing the threatened Indigenous Quechua culture.
Keywords: International
· Education and Literacy
· Children and Youth
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Mosqoy
One! International Poverty Relief
112 Garland Crescent, Sherwood Park, Alberta
One! Internaitonal Poverty Relief is a registered Canadian charity; a humanitarian and non sectarian organization.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of One! International Poverty Relief
Open Arms Children's Foundation
14 Roxborough Street West, Toronto, Ontario
OACF is dedicated to improving the lives of orphaned children in China and will strive to serve the physical, emotional and educational needs of the orphaned children, most at risk.
Keywords: Victim Services
· International
Volunteer Profile of Open Arms Children's Foundation
Opportunity International Canada
295 The West Mall, Suite 504, Toronto, Ontario
We provide access to financial solutions empowering people living in poverty to transform their lives, their children's futures and their communities.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Opportunity International Canada
Oxfam Canada
250 City Centre Ave., Suite 400, Ottawa, Ontario
Oxfam Canada is part of a global movement for change made up of 17 Oxfam affiliates working in more than 90 countries to mobilize the power of people against poverty. Women's rights and overcoming inequality are at the heart of everything we do.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Oxfam Canada
Peace Brigades International Canada
145 Spruce St, Suite 206, Ottawa, Ontario
Nothing serves to protect human rights more effectively than when we stand up for each other's rights. That is the very essence of Peace Brigades International. It is people standing alongside other people - watching, documenting, speaking out - all in the name of human rights protection. In doing so, Peace Brigades brings courage, humanity and vigilance to the front lines of human rights violations and makes a real difference in the lives of women, men and young people working for equality and justice in their communities. It is that simple. It is that powerful. And it is so vitally important.Alex Neve, Secretary General, Amnesty International, Canada, English Section
Keywords: International
· Advocacy and Human Rights
Volunteer Profile of Peace Brigades International Canada
Peaceful Schools International Society
Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia
Peaceful Schools International (PSI) is a Canadian non-profit, charitable organization founded in 2001. PSI provides support to schools around the world that have declared a commitment to creating and maintaining a culture of peace.
Keywords: International
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Peaceful Schools International Society
Prairie Gleaners Society
112 1 St SW, Medicine Hat, Alberta
We are a non-profit registered charity (charitable # 85950 4524 RR0001), existing to support Christian Missions and Aid organizations in the world.
Ever aware of the overabundance of resources within our nation of Canada, the Prairie Gleaners Society exists to help support resource poor communities through the processing and packaging of food, materials and supplies that have been gleaned (TO GLEAN MEANS TO PICK UP AND GATHER THAT WHICH IS LEFT).
Working in partnership with established mission and aid organizations, the produce and materials will be transported to different parts of the world, as well as within Canada, and distributed by established relief and development programs for the homeless and hungry.
Keywords: Poverty
· International
Volunteer Profile of Prairie Gleaners Society
Pueblito Canada
215 Spadina Ave, 4th Floor, Toronto, Ontario
Pueblito Canada is an international development agency that delivers transformative education through collaborative partnerships for children and youth in the Americas.
Keywords: International
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Pueblito Canada
Reachout to Africa
1050 Bowron Court, Suite 301, North Vancouver, British Columbia
Reachout To Africa is a Christian registered Canadian charity, humanitarian organization dedicated to providing financial and logistical aid to communities and vulnerable children of Southern Africa.
Keywords: International
· Education and Literacy
Volunteer Profile of Reachout to Africa
Redr Canada
180 Elgin Street, Suite 1100, Ottawa, Ontario
Redr is a website about humanitarian aid.
Keywords: Victim Services
· International
Volunteer Profile of Redr Canada