Volunteer for Hunger Organizations in Nova Scotia
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Information about Hunger Organizations in Nova Scotia offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view fewer results of Hunger Organizations by selecting a specific location in Nova Scotia or expand your results by changing the province from the menu to the right. Hunger refers to non-profit organizations that deal specifically with food distribution. This includes Meals on Wheels, food banks, and shelter meals. There is often overlap with 'poverty' and 'homeless and housing'.
Feed Nova Scotia
213 Bedford Highway, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3M2J9
FEED NOVA SCOTIA is a charitable organization that helps feed hungry people by collecting and distributing food to more than 150 member agency food banks and meal programs, while at the same time striving to eliminate chronic hunger and poverty through research, awareness and support programs.
Keywords: Hunger
Volunteer Profile of Feed Nova Scotia
Twelve Baskets Food Bank
8839 HWY 201, Nictaux, Nova Scotia B0S1P0
A food bank picking up food and dispensing it to those who come to us in need, completely run by volunteers.
Keywords: Hunger
Volunteer Profile of Twelve Baskets Food Bank