Volunteer for Festival Organizations in Manitoba
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Information about Festival Organizations in Manitoba offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view fewer results of Festival Organizations by selecting a specific location in Manitoba or expand your results by changing the province from the menu to the right. Certain arts and cultures organizations focus on specific festivals that take place once a year. This includes agricultural exhibitions ('fairs'), art and music festivals, and cultural festivals.
Federation of Canadian Music Festivals
113 Elm Park Rd, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2M0W3
Federation of Canadian Music Festivals is the umbrella organization for 230+ local and provincial festivals.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Federation of Canadian Music Festivals
Southeastern Manitoba Festival
Steinbach, Manitoba R5G1P6
The Southeastern Manitoba Festival offers amateur musicians, dancers and speech performers from across the region the opportunity to perform, attend workshops, compete for awards, and be adjudicated by experts. Each year the Festival hosts hundreds of performances in choral, dance, guitar, instrumental, musical theatre, piano, speech arts, string and vocal categories bringing our participant numbers to over 3,000!
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Southeastern Manitoba Festival
The Icelandic Festival of Manitoba Islendingadagurinn
94 First Ave., Suite 107, Gimli, Manitoba R0C1B1
The Icelandic Festival of Manitoba "Islendingadagurinn" as far as we have been able to determine, is the second oldest continuous ethnic festival in North America. Only an Irish festival held annually in Montreal is a few years older. The first Icelandic festival in North America was held in Milwaukee in 1874. The first Icelandic festival in Manitoba was held in Winnipeg in 1890; was held there annually until 1931, and since 1932 has been held in Gimli.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of The Icelandic Festival of Manitoba Islendingadagurinn
Winnipeg Music Festival Inc
88 St Anne's Road, Unit 2, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2M2Y7
Since its inception in 1919 the Festival has grown in size and scope. The first Festival had 274 entries in the 38 classes offered, with a total of 2500 participants. The 91st Annual Festival, held from March 1 to March 22, 2009, had over 3000 entries in more than 500 classes. Running for 23 days, the festival utilized 11 venues in Winnipeg and engaged 15 adjudicators from across Canada.
Keywords: Festival
· Arts and Culture
Volunteer Profile of Winnipeg Music Festival Inc