Volunteer for Disability Organizations in British Columbia
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Information about Disability Organizations in British Columbia offering volunteer opportunities. You can also view fewer results of Disability Organizations by selecting a specific location in British Columbia or expand your results by changing the province from the menu to the right. Organizations that deal with disabled people are in this category. This includes various age groups such as children or seniors, and usually involves assisting with a degree of independence for the disabled person.
Abbotsford Community Services
2420 Montrose Ave, Abbotsford, British Columbia V2S 3S9
Abbotsford Community Services strives to be an agency that fosters community well-being and social justice through positive action and leadership.
Keywords: Seniors
· Immigrants and Refugees
· Family Support
· Disabled
· Community Services
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Abbotsford Community Services
Aboriginal Physical Activity & Cultural Circle
6520 Salish Drive, Vancouver, British Columbia V6N2C7
The Aboriginal Physical Activity and Cultural Circle (APACC) is a network for Aboriginal people who are involved in Sports, Recreation, Fitness and Traditional Activities. APACC is a registered non-profit organization.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Seniors
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Disabled
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Aboriginal Physical Activity & Cultural Circle
AiMHi - Prince George Association for Community Living
950 Kerry St, Prince George, British Columbia V2M5A3
A cornerstone of our work here at AiMHi is to continually strive to provide the best supports and services to people in the communities we work in, together with the best worksites for our employees.
Keywords: Family Services
· Disabled
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of AiMHi - Prince George Association for Community Living
Association for the Benefit of Children With Disabilities
939 Mount Royal Dr, Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y3M3
ABCD is a non-profit society that provides unique programs for special needs youth and adults which promote a sense of community and positive self identity.
Keywords: Disabled
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Association for the Benefit of Children With Disabilities
BC Aboriginal Network on Disability Society
1179 Kosapsum Crescent, Victoria, British Columbia V9A7K7
The British Columbia Aboriginal Network on Disability Society has been in successful existence for over 20 years. During those years the Society has seen great change and growth as we, as an organization, have matured, increased our capacity and continually gained insight from our clients, Nations, communities and British Columbia's Aboriginal leadership.
Keywords: Health
· First Nation and Aboriginal Peoples
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of BC Aboriginal Network on Disability Society
BC Adaptive Snowsports
780 SW Marine Drive, Vancouver, British Columbia V6P5Y7
BC Adaptive Snowsports (formerly known as Disabled Skiers Association of BC), established in 1973 as a registered, charitable non-profit organization, supports and promotes the sport of adapted skiing and snowboarding as a form of recreation and rehabilitation for all participants, contributing to an overall active and healthy lifestyle for British Columbians.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of BC Adaptive Snowsports
BC Disability Games Society
RPO Valley Centre, Box 56037, Langley, British Columbia V3A 8B3
Each year, BC Disability Sports entrusts a community in British Columbia to organize and manage of the BC Disability Games. For many athletes, the Games represent the most important event of the year. The Games provide an opportunity for novice athletes to experience competition, and for elite athletes to qualify for national and international events, and to serve as role models for other athletes with a disability.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of BC Disability Games Society
BC Pets and Friends Society
306 - 255 West First Street, North Vancouver, British Columbia V7M3G8
Pets Visiting People Pets and Friends brings pet owners and their pets together with care facilities such as senior's care homes, hospitals, and hospices to provide the joy and comfort of pet visits to the residents and patients.
Keywords: Seniors
· Mental Health
· Health
· Disabled
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of BC Pets and Friends Society
BC Wheelchair Basketball Society
780 SW Marine Drive, Vancouver, British Columbia V6P 5Y7
The BC Wheelchair Basketball Society (BCWBS) is a non-profit organization formed in 1983 and registered with Revenue Canada as a charity since 1985.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of BC Wheelchair Basketball Society
British Columbia Centre for Ability
2805 Kingsway, Vancouver, British Columbia V5R 5H9
The BC Centre for Ability provides community-based services that enhance the quality of life for children, youth and adults with disabilities and their families in ways that facilitate and build competencies and foster inclusion in all aspects of life
Keywords: Disabled
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Centre for Ability
British Columbia Lions Society for Children with Disabilities & Easter Seals BC
3981 Oak Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6H4H5
Our Mandate is: to enrich the lives of children in British Columbia and the Yukon by "giving children abilities"
Our Vision is: to continue providing not only specialized services and facilities, but also challenging and supporting young hearts and minds as well. Giving children with disabilities self-esteem, self-confidence and a sense of independence is what our community is all about.
Keywords: Disabled
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of British Columbia Lions Society for Children with Disabilities & Easter Seals BC
Camp Hornby Society
3538 West 43rd Ave, Vancouver, British Columbia V6N3J9
Our camp was founded in 2002 at the request of a group of vision professionals, parents of blind children and other supporters and is open to all qualifying children from British Columbia who are under 21 years of age on the first day of camp. The camp is integrated so campers may attend on their own or with other family members and sighted siblings.
Keywords: Disabled
· Children and Youth
· Camps
Volunteer Profile of Camp Hornby Society
Canadian Blind Sports Association Association canadienne des sports pour aveugles
325-5055 Rue Joyce Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V5R6B2
The Canadian Blind Sports Association is a not for profit association serving individuals who are blind, visually impaired, deaf-blind, or are blind and have additional disabilities; and their families and other supporters.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Blind Sports Association
Canadian Institute for the Relief of Pain and Disability Institut Canadien Pour Le Soulagement De La Douleur Et De L'incapacite
916 West Broadway, Suite 204, Vancouver, British Columbia V5Z1K7
The Canadian Institute for the Relief of Pain and Disability (CIRPD) is a federally incorporated not-for-profit charitable organization founded in 1986, dedicated to the prevention and reduction of pain, pain-related suffering, and disability.
Keywords: Health and Medicine
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of Canadian Institute for the Relief of Pain and Disability
Capital City Volunteers
547 Michigan Street, Victoria, British Columbia V8V1S5
Capital City Volunteers assists isolated seniors and adults with disabilities to stay independent in the community.
Keywords: Volunteer Centres
· Seniors
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of Capital City Volunteers
Community Recreational Initiatives Society
Kelowna, British Columbia V1W3Y7
The Community Recreational Initiatives Society (CRIS) is a unique and powerful non-profit and charitable organization. Through utilizing adaptive equipment, CRIS is able to unite volunteers and people with disabilities to nature.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of Community Recreational Initiatives Society
Cowichan Therapeutic Riding Association
1843 Tzouhalem Road, Duncan, British Columbia V9L5L6
The Cowichan Therapeutic Riding Association provides therapeutic riding and equine-based therapeutic services for persons with disabilities. We promote and facilitate access to horses as a therapeutic alternative, recreational/sport opportunity, and agent of well-being in the lives of all participants. Through the power of the human-equine bond, CTRA brings together individuals, families, and the community in the spirit of healing, inclusion, and human growth.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Disabled
· Animals
Volunteer Profile of Cowichan Therapeutic Riding Association
Cowichan Valley Independent Living Resource Centre Society
321 Coronation Avenue, Duncan, British Columbia V9L2T1
Our legal name is Cowichan Valley Independent Living Resource Centre Society. Cowichan Independent Living is a Registered Non-Profit Charitable Society. We were incorporated in 1990 and have received overwhelming support from the community from the beginning. Our Centre is operated by persons with disabilities for persons with disabilities.
Keywords: Independence
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of Cowichan Valley Independent Living Resource Centre Society
Developmental Disabilities Association
3851 Shell Road, Suite 100, Richmond, British Columbia V6X2W2
The Developmental Disabilities Association is a community living agency that provides over 50 community-based programs and services to children and adults with developmental disabilities and their families in Vancouver and Richmond.
Keywords: Disabled
· Children and Youth
Volunteer Profile of Developmental Disabilities Association
Disabled Sailing Association of British Columbia
3077 Granville Street, Suite 207, Vancouver, British Columbia V6H3J9
Sailing for people with significant physical disabilities got its start in Canada in 1989, when Sam Sullivan used a British-made Sunbird dinghy to launch the first few sails at the Jericho Sailing Centre on English Bay.
Keywords: Sports and Recreation
· Disabled
Volunteer Profile of Disabled Sailing Association of British Columbia